Moisturizing Face Mask
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021

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Moisturizing facial mask provides effective skin care of all types, because without sufficient moisture, the cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis are difficult to saturate with oxygen, cleanse toxins and retain elasticity. And the process of natural regeneration of skin cells with its over-draining becomes extremely problematic.
Moisturizing facial masks are useful and to successfully combat the inevitable aging of the skin, which during the "exploitation" loses moisture and becomes flabby.
Moisturizing face mask is the most effective way to fully hydrate the skin, as well as the most important procedure for caring for different types of facial skin. With the help of moisturizing masks, you can achieve maximum results in that the skin of the face for a long time retained its natural youth, was healthy, smooth, smooth, had a natural shade. It is known, to what the lack of moisture leads, to the thinning of the epidermis and, as a result, the loss of skin elasticity, the appearance of early wrinkles, dryness and sluggishness of the skin. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the quality moisturizing of the face in order to preserve the natural beauty for a long time.
Cosmeticians actively apply such moisturizing face masks, which contain substances that contribute to the preservation of moisture in the skin, restore its elasticity, tightness and elasticity: hyaluronic acid, collagen, alginates and chitosan. However, it is not necessary to resort exclusively to the services of cosmetologists. All sorts of facial masks for moisturizing can be done in normal home conditions with the help of natural ingredients. It is important to simply know about effective recipes that have proven effective.
Moisturizing home face masks
From all the diversity of long and successfully used hand make cosmetics, we have chosen the best moisturizing facial masks.
All recipes for moisturizing facial masks are very simple and do not require any special ingredients or special skills. In addition, such cosmetics are much cheaper than salon procedures, but they are not inferior in efficiency to them, but they are many times superior in their naturalness.
Moisturizing facial mask is able to restore the skin elasticity and elasticity, make it smooth and give freshness. Not always expensive cosmetic products give the desired result. In many cases, masks cooked according to home recipes, become more effective, and besides, they allow you to significantly save money.
When should I use moisturizing masks? First of all, the facial skin needs moisturizing if:
- dry type;
- often flakes, especially during the cold season;
- is in a state of lethargy or tightness;
- often becomes inflamed, itch and blushes, while the complexion worsens (ie, skin avitaminosis is observed);
- is exposed to daily influence of various cosmetic means (a voice-frequency cream, powder, blush, etc.).
Before applying moisturizing masks, you need to determine your skin type, age, additional problems, such as inflammation, skin flaking, hypersensitivity to any ingredients, acne and acne, play an important role. Proceeding from this, it is necessary to select the most suitable recipe of the moisturizing mask.
Home moisturizing face masks are made from natural ingredients (eggs, honey, fruit and vegetable ingredients, berries, oat flakes, dairy products, vegetable oil, etc.). Thus, the skin receives useful substances, trace elements, vitamins, is saturated with moisture contained in fresh fruit and berries juices, acquires a natural shade and is restored. After using home masks, competently matched with the type of skin, the above problems disappear.
Moisturizing face mask with vegetables
Vegetables, used in the form of salad, are much more useful for a good complexion than a shish kebab or a piece of cake ... In addition, vegetables can also be used to prepare moisturizing home face masks.
The leader of vegetable cosmetics, of course, is a cucumber. It's not in vain with a good appearance, complement sounds: "You look like a cucumber." And this despite the fact that the cucumber 96% of water. And the rest - chlorophyll, carotene, vitamins C, B and PP, as well as potassium. Just do not forget that when you cleanse the cucumber from the peel, you lose many of the benefits of this vegetable.
Mask cucumber + sour cream is made from a mixture of two tablespoons chopped cucumber with a tablespoon of thick sour cream. The mask is aged as usual - 15-20 minutes, and then - also in a traditional way - washed with water at room temperature.
A super moisturizing face mask (for any type of skin) is also prepared from a grated fresh cucumber (a couple of tablespoons), to which should be added 5-7 drops of oil solution of retinol (vitamin A) and 2-3 drops of essential anise oil. By the way, an alternative to cucumber in these masks may be a young zucchini small size.
To moisturize oily skin, you need to make a mask of tomato. To make it with a tomato, remove the peel (it is easily removed if the vegetable is covered with boiling water and then with cold water), crush it to a uniform consistency and mix with corn or potato starch - for thickening.
Moisturizing nourishing face mask from carrots is an excellent remedy for dry and normal skin. To make it, you need to squeeze juice from a medium-sized carrot, take two tablespoons of this juice and mix with the other ingredients (on a tablespoon): oatmeal, sour cream and olive oil.
But for those who have dry skin, it will be very useful moisturizing face mask from spinach leaves. Her recipe is this: three tablespoons of finely chopped spinach, pour 50-70 ml of boiled milk and allow time for the greens to soften and then grind into a homogeneous mass. This warm mass is applied to the face for 20 minutes.
Moisturizing face mask with fruits
Juicy fruit pulp is an excellent remedy for moisturizing beauty treatments at home. Recipes of moisturizing face masks on the basis of the most ordinary and more exotic fruits are so simple that they somehow do not fit with the concept of "procedure". And, maybe, that is why women often do not attach much importance to such masks. And completely in vain.
As they say, all ingenious is simple. Eat a banana - leave a piece, mash it with a fork until it mashed and apply to the face for 15 minutes. Here is a banana mask. Want to increase the effectiveness of this mask - add a teaspoon of sour cream to the banana.
Moisturizing face mask made from peach, melon, grapefruit, avocado or kiwi is done according to the same principle. To a fruit pulp turned into a slurry, you can add a few drops of olive oil or raw egg yolk (for dry skin), raw egg white (for oily skin), a teaspoon of liquid honey (for problem skin, but with no allergy to honey) .
Any of these simple fruit-based masks not only moisturizes the skin of the face but also nourishes it.
Moisturizing face mask with honey
Moisturizing face mask for honey + aloe is prepared elementary: it is enough to mix a tablespoon of liquid honey with a teaspoon of juice, squeezed from a leaf growing in the kitchen of a century-old.
In it is possible to prepare a mask honey + an infusion of grasses. To do this, you first have to prepare the infusion of medicinal plants - calendula flowers, chamomile, yarrow, plantain leaves and hop cones (in equal proportions). For 100 ml of boiling water take a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs and infused under the lid for 25 minutes. Another warm infusion (a couple of tablespoons) should be mixed with honey (teaspoon), one raw egg yolk and a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. If the skin is irritated or flaky, replace lemon juice with olive oil.
Moisturizing face mask with cottage cheese
For the preparation of moisturizing home face masks all dairy products are suitable, but the cottage cheese is beyond competition. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B9, B12, C, PP and E; Potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and zinc.
To get a useful mask for moisturizing the skin of the face, you should mix a tablespoon of fresh cottage cheese, with milk, freshly squeezed carrot juice and vegetable (best olive) oil (each ingredient is one teaspoonful). After a uniform distribution of the mixture obtained, it is good to sit down in a comfortable chair in the face or lie down for 20 minutes. And then wash off the mask with lukewarm water. This procedure is sufficient to hold a couple of times a week.
In addition to carrot juice in the composition of this mask, you can enter the flesh of any fruit and berries of your choice, and instead of milk add aloe juice.
Also, moisturizing natural face masks can and should be enriched with essential oils: almond, grapefruit, jasmine, grape seed, rose, avocado, tea tree, lavender, anise, and ylang-ylang, jojoba and patchouli.
In the presence of wrinkles, it is useful to add jasmine and grapefruit oils, if the skin is very dry - patchouli and anise oil, with any type of skin - lavender or geranium oil.
Moisturizing Nourishing Face Mask
Often women face such problems as dryness, lifelessness, lethargy of the skin. For a number of unknown causes on the face may appear a feeling of tightness of the skin. This suggests that the skin lacks nutrition and moisturizing. Especially such a problem is relevant for women "at an age".
Moisturizing face mask, in addition to its main purpose, can also have a nutritional effect, i.e. Provide full nutrition of cells.
Moisturizing nourishing face mask is effective, above all, thanks to the ingredients that make up its composition. Regularly using this cosmetic product, after a few procedures you can notice significant results:
- an unpleasant feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin will disappear;
- small wrinkles are smoothed out;
- the skin of the face will become softer and more elastic;
- the skin relief becomes smoother;
- the complexion will improve, a blush will appear;
- foci of peeling disappear;
- reduce the manifestation of excessive skin sensitivity;
- the contour of the face becomes more clear;
- swelling will come off;
- disappear sagging folds.
As ingredients that moisturize and nourish the skin, fresh berries, juicy fruit, egg yolk are used. Such products contain a whole complex of vitamins and life-giving moisture - components that are simply necessary for a fading skin that suffers from vitamin deficiency.
It is necessary to take into account an important condition for the use of moisturizing and nourishing masks: such skin care products do not have a cleansing or anti-inflammatory effect if they do not contain the appropriate components. It is necessary to use with caution such masks for oily skin, since the yolk, as the main constituent, is able to increase the production of subcutaneous fat.
To date, there are many recipes for nutritional-moisturizing masks, which can be prepared at home. To choose the most suitable, you need to try a few different options. Preliminary it is recommended to conduct a simple test for the detection of irritations or allergies, applying a mixture on the wrist's skin. Each mask should be kept on the face for 15-20 minutes. Below are some of the most popular recipes.
- Universal moisturizing and nourishing mask. For the basis of the mask you need to take the egg yolk and mix it with a 1 ounce spoon of vegetable oil. Then add 5 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mixture, 1 teaspoon of honey, mix all the ingredients with a mixer and add 1 teaspoon of ground oatmeal to the resulting mass (before applying the mask to the skin of the face).
- Smoked plum mask. Under the plums should be kneaded, previously cleaned from the stone and peel. Then mix the plum gruel with the pulp of fresh melon (in equal parts), add the vegetable oil (1 tablespoon).
- Mask on the basis of "Baby cream". Egg yolk should be mixed with 1 teaspoon of "Baby cream", add to the resulting mass of 1 tbsp. A spoon of butter, pre-melted to a liquid state. In the mask, you can add oil vitamins A, E, D.
- Oatmeal mask. First you need to cook oatmeal on milk and in a warm form 1 tbsp. Spoon the porridge mix with the same amount of olive or butter in melted form.
Facial skin requires regular moisturizing and nourishment. Using a mask for this purpose, you can quickly achieve the desired effect and keep the freshness and youth of the face for a long time.
Super Moisturizing Face Mask
In some cases, the skin is so dry that it requires super humidification. This problem is especially important in the summer and winter seasons, when the skin needs additional care. Moisturizing face mask with intensive moisturizing can save the skin from dehydration, peeling and wilting, restore a healthy color to the face, restore its relief and contour.
Super moisturizing face mask - the best option for very dry, flaky, fading and lifeless skin. The secret of such a mask consists in a specially selected complex of active ingredients that penetrate deeply into the subcutaneous layers, activating the work of cells, increasing blood circulation and improving lymphatic drainage. Thanks to a super-moisturizing mask, the facial skin is freed from toxins by alternately expanding and contracting the pores. Thus, the skin is perfectly hydrated and acquires a radiant shade. Naturally, you can buy masks with a moisturizing effect from famous cosmetic brands in specialized perfume shops or beauty salons. But you can try to make a mask with your own hands.
To prepare homemade moisturizing masks, only fresh natural products should be used, without any preservatives or artificial additives. After the first application of the selected super-moisturizing mask, it is necessary to evaluate the result obtained. The ideal mask should have the desired effect after the first procedure. There are recipes for supermasks with a moisturizing effect, which have an instantaneous effect:
- Complex mask for intensive moisturizing. To make it, you need to grind 100 grams of sour cream with egg yolk, add a little lemon peel in the powder and leave the mixture for 15 minutes. Then add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. The mask should be applied to the face with a thick layer and left to dry completely. Rinse off preferably with mineral water or infusion of parsley.
- Egg-honey mask. Yolk from chicken eggs must be grinded with natural honey in melted form (2 tablespoons). In the mask, you can add a few drops of vegetable oil and lemon juice.
- Fruity and curd mask. A tablespoon of fresh cottage cheese should be mixed with the flesh of the fruit (banana, peach, watermelon, orange, mandarin or avocado) and apply to the previously cleansed face. This mask quickly restores dry skin.
- A yeast mask. Dissolve the yeast with warm milk until the formation of gruel and apply to the skin of the face. The mask is effective for excessively dry skin and removes small mimic wrinkles.
Homemade moisturizing masks are easy to prepare from fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, since such products contain active ingredients that can not only restore the water balance, but also saturate the skin with useful vitamins and minerals. At the heart of the super-moisturizing mask can be yogurt or yogurt - these ingredients will restore the skin to youth and beauty.
Indelible moisturizing face mask
Moisturizing face mask does not need to be washed off with water. There are recipes in which you only need to remove the remnants of the mask with a damp cloth or cotton wool.
The indelible moisturizing face mask has an even greater effect, since all the active components that make up its composition penetrate directly into the pores and remain there. Thus, it is possible to achieve maximum results in moisturizing and nourishing the skin.
The following moisturizing masks can be used as indelible:
- Cucumber. Fresh cucumber juice should be mixed with cream, and then add a few drops of rose oil. Blend the mixture lightly until a foam is obtained and apply a thick layer on the face. Remove the remainder of the mask with a damp towel.
- Carrot. Large juicy carrots finely grate and mix with yolk. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin with a thin layer. After 15 minutes. The mask should be removed with usual cotton-like discs moistened with water.
- Herbal. Mixture of chamomile, St. John's wort, cones of hops and millennia (1 tablespoon) pour a glass of boiling water and insist 15 minutes. Infusion strain and add to it 2 whipped yolks, freshly squeezed juice ½ lemon and 1 h. Spoon of honey. The finished mask should be applied a thin layer on the cleansed face skin, and after half an hour, remove the remains with a wet tampon or a towel.
- Watermelon. A couple tablespoons of fresh watermelon juice (you can with the pulp) with interfere with 1 egg yolk, apply on face. Remove with a damp towel.
- Dairy. Mix the milk spoon with the yolk, apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the face, and after 20 minutes. Remnants of the mask are removed with a cotton disc. This mask is ideal for dry skin. For oily skin it is better to use kefir or sour milk.
- Olive. Olive oil (1 tsp) is slightly heated and applied to the face, after 20 minutes. Remove excess with a napkin. This product contains in large quantities lanolic acid, which retains moisture in the skin.
Remove the remnants of indelible masks with neatly soaking movements, without scratching or rubbing the skin. If the skin is too dry, after application of indelible masks, it is possible to use a greasy cream, applying it to the most problematic areas.
Moisturizing algal mask for face
Moisturizing face mask, which contains laminaria, is one of the most effective masks. Algae can reduce the degree of skin secretion, help get rid of acne, dark circles under the eyes, and also smooth wrinkles and reduce swelling of the face. In combination with other natural ingredients (honey, egg whites, orange juice, essential oils, etc.), kelp allows to achieve the most effective results in moisturizing and nourishing dehydrated, dry skin.
Moisturizing algal mask for the face is prepared very easily. To do this, take 2 tbsp. Spoons of algae in a crushed form and mix them with egg white. In the resulting mixture add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of honey and a few drops of freshly squeezed orange juice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a pasty consistency. Before applying the algal mask, the face should be washed with warm water and cleaned with lotion. The mask can be applied not only to the skin of the face, but also to the neck and décolleté area. You can put two pieces of fresh cucumber on the eye to reduce dark circles under the eyes. After 20 minutes, wash the mask with cool water. Moisturized skin will become fresh, radiant and renewed!
Natural moisturizing face masks
Moisturizing face mask should be made of natural ingredients, the beneficial effect of which will promote saturation of cells with moisture and restoration of natural water balance. In addition, this mask nourishes the skin with useful microelements and vitamins.
Apply a mask prepared at home, it is necessary to clean the skin, previously treated with a scrub. The ideal time for maintaining the mask is 15-20 minutes, after which the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm or cool water. In some cases, it is enough to just wet your face with a damp towel. After the procedure, the skin should be lubricated with a moisturizing cream. For dry skin, 2-3 procedures per week are necessary, for oily skin - 1 procedure is enough. To get the most persistent effect, you need to spend a 2-week course of moisturizing masks, which should be repeated after 1.5-2 months.
Natural moisturizing face masks are not recommended to be stored in the refrigerator, they should be used immediately after preparation. Most often the moisturizing mask has a complex effect on the skin, additionally nourishing and toning it. The following are recipes for moisturizing masks from natural ingredients.
- Cottage cheese and vegetable mask. You need to take 1 tbsp. Spoon of chamomile, mint and rowan leaves, mix the ingredients and pour boiling water (100 g). Decoction to insist for half an hour, strain, and then take 1 h. A spoon of the prepared broth and mix it with the same amount of cottage cheese. Mask to put on the face, and the remaining broth can be used as a means for washing.
- Milky-apple mask for moisturizing oily skin. A small apple should be cut into small cubes, pour a glass of milk, and then cook over low heat until a thick slurry is obtained. Cool the mixture on the face and after 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
- Refreshing tomato mask. Ripe tomato fruit should be finely grated, then add starch and a few drops of olive oil to the slurry, mix everything. The mask should be kept for 15 minutes, then rinse off with warm water. Such a product perfectly smoothes, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
In home masks, hyaluronic acid can be added for greater efficacy. For example, you can take kefir or yogurt, add a few drops of hyaluronic acid (0.5%), add egg yolk, grapefruit juice or lemon, mix all the ingredients, and then apply the mask to the skin of the face in an even layer and after 15 minutes. To wash off.
Recipes for moisturizing face masks
With the help of various masks with a moisturizing effect, you can delicately care for the skin, which needs recharge and cellular repair.
Recipes for moisturizing face masks are pretty simple, but at the same time proved in practice their high efficiency. When preparing such masks, products that are most suitable for a particular type of skin are used and help to quickly achieve the desired result. Below are a few recipes for home masks, designed to restore water balance and improve the overall condition of the facial skin.
- Milk-honey mask (very effective for restoring dehydrated skin). For its preparation, it is necessary to mix milk in the same proportions (or another dairy product) and honeycomb. The resulting mixture should be evenly applied to the face, wait 15 minutes. And rinse with warm water. After the procedure, it is recommended to rub the skin of the face with an ice cube. Such components as milk, yogurt, ryazhenka, etc., perfectly tone up and nourish dry skin.
- Intensive moisturizing grape-honey mask. It is necessary to take 1 h. A spoon of honey and mix it with 1 tbsp. L. Grape juice, after which add the yolk, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and the same amount of oatmeal to the resulting mixture. All the ingredients must be mixed thoroughly, and the resulting gruel is applied to the cleansed face and after 20 minutes. Gently rinse with warm water.
- Egg-sour mask (used to quickly moisturize fading skin). Mix egg yolks with sour cream (1 tbsp.), Add some base oil (from peach or grape seeds, olive, etc.) to the resulting mixture - 1 teaspoon. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, apply a prepared mask to the cleansed face, and after 15 minutes. (you can hold it for a longer time, until the mask is completely dry), wash it off with warm water.
- Mustard mask. A teaspoon of dry mustard powder mixed with warm water (1-2 tsp), then add 2 parts of base oil in the resulting gruel. Mask neatly spread on the face with your fingers or with a brush, and then withstand 5 minutes. And rinse with cool water. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to use a fat cream. It is desirable not to overexhibit such a mask and use no more than 1 rub. Per week, tk. Mustard is very aggressive and can cause irritation.
Moisturizing face mask, prepared from fresh natural ingredients, is able to quickly saturate the skin with life-giving moisture and nourish it with useful microelements for restoration and natural radiance.
Professional Moisturizing Face Masks
What is a professional moisturizing facial mask? These are the masks that make in beauty salons. Cosmetologists offer a wide variety of facial masks - both in content and in form: cream and gel, from collagen sheets, from brown alga powder (alginate masks). But among the moisturizing masks the preference is given to creamy and alginate.
Cosmetologists prefer not to share their professional secrets, but we know for sure that professional moisturizing facial masks have oils, vitamins, extracts of medicinal plants, algae, cosmetic clay, hyaluronic acid, and also hydrophilic and lipophilic substances (propylene- and butylene glycols, siloxysilicate, surfactants, ethoxylated fatty alcohols, ethers).
Many of these substances penetrate the epidermal barrier and thereby contribute to the entry of active components of cosmetic masks (as well as creams) through the stratum corneum. For example, the water-retaining synthetic substance 1,2-propanediol (propylene glycol, food additive Е 1520) can be built into the intercellular structures (lipid layers) of the skin, as a result of which moisture enters the horny layer of the skin and lingers there.
Moisturizing face mask for professional use is available ready for salon and home use and has a very effective effect on the skin. Professional masks are used at the end of cosmetic procedures and are recommended for use after peeling, as well as for irritated, tired and fading skin.
Professional moisturizing facial mask for the form of release can be gel or cream, popular are alginate and paraffin masks, mask-films, as well as collagen, fabric, silicone masks. The main condition for the use of industrial masks is their compliance with the type of skin to prevent the reverse effect. Thus, when choosing a professional mask, you must take into account the type of skin - dry, normal, sensitive, fatty or combination.
What are the components of professional masks? First of all, these are active substances that help moisturize the skin and its saturation with oxygen:
- coenzymes,
- hyaluronic acid,
- extracts of plants,
- extracts from algae,
- vitamins and minerals,
- collagen,
- lactic acid, etc.
To achieve maximum effect in the use of professional masks for moisturizing the skin, it is necessary to use such procedures with a course of 8-14 masks.
The number of procedures will depend on the age, skin type and condition.
Moisturizing masks with hyaluronic acid help in restoring water balance and rejuvenating facial skin. Hyaluronic acid improves skin tone, prevents premature aging, retains sufficient moisture and promotes skin elasticity. Plasticizing alginate masks are very popular nowadays, because they have a pronounced lifting effect, and also stimulate metabolic processes and purify the skin of slags. Such masks are unique in that they penetrate very deeply into the skin, filling even the smallest wrinkles, and promote active saturation of cells with moisture. Plasticizing masks increase the elasticity of the skin, smooth small wrinkles, eliminate vascular "sprouts" on the face, stimulate local immunity. Their main purpose is to care for the age-related, problem (fatty, pigmented, couperose), atonic skin, as well as combating itchy dermatoses and preventing early skin aging.
An experienced cosmetologist will be able to assess the skin condition, the degree of its dehydration and choose the most suitable moisturizing mask that combines active ingredients.
But there are many recipes for moisturizing facial masks, which you can make yourself without referring to professional cosmetologists. So, chocolate moisturizing mask is prepared from a mixture of cocoa powder (2 tablespoons), natural honey (1 tablespoon) and a ready-made hydrate cream (1 tsp) suitable for your skin. A well-mixed mass is applied to the face with an even layer and allowed to stand for 20 minutes.
Professional moisturizing face masks, in particular, alginate masks are available in powder form. For example, the French alginate mask (Biogenie Beaute Concept) should be simply mixed with water and the resulting gel applied to the face for a quarter of an hour.
The best moisturizing face masks: Clarins, Avon, Garnier
French cosmetic company Clarins (Clarence) produces a line of moisturizers Multi-Hydratante. Moisturizing face mask Clarins HydraQuench Cream-Mask - is intended for dehydrated skin, regardless of its type. Due to the presence of hyaluronic acid in the composition of tocopherol (vitamin E), and the extract of the bark of the catarrhal tree, this mask acts instantly, helps to improve the quality of the stratum corneum and restores the mechanisms of natural skin hydration. This cosmetic product, improving microcirculation in skin cells, smooths wrinkles, making the skin soft, fresh and smooth.
Well, with vitamin and hyaluronic acid everything is clear, but the cataract tree (Cedrelopsis grevei) grows only in the arid forests of the island of Madagascar. In local traditional medicine, the decoction of the bark of this plant is used as a tonic and antipyretic agent, and essential oil has a restorative and soothing properties.
In accordance with the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI), other ingredients are indicated that contain a moisturizing face mask Clarens: Glycerin, Stearic Acid, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Cyclomethicone, Pentylene Glycol, Cetearyl Ethylhexanoate, Cetyl Alcohol, Ceteareth-12, Titanium Dioxide, Polyacrylamide, Parfum (Fragrance), Tromethamine, Carbomer, C13-14 Isoparaffin, Ethylhexylglycerin, Disodium Edta, Glyceryl Acrylate, Laureth-7, Phenoxyethanol. Among them, one should pay attention to Tromethamine - tromethamine. This organic buffering substance, also known as THAM, is used to increase the permeability of cell membranes. In medicine, it is used as an alternative to sodium bicarbonate (food soda) in the treatment of metabolic acidosis (decrease in blood acidity). Obviously, this substance and provides a quick effect of this mask.
Avon Naturals Nourishing Creamy Mask - contains almond oil, wheat germ oil, kaolin, titanium dioxide, etc. And in the Avon SPA series there is a face mask "Paradise moisturizing" with olive oil and olive leaf extract. It is also indicated that imidazolidinyl urea, panthenol, glycerin, butylene glycol and other chemicals are part of this product.
Garnier mask for face moisturizing - mask of their series "Garnier basic care" - contains vitamin E and grape extract. Extract of grapes has a significant percentage of anthocyanins - polyphenolic antioxidants, which reduce the intensity of lipid oxidation and prevent the destruction of proteins of collagen and elastin fibers of the skin. Garnier face mask moisturizing is available in a tube and in bags (two masks of 6 ml in one foil package). This cosmetic product is intended for oily or prone to oily skin of the face.
The best moisturizing face mask is the mask with which you can make the skin healthy, radiant, fresh and thus quickly achieve the desired results. To this end, often used hygroscopic components - special substances that have the ability to bind water molecules together and keep them deep in the epidermis. First of all, such active components include polyunsaturated acids and various plant substances: for example, algin (a useful polysaccharide extracted from brown algae) and allantoin (an extract made from the root of comfrey grass).
In modern cosmetology, masks are used with biomatrix, based on hyaluronic acid, as well as algae, various enzymes and collagens. With the help of special technology it is possible to produce mask plates, which are called "biomatrix". Initially, the raw material is frozen, and after that the moisture is "pulled out" from the frozen ingredients, then the dehydrated powder is compressed into separate sheets with the help of special equipment. For the mask, a piece of the biomatrix sheet is cut off to the correct size, then superimposed on the cleansed face, and then wetted with water using a sponge, a cosmetic brush or a vacuum spray. The plate quickly becomes saturated with moisture and turns into a gel that adheres to the skin and creates a greenhouse effect: the pores soften and absorb active plant ingredients. After this procedure, the remnants of the mask are removed with a napkin.
One of the best moisturizing masks, which have an intense effect on the skin, can be considered a plasticizing mask, which, in addition to a pronounced moisturizing effect, has a tightening effect. As a result of the use of this mask, the contour of the face improves and the tone of the skin rises. This mask usually includes plasticizers (both natural and synthetic): different plant coagulants, resins, as well as paraffin and pectin. To form an impermeable layer on the skin of the face and reduce the evaporation of moisture from the epidermis surface, lanolin, lecithin or glycerin, as well as silicones, can be added to the mask. Masks with biomatrix and plasticizing masks can be purchased at pharmacies.
In addition to pharmacy, there are home masks that perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin. Moisturizing face mask for intense action - this is the mask that contains fruits, berries, vegetables, vegetable oils, lactic acid products, egg yolks and honey. This "cocktail" of natural ingredients has not only an excellent moisturizing effect, but also healing properties:
- Pumpkin mask. It is an excellent remedy for intensive moistening of even excessively dry skin. To make such a mask you need to weld a pumpkin, finely chop it, and then carefully rub it or beat it until it is mashed. Add in it grated carrots and vegetable oil (preferably - olive) - 1 tbsp. Spoonful of each ingredient.
- Mask from the century (aloe). Take 1 tbsp. A spoonful of fresh juice of a century-old and mix with the same amount of olive oil, and then combine with a 1-hour spoonful of greasy cream.
- Grape and honey mask. Freshly squeezed grape juice should be mixed in equal proportions with natural buckwheat honey. The finished liquid must, as it should, soak the gauze napkin, and then impose it on the face.
- Cucumber-sour cream mask. For its preparation, use 3 tbsp. Spoons of crushed cucumber and 2 tbsp. Spoons of sour cream. Fresh cucumber well grind, and then mix with sour cream.
In comparison with other cosmetic procedures, masks have a number of advantages: ease of use in combination with high performance.
Reviews of moisturizing face masks
Among those who leave their feedback about moisturizing face masks on the Internet pages of cosmetic topics, most women prefer natural products for skin care. And this is natural. Although some write that because of the high employment they have absolutely no time to do moisturizing home face masks and have to buy ready-made.
A moisturizing face mask can work wonders, and this is claimed by many women on Internet forums. To get the maximum effect from such a mask, you need to remember some important nuances:
- Before the procedure for the application of a moisturizing mask, it is recommended to clean the face with a peeling or scrub.
- The optimal time for aging on the face of the mask with a moisturizing effect is 15-20 minutes.
- Remains of the mask should be removed with a paper towel or a damp towel; if the mask is rinsed off under running water, it can completely remove the protective layer that retains moisture.
- After the procedure for applying a moisturizing mask in case of excessively dry skin, it is recommended to moisten the face with a fat cream.
- Apply moisturizing masks need no more than 2-3 times a week to care for dry skin and 1 time - to care for oily skin.
- Prepare the moisturizing mask before using it directly.
- Masks made from fresh products at home should not be stored in the refrigerator.
Reviews of moisturizing face masks are almost always positive, and this applies to both salon and shop masks from popular cosmetic brands, and home masks, for the preparation of which use natural products and fresh ingredients.
However, more and more reviews that the replacement of purchased cosmetics by households is beneficial to the skin. This also applies to such a popular means as a moisturizing face mask with natural products.