Mask from starch for face
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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At all times, the woman sought to look stunning. Some representatives of the fair sex are ready to make many sacrifices in order to delay their youth. After all, youth is a subjective category. She is not in the number of years lived. This is the combined sensation of the soul and the actual state of the skin. And, it turns out, there is absolutely no need to pay crazy money in elite specialized salons to raise the tone of your skin. It can be done at home, in a comfortable environment, using old and new grandmother's recipes. One of these can be a mask of starch for the face, which helps to maintain beauty and prolong youth, knowing the fair sex representatives, already for more than one decade.
Use of a mask from starch for the skin
High nutritional - septic properties of starch have been known for a long time, but only in recent years, facial masks from the starch, due to their quick efficiency and accessibility, become very popular. All new and new representatives of the fair sex discover the most ordinary starch from potatoes. He shows an excellent result in the fight with his losing fresh skin and wrinkles - marks of past years.
Some respondents are ready to agree that the use of a mask from starch for skin is identified with the newfangled by today Botox injections. Such parallels are, of course, an exaggeration, but there is a rational grain in the utterance. Masks and scrubs with the use of starch make the skin more silky and elastic, fine wrinkles are smoothed, making the skin supple and youthful. Many cosmetics of the world's leading brands, sometimes, are not able to boast such a result, which provides an inexpensive food product.
Starch is one of the few home remedies that can be used to improve the resistance of the epidermis to any type of skin. Such efficiency is possible due to the composition. In starch you can find:
- Vitamin C is one of the main components of youthful skin, the strongest antioxidant and immunostimulant.
- Vitamins belonging to group B - a sufficient number of them provokes increased production of elastane, which is involved in the regeneration of young cells of the epithelium.
- Vitamin PP - deficiency of this vitamin in the human body can cause various diseases of dermatological nature, which does not add beauty and youth to our face.
- Calcium:
- Has anti-inflammatory characteristics.
- Strengthens the skeletal cells.
- Regulates muscle contraction and secretion secretion hormonal secretions.
- Regulates the process of blood coagulation and hydro exchange.
- Participates in metabolism.
- Reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels.
- Potassium - promotes normal metabolism in the body.
- Phosphorus - promotes the normal course of energy processes in cells.
- Iron:
- Increases the body's immune forces.
- Promoting the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
- Activates hematopoiesis.
- Protects against the "aggression" of pathogenic flora.
- It removes toxins and salts of heavy metals.
- Carbohydrates are a product that is also necessary for normal nutrition of the epidermis, along with fats and proteins.
The advantage of scrubs and masks based on conventional potato starch is that the result of the procedure can be seen after the first use. The skin becomes tender and pleasant when touched. Enough a small course to disappear minor mimic folds, and the shade became smooth and healthy, the pigmented spots left.
What result can be expected with the regular use of a mask from starch for the face with different types of epidermis?
Sensitive type of skin (for this type of skin it is difficult to find a suitable cosmetic product, starch is just from them):
- There is a withdrawal of irritating symptoms.
- Nutrition and maintenance of the water-salt balance of the epidermis, including its deep layers, are observed.
The pores are dilated, the skin is oily, problematic:
- An unhealthy shine goes off.
- The pores are sanitized and narrowed.
- The activity of inflammatory processes decreases - the skin "calms down".
Dry type of skin:
- The feeling of tightness disappears.
- Starch has an exfoliating effect, removing dead skin fragments.
- The epidermis is saturated with moisture.
- Additional skin nutrition, penetrating and deep layers of the epidermis.
Withering skin - mainly for this type of active use of cosmetics derived from conventional potato starch.
- Effective lifting of the skin.
- Elements of rejuvenation.
- Smoothing of small mimic wrinkles.
- The aging skin becomes more elastic, elastic, the shade loses its dullness and acquires an even, healthy tone.
Recipes for masks from starch for face
Before embarking on any cosmetic procedure, it is worth familiarizing yourself with those simple rules, the implementation of which will invariably improve the effectiveness of the procedure.
- It is necessary to thoroughly clean the area on which the cosmetic will be applied.
- The product is applied to a slightly moistened surface.
- The mask is kept on the face for 15 minutes, after which it is removed with the help of warm water (if the mask is formulated on an oil base) and cool (if the oil is not included).
- One course usually consists of 10 to 14 masks.
- Do not get carried away, two or three procedures will suffice for a week.
In fact, there are no restrictions on the number of procedures used. This is just a recommendation, because it is the procedures that allow you to achieve the maximum expected result. I am glad that starch does not have any contraindications to the use. Allergic reactions to this product were not noted. The only restriction of the use of any mask is the presence on the face of epithelial injuries (wounds, cuts, sores).
And now we will consider in more detail recipes of masks from starch for the face. They are so diverse that any woman here will find one that is absolutely right for her.
First you need to get the base, on the basis of which all the masks are prepared. The recipe is simple. It is enough to dilute one - two tablespoons of potato starch with a small amount of milk or plain clean water. Must be a consistency of sour cream. Even this is enough to get a positive result when using the composition in the form of a mask, but all sorts of auxiliary additions will give the basis even more useful characteristics.
- The nourishing and moisturizing mask has proved to be very good: take a teaspoon of starch, liquid honey, yogurt (preferably if it is a product without additives and dyes) and on the tip of a turmeric knife. 15 minutes is enough to activate the regeneration of the skin at the cellular level.
- Slightly flabby and saggy skin can be tightened by mixing one tablespoon of starch and the same amount of kefir, to introduce into the protein mixture of one egg. The aging time is classical. We wash off from the surface of the face with cool water.
- If there are problems with even face tone, then help with this problem will help such a composition: one part of freshly squeezed lemon juice is mixed with two parts of starch. Due to the presence of lemon juice, keep the mask on the face surface for no more than ten minutes. Wash with cold water, then, to reduce irritation, apply a small layer of soothing soothing cream.
- To get an anti-aging effect, you should try to mix the same part of the cocoa powder and starch, and add a few drops of rosehip oil to the mixture. Such a composition is pleasant on the skin and it will be enough for 20 minutes to get a visible result.
- A good cleansing result can be obtained and after the course of "treatment" such a scrub mask: two parts of baking soda and starch and one part of the coffee grounds - all the ingredients are mixed. If the skin is oily, then for a mask this will be enough, if the skin is dry, then you need to introduce olive oil. The resulting cosmetic product is applied to a slightly moistened surface, lightly massaging for one minute. Ten minutes is enough. Wash your warm water.
- If the epidermis is excessively greasy, exaggeratedly enlarged pores are observed, in this case it is necessary first to obtain a paste, dissolving a couple of spoons of starch with high-temperature water. In the resultant viscous substance, enter half a tablespoon of oatmeal and a little pre-whipped protein. All the ingredients are well mixed and for a quarter of an hour to put on the skin of individuals, then wash.
- To saturate the dry skin of the face with nutrients, it is necessary to mix well the yolk of one egg, a tablespoon of starch and half of the dosage of olive oil starch. A quarter of an hour is enough to get an unforgettable effect.
- To soften and saturate the nourishing skin of the face, this composition is perfect: to combine in equal proportions milk, starch and butter (vegetable and creamy, also works with any other aromatic natural oil). It is enough to apply the mixture for a quarter of an hour, then remove it with water.
- If it is necessary to remove or reduce the intensity of pigment spots or freckles, it is worth using such a mask: in equal parts mix starch and a five per cent solution of hydrogen peroxide. Keep on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse first with a warm water with a few drops of lemon juice, then wash more thoroughly.
- If a person is endowed with sensitive skin, and it is problematic to wash his face with soap. In such a situation, starch diluted in water at the rate of a liter of liquid per teaspoon of loose matter will come to the rescue. Such a solution can be safely applied daily for washing. After such procedure the person will lose the former dryness, become velvety and well-groomed.
- Skin is characterized by increased sensitivity, on the face there is hyperemia or reaction to the stimulus, then this mask is just a find. We take all the ingredients in a one-to-one ratio: dry yeast for baking, fresh milk and starch. First, combine the yeast and milk, leave them for a while to come, then enter the last ingredient. A highly effective cosmetic product is ready and perfectly removes inflammation, reduces irritability of the skin.
- In the summer, your skin can be pleased with berries. A handful of raspberries are mashed into a gruel, after which the starch is introduced. Such a composition will be acceptable for any skin type, including mixed zone combinations.
- If the skin starts to lose its former freshness, the combination of ingredients can stop the withering process: take starch and salt in a combination of two to one, mix. Gradually introduce milk, the temperature of which is slightly higher than room temperature. Bring to the state of gruel. In the resulting "puree" add one piece of natural honey. It is desirable that it was a liquid consistency, so it will be easier to mix. This beautiful scrub - mask is applied to a cleaned face. The movements of the fingers should be soft, but massaging. The mask is applied to the main lines of the face, the movements are rubbing. Leave on the surface for about twenty minutes, then remove with warm water. It turns out a good lifting effect.
- The following composition shows simply unique results. Regular masks from this combination of ingredients make it possible to get rid of small wrinkles and slightly smoothen larger ones, give the skin covering elasticity and elasticity, and improve the complexion. Primarily in 100 ml of water at room temperature, we dilute a tablespoon of potato starch, after which a small trickle, constantly stirring, pour half a liter of boiling water. Then transfer the vessel to a small fire and, stirring, make a paste (the composition should thicken). We put the plates on the side and let them cool down a bit, then add a tablespoon of sour cream, as well as freshly squeezed carrot juice in an amount of about five tablespoons. Apply to a clean surface and soak with a mask for up to half an hour. At the end of time, wash and lubricate the epidermis with a nutritious cream that is suitable for your type. First, the mask should be applied daily for three days - this will allow you to quickly come to the desired result. Subsequently - every three days. Then the effect will be maintained. Prepared, but not fully used, the composition should be kept in the refrigerator.
Face mask from protein and starch
If you look into the fridge of any hostess, there you can find many products that will be useful to our skin. The most, perhaps, simple and cheap option, but no less useful, is a face mask made from protein and starch. These two products are always at hand and while preparing dinner, why not cook a masochku and not improve your skin. This will take a minute, and the result will not be long in coming. To the arrival of guests and the table is covered, and the hostess feels beautiful and rejuvenated.
Here are a few recipes for facial masks from protein and starch with other additional ingredients.
- This mask perfectly nourishes the cells of the epidermis, cleans and fills them with moisture. After its application, the skin becomes soft and elastic, acquires a healthy shade. Great for all skin types.
Composition: Potato starch - tablespoon Kefir - tablespoon Egg - one piece
Smash the egg and divide the yolk with protein. Protein thoroughly grind. In a separate container, stir the potato starch and fermented milk product, then introduce egg white. The mask is ready for use. It is enough 10 - 15 minutes to feel a difference in tactile changes of an integument. After the procedure, wash with water at room temperature. It is enough two to three times a week to keep the skin in good condition.
- If a person covers an acne - this is not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also dangerous. It is worth accidentally catch a pimple, and the gate for infection is open. This composition will be an indispensable assistant in the case of oily and problem skin. Antiseptic characteristics of the mask make it possible to reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, sanitize and somewhat narrow the pores, saturate the epidermis with nutrients.
Potato starch - tablespoon Tea tree oil - five drops Egg - one piece
Smash the egg and divide the yolk with protein. Protein whisk thoroughly, bringing to a thick foam. Put the starch in the container, mix thoroughly and add a little aromatic oil. A few minutes before the application of the medical layer, the skin of the face must be cleaned. On a dry epidermis, apply a thin layer of the resulting composition and leave for a quarter of an hour. Rinse with cool water. It is enough three - four masks during a week to not suppose an inflammation and irritation of integuments of the face.
- This mask is perfect for people who have a fat and problematic epidermis. Such a combination of useful ingredients will promote the nourishment of the cells of the face, stop inflammation and irritation, sanitize the pores and make them less visible, the unhealthy fatty shine will disappear, and the skin will acquire a healthy shade.
Potato starch - tablespoon Aloe juice - one teaspoon Egg - one piece
In the egg, separate the protein and beat it well. Take an aloe leaf. It is desirable that this is a plant that is not less than three years old - it has already gained the strength that is so necessary. Remove the peel from the leaf, and grind the middle. Use gauze to get juice. In the container to enter the starch and constantly stirring to pour the egg white, then introduce the juice of aloe. All the mix well. Apply a thin layer on the previously cleaned face and hold for 7-10 minutes. After time, wash with water at room temperature. It will be sufficient to use this mask once or twice a week.
- This combination of components can perfectly support the epidermis with high fat content (fatty skin type). The mask leads to a normal skin condition, removes unhealthy fatty gloss, cleans and reduces pores, brings nutrients not only into epidermal cells, but also deeper structures. The skin gets the effect of a small lifting.
- Potato starch - tablespoon Boiled water - 0,5 l Tolochno - one tablespoon Cold water - 100ml
- Egg - one piece
Smash the egg and separate the protein and get thick foam from it. With cold water dilute potato starch. Composition pour into enameled dishes and place on a small fire. The mixture must be constantly stirred by pouring boiled water into it. Keep on the stove until thick. Set aside on the edge and wait until it has cooled to a warm state or room temperature. After that, introduce protein and oatmeal. Mix everything - the mask is ready for use.
Before application, cleanse and dry the face. Apply the resulting composition with a thick layer and hold for 15-20 minutes. This procedure can be done two to four times during the week. It is better to rinse with warm water. After the procedure, the nourishing cream is not applied.
Facial mask of starch and banana
Lifting is a procedure for tightening, cleaning and effectively rejuvenating the skin. Today it can be found in price lists of all beauty salons and this service is by no means cheap. So what do women (and men) who want to feel attractive and try to keep their youth, but do not have a lot of money? Nature will come to the rescue. She is rich and generous, and a person needs only to take advantage of her wealth. Nutritious mask we can find in our refrigerator or on supermarket shelves. Face mask from starch and banana - cheap, fast and efficient.
- Nutritional composition with a tightening effect.
It is necessary to peel off a banana of medium size. Ripe the flesh with a fork or blender in a gruel. Take potato starch in a volume equal to the volume of the resulting banana puree and mix everything well. Vessel with the composition for five to ten minutes, leave it to stand, pre-covered with food film or lid. After that, the mask is ready for use.
Wash the face well and pat dry with a towel. Mask a small layer on a clean surface and hold for twenty to twenty-five minutes. In order for the effect to be more palpable, our grandmothers, after imposing a mask, applied polyethylene on top and then a clean towel or towel to keep the process warm.
After the procedure is completed, remove the remainders of the nutrient composition with cotton swabs, and then wash with hot water. To improve the result of the cosmetic procedure, the face is preferably wiped with a tissue moistened with freshly squeezed aloe juice. In this case, it is better to take a young leaflet of this unique plant. Sufficient to maintain the necessary effect will use this mask two to three times throughout the week. The recommended course of therapy is three months. A few procedures are sufficient to assess the significant difference: before and after therapy.
- Mask for the epidermis, which has a dry or normal texture.
In a deep bowl, bring to the creamy state the pulp of one ripe banana. In banana puree, add one or two teaspoons of fatty confectionery cream (if you can not find such, 10% or 15% will do) and a small amount of potato starch. All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly. We control the viscosity of the composition with starch. Lastly, add the melted cinnamon on the tip of the knife. For greater efficiency, you can include your imagination and add a few drops of aromatic essential oil. You can choose any butter that you like better by first acquainting yourself with its properties. The composition should be a pasty mixture.
Apply a thin layer of the mask to the skin of the face, previously cleaned and dried with a napkin. Face warm, as in the first case, first with a food film, and on top put a towel or napkin and sit like this for fifteen to twenty minutes. After that, clean the surface with warm water. To improve the result, it is not superfluous to wipe the face with ice, which was made on the basis of pre-brewed green tea. To fix the obtained effect, this mask should be done at least one procedure in seven days, the recommended duration of the course of therapy is two to three months.
Reviews of facial masks from starch
A person does not care how he looks, but for the skin to be young and healthy, this requires some effort. A minimum of strength, time and money, with a stunning result - it's facial masks based on starch with the introduction of various additional ingredients. If you have not yet decided which recipe to start with, read the reviews on the starch masks for the face of those people who had the opportunity to experience their healing power. And then, to find your own, it's worth starting from the very beginning and trying out different options and combinations.
"Walking" on the sites of the World Wide Web and talking to people who have tried these masks on themselves, you can only come to this conclusion. Mask of starch for the face is an invaluable gift, presented to us by nature. All the reviews are endowed with enthusiastic exclamations, and the respondents agree in one: "After such masks the skin of the face becomes healthier, the problematic manifestations disappear. There is a feeling that several years have fallen from my shoulders. " Hence the psychological benefits. A woman feels like a queen, therefore, the mood is beautiful, and the quality of life rises.
Try and you. Those who ventured to do so, judging by their responses, did not regret a second.
It should be noted. That it is necessary to choose a composition that is suitable for the type of skin that is observed in a person who wants to rejuvenate.
Therefore, communicate more, be interested in reviews of facial mask masks from others and share your experience. Only so you can find what you are looking for.
Life is beautiful and we deserve to look like queen or kings in it. At least partially regain our youth or just solve some problems of dermatological nature will help mask from starch for the face. Its simplicity and availability, amid extraordinary efficiency, is just a find for those who can not afford to visit expensive luxury beauty salons. Dare, try, pick up options and component combinations. This is not only interesting, but also useful. Glad your face with a nourishing mask and reflection in the mirror will not disappoint you.