Mask of yogurt for face
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021
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Mask of kefir for the face is a simple, effective and financially-accessible method of skin care of a face of any type. This product is popular and often found in home cosmetic recipes.
Milk protein, yeast, calcium - this is only a few components of a sour milk drink, and a lot of it. And they all benefit. Mask of kefir for the face is often used, because it consists exclusively of natural and nutritious substances. Purification, narrowing of pores, nutrition and even rejuvenation are the results of using masks with this sour-milk product. Kefir does not happen much! As a cosmetic remedy they are recommended to use regularly. The result of using the mask from kefir appears almost immediately after the first application.
Benefits of kefir for skin
Kefir - a source of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire human body. The benefits of kefir for the skin, gastrointestinal tract and hair are simply enormous. Bacteria, microelements, milk proteins purify, nourish, tone the skin. Mask of kefir for the face will help to make the skin much softer and healthier in appearance. Kefir helps to make freckles less visible, helps to cope with excessive pigmentation. Fatty face skin nourish and clean, and more dry - moisturize.
Recipes of masks from kefir for the face
Recipes of masks from kefir for the face are tested not by one generation, they are transmitted from great-grandmothers, moms, from girlfriends and colleagues. To explain this, of course, is simple - a mask made from yogurt for the face has useful properties and great efficiency. Here are a few recipes that are most popular and effective.
The recipe for a mask for skin, which is characteristic of peeling:
- two st. Spoons of sour-milk drink of high fat content are mixed with one teaspoon of olive oil and half of one chicken yolk. Apply a thick layer, hold 25 or 30 minutes and rinse.
Recipe masks from kefir for a skin with a fat gloss:
- should make a decoction of chamomile and sage and mix in equal proportions with kefirchikom, add starch (as much as other elements). All the ingredients mix well and put on the face. Quietly lie down for twenty minutes and wash it off.
Mask with yogurt and cocoa
Cocoa is such a product that finds its application in many spheres of human life. Cosmetologists did not deprive him of attention. Cocoa powder is used as a constituent element of maca to nourish the skin. Mask of kefir for the face with cocoa is done this way - a sour milk drink (3-4 tablespoons) is mixed with cocoa powder (1-1,5 teaspoons). With your fingertips put a mask on your face and leave 20 or 30 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. This mixture allows you to get rid of fine wrinkles and completely improves the look of the skin, and the smell of cocoa relaxes. Such a mask can often be used.
Mask of eggs and yogurt
Dry facial skin requires careful and thorough care. Different means of care should not annoy her at all. To help such skin, make it healthier and moisturize, a mask of yogurt for a face with an egg will suit. An acidic milk drink, as part of this mask, will moisturize and nourish the skin, and the egg yolk will make it taut and more elastic. For such a mixture, approximately two st. Spoons of fresh yogurt, yolk and at will - a little bit of butter (olive). The resulting gruel is applied with a cosmetic brush and periodically updated (when it dries up). It should be held about twenty minutes.
Mask with yogurt, cocoa and egg
A mask of kefir for the face with cocoa and egg will help to tighten, smooth and improve the skin of the face. All components of this product have useful properties and are full of vitamins. To properly prepare such a mask, you need to combine a medium-fat sour milk drink (slightly warm) with cocoa powder, egg whites, which is brought down to a light foam. It will take kefir approximately 4 table spoons, cocoa - 1 tea and one protein. Before use, wash with soapy water or thoroughly wipe the face with infusion of herbs. The mixture lasts 25 minutes and then is washed off with warm water. The effect will please - the skin is matte, without irritation, healthy in appearance.
Mask with yogurt and yeast
Each type of facial skin can be monitored using a sour milk drink. It's no secret that oily skin is characterized by enlarged pores, which look unpleasant, and shine does not give confidence. Help to solve these small problems can mask from kefir for the face with yeast. It is necessary to take one art. A spoonful of baking fresh yeast, about 50 milliliters of kefir and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Thoroughly mix the gruel until foam appears. The mixture is applied by a cotton disc for ten to fifteen minutes. To remove it must also be a disc that is moistened with a warm decoction of herbs or just water. Purified and tight pores will be an excellent result.
Mask with yogurt and mustard
Increased pigmentation of the skin, of course, does not give you confidence, sometimes develops complexes. But with this trouble you can fight. Sour milk drink in the mask moistens, nourishes, and mustard - cleans, bleaches. If you want to achieve even greater effect, you can add fresh parsley greens. And so, we take two st. Spoons of fatty yogurt and add to it 1 teaspoon of dry mustard (powder), if desired - 1 st. L. Crushed green parsley. All the well should be mixed and applied to the face and neck for 20 or 25 minutes. Such a mixture can be used on the skin of the eyelids. Wash off with warm water, then apply moisturizer.
Mask of yogurt and honey
Honey and yogurt are natural products, combining which you can take care of the skin of the face, head and body. To nourish and preserve youth, a mask of kefir for the face with honey is recommended. To prepare the mixture, you must take three parts of a sour milk drink and two parts of honey. Mix well and apply a mask on the face, you can get wet a clean napkin and put on your face, periodically dipping it into the mixture. Keep recommended 15 - 20 minutes. This mixture is washed off with cool water, which causes a narrowing of the pores. The result of using this mask will be a pleasant and soft skin, without inflammation and flaking. An acidic drink will help get rid of dead cells, and honey will eliminate irritations.
Mask of yogurt and bread
Bread is not only a delicious, nutritious product, but also a cosmetic. This applies to kefir. If you combine these two products, you get a useful cleansing mask from kefir for the face with bread. Especially such a mixture is suitable for oily skin. The best option is rye bread. He should take two small pieces, pour cold kefir and give a little bit to stand up. Then rub the spoon to a homogeneous gruel. For the nutritional effect, the mask of kefir and bread is made with a spoonful of honey. The mask is applied for fifteen minutes and then washed with warm water. This means to clean the oily skin, eliminate the unpleasant greasy shine.
Mask of oatmeal and yogurt
Combined skin is characterized by the fact that it combines parts of oily skin with normal or even dry skin. This feature makes it very attentive to it, so as not to moisten the grease even more, and do not dry it dry. An excellent care for the skin of this type will be a mask of kefir for the face with oatmeal. Oat flakes are very well purified and at the same time nourish the skin. To make a mask of oatmeal and yogurt, take 5 tbsp. Spoon of a slightly warmed sour-milk drink and pour oat flakes. It can be the smallest flakes or oatmeal. If there is no allergy to honey, then you can add it (somewhere one teaspoonful). Set aside for five minutes, then the mask is ready for use. Apply it to clean skin and leave it for 15 or 20 minutes. Then rinse with cool water.
Mask from acne from kefir
Acne is just a nightmare for every fair sex (as in other things and for a strong reason). Modern cosmetology offers many tools and procedures for their treatment and elimination. But you can also treat the skin from acne at home, using a mask from acne from kefir. Thiamine, which is a part of the sour milk drink, allows you to remove irritations and soothe the problem skin. Pyridoxine also treats acne and acne. Mask of kefir for the face against acne is especially effective at night. Cosmetologists recommend applying the mixture not too thick layer on the face and hold 15 minutes. Then wipe off the wiping movements. This mixture dries pimples, prevents the appearance of new ones, removes irritation and redness. Such a mask should be done every evening, and after several procedures the skin condition will noticeably improve.
Mask with yogurt and cinnamon
Cinnamon is not only a fragrant spice, but also an excellent means of caring for the skin of the body, face. It can be used as masks, combining with various elements. Cinnamon gives the skin a healthy beautiful color, helps to maintain youth, improves metabolism at the cellular level. Mask of yogurt for face and cinnamon is suitable for all skin types. Just need to pay attention to the percentage of fat in a sour-milk drink. To prepare the mask take 3 tbsp. Spoon kefir and incomplete teaspoon cinnamon powder, mix. For the nutritional effect, you can add a little honey, and to clean 1 tablespoon oatmeal. The resulting mixture is applied for 10 minutes. When rinsing, the skin can be slightly massaged.
Mask of lemon and yogurt
Lemons are unique fruits, useful as a food product and as a component of cosmetics. Lemons strengthen the vessels, help rejuvenate, cleanse the skin of the face and body. Mask of yogurt for the face is a great way to care for the skin of high fat content. This mask is prepared from a low-fat sour-milk drink, which, in combination with a lemon, further narrows the pores. It is necessary to take three table spoons of kefir and mix with 10 drops of fresh lemon juice. As an astringent and drying agent you can take a tablespoon of starch. Mix thoroughly and put on cleansed face and neck. It should be held for about 20 minutes and washed with warm water, and then washed with cool water.
Mask made of clay and kefir
Clay, as a source of various minerals - silicon, aluminum, manganese - has found wide application in cosmetology. Clay helps to solve all kinds of skin problems. White clay possesses regenerating and restoring properties, helps to cope with oily and problem skin. A mask made of clay and kefir is prepared as follows: it is necessary to take one st. A boat of clay white and add to it a little sour milk product to get a thick creamy gruel and at the end add a spoon of orange juice and mix well. The mixture is applied with a fairly thick ball and holds until completely dry. For oily skin, this mask will give a drying and tonic effect.
Mask made of sour kefir
Kefir is a very good remedy for caring for the skin of the neck, face. It is perfectly combined with other components, providing a beneficial effect. The sour milk product even in its sour form has useful properties. Mask of sour kefir is most suitable for care and cosmetic procedures for oily skin. The fatter the skin, the more sour it can be sour-milk drink. To sour the drink put in a warm place for several days. Then it is applied with a cotton disc on problematic areas or completely on the face skin and held for 20 or 30 minutes. After that, you should wash yourself with cool water.
Mask with gelatin and yogurt
Gelatin has found its place in cosmetology and is widely used at home. Mask with gelatin and yogurt will help get rid of black spots, narrow pores and give a healthy look to the skin of the face. To prepare the mixture, take two tablespoons of gelatin and pour it with three tablespoons of sour milk drink. The resulting mixture should be put on a water bath, in order for gelatin to dissolve. Before applying the mask with gelatin, it is necessary to wipe the face with a tonic or a lemon slice. The mask is applied with a brush, and after drying the next layer is applied, until the mixture is finished. According to cosmetologists - the thicker the mask, the more noticeable the effect. After full drying, let it stand for another five minutes and remove. This mask will perfectly clean the pores, and the surface of the skin will be smooth and gentle.
Clarifying mask of yogurt
When pigmented spots on the face, or unpleasant skin color, people recommend using a bleaching mask from kefir. To prepare this mask you need a fresh drink in the amount of 2 tablespoons and a half of a small cucumber. The cucumber should be finely grated and combined with a sour milk product to a uniform state. Apply a similar mask a thin layer on the entire face, except the area around the eyes. Keep recommend about 15 or 20 minutes. Clearing mask of kefir is suitable for all skin types, but for dry skin it is recommended to use only on problem areas. If you do this mask often (three times a week), you can get a noticeable whitening result.
Reviews of the mask of yogurt
There is a huge variety of masks from kefir. All of them promise a tonic, cleansing, nourishing, whitening or other effect. In this case, the sour-milk drink is combined with other equally useful components. And if you analyze the reviews about the mask of kefir, then most users are just delighted with the effect. All such masks are suitable, they are available, do not require large financial costs, because they consist of products that are always in every house. Mask of kefir for the face has no contraindications, may not be suitable or give allergic reactions only auxiliary elements.