How to wean a child by hand?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Before weaning the child at hand, we need to ask ourselves the question: in what cases does the baby ask for his hands? Because not in all cases the child must be weaned from the hands, sometimes the mother's or father's hands are real salvation for the baby. For example, when a child is sick.
The reasons for the fact that the child asks for help
A child can ask for help for five reasons. Hunger, wet diapers, uncomfortable air temperature, pain and lust for communication.
If the child is hungry, you just need to feed him. While the child is not yet a year old, he can eat a lot and often, especially in the first month, when the baby's eating habits are just forming. But provided that the child gorges on during feeding, he may want to eat no earlier than 2.5 - 3 hours - this is the interval between the feeds, which must be observed, at least in the first six months of the child's life.
True, if a mother has little milk or a child is not sucked, he can ask for food every hour. And then feeding can help to wean the kid from the hands - in fact the main goal, the hunger satisfaction, is fulfilled.
Wet Diapers
It's enough just to change diapers or diapers. And then the child simply will not cry anymore, ask for help - he will not have to do it. Changing diapers, you need to pay attention to whether the child has an intertrigo that disturbs the tender skin of the baby. After each change of the baby's diapers, it is necessary to wash and wipe dry, so that the skin does not become irritated and does not blush. It is desirable to lubricate every crease on the legs of the child with baby oil or baby powder. Then the child will not be bothered by pain and he will not have a reason to ask for help.
Poor temperature conditions
Due to the temperature changes, the baby, especially the baby, can often cry and ask for help. Especially often this is due to overheating. For a baby of the first year of life, overheating is much more uncomfortable than hypothermia. Many grandmothers and mothers do not understand this and overly wrap the child or raise the temperature in the house to unimaginable figures. Their goal is that the baby does not catch a cold and get sick. But they achieve the opposite effect. The child overheats, cries because of discomfort and then a long time ill. Increasing palpitations, difficulty with breathing, nervous overexcitation of the baby - that's what parents achieve, overheating it unnecessarily.
Therefore, in the baby's room there should be a thermometer, and on it - no more than 25 degrees for a child up to a month old, and not more than 24 degrees for a child up to three months. It's afternoon. And at night the temperature in the room of the newborn should not be more than 22 degrees.
If the child's room has a normal temperature, he will not cry and ask for handles, unless there are other reasons for concern.
The kid got sick
If so, the child will cry continuously and even the fact that you take it in your arms can not help. In this case, the child can not be ignored. Keep it in your arms for as long as it takes to keep the kid feeling protected. In this situation, a doctor's consultation is needed. If it does not exist, parents can not navigate the situation and deprive the baby of timely assistance.
Need for communication
If the baby wants to communicate more with adults (as a rule, it happens starting from three months old), you need to support him in this. But this does not mean that the baby does not need to get out of hand and run for every cry. Simply the child is sociable, and for parents there should not be more important lessons than to communicate with your baby.
You can hold him for a few minutes in his arms. And then, if the child is full, dry and not sick, he can play with you around, crawling on the floor or being near, in a stroller or a manege. If the child sees that the father or mother is nearby, he will not become worried and will gradually learn to play on his own.
The kid should have fun and games that suit him by age. For a baby, these can be bright toys suspended over a crib. For an older child - dolls, rabbits, and so on - something that he can play with interest. Independent play can begin in the child after 4 months, before this period, as a rule, the child can ask for hands only because of physiological needs.
Mom and Dad, who want to wean the child out of hand, should take into account his age characteristics (for a child up to 4 months you need to take more care physically). And it is also important to talk more with the baby, sing songs to him - then he will need to take less in their hands.