
Social life

Men are healthier than women

Women live longer, while the country of residence does not play a special role, on average in the world women live about 80 years, while men for 5 years less.
15 April 2016, 10:00

It is better to rest in other countries

In Britain, experts found that it is better to go on holiday to another country or, in extreme cases, to another city or village. In the opinion of scientists, only leaving the boundaries of their own city, a person fully rests, relaxes, restores strength and mental state.
12 April 2016, 10:00

Grass condoms will be thinner and stronger

Condoms have existed for a long time, with time they have undergone more and more changes and today, it would seem, scientists have already invented the most subtle and lasting.
06 April 2016, 09:00

Eat water to be healthy

Scientists say that there is water is quite simple - you need to eat more vegetables and fruits, because they also contain liquid.
28 March 2016, 09:00

Sleep day - pay attention to our health

Every year in the world is celebrated World Sleep Day, which has been celebrated for more than 5 years on the initiative of the Association of Sleep Medicine.
24 March 2016, 09:00

Depression can trigger cancer

But in reality depression is a mental disorder and if you leave the patient without help, then a person can commit suicide.
21 March 2016, 10:30

Your smartphone is the cause of aging

Scientists have already warned that a new epidemic threatens humanity - dependence on social networks, which can be compared with alcoholism or drug addiction.
18 March 2016, 09:00

Wi-Fi does not cause allergies

Among scientists, the topic of the harmful impact of Wi-Fi on humans was recently hotly debated, in particular, scientists checked whether a wireless connection could cause allergic reactions.
14 March 2016, 11:00

Movies without cigarettes or how to protect children from bad habits

WHO recommends that all countries ban the viewing of films in which tobacco products and episodes of smoking are present, children and adolescents, while the ban should be introduced at the legislative level.
10 March 2016, 09:00

The cause of suicide lies in the behavior of bees and ants

In the United States, a team of experts said that ants and bees will help to understand the true reasons why people commit suicide.
08 March 2016, 09:00


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