
Social life

Doctors do not know how to cure dependence on marijuana

Marijuana or cannabis is a psychoactive drug that is made from some cannabis species.
18 July 2016, 10:20

Antibiotics increase susceptibility to diseases

Human heredity includes not only the DNA of the cell, but also microorganisms, and, according to scientists, it is the DNA of microbes that is most influenced - it can be destroyed, depleted, supported, strengthened.
12 July 2016, 16:00

Electronic cigarettes are popular not only among smokers

In the UK, every 6 people use electronic cigarettes, in percentage terms it is 15% whereas 2 years ago only 8% of the population used such cigarettes.
07 July 2016, 11:45

A camera in hand enhances emotions

Photography is a great way to not only preserve the memory of pleasant moments, but also to relive those emotions again, but, according to American psychologists, the photographer can also experience certain emotions during work, and the photographing process can strengthen them.
05 July 2016, 11:15

Drunkards live less

In Texas, a team of specialists made an interesting discovery - as it turned out to be a sober lifestyle, as well as excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, can cause early death.
01 July 2016, 10:45

The larger the glass, the greater the desire to drink

Specialists from Cambridge together with their colleagues from the University of Bristol found that the more a glass, the more a person's desire to drink.
29 June 2016, 10:15

Unusual packaging will reduce the demand for cigarettes

WHO experts noted that a simple nondescript package for cigarettes does help reduce cigarettes among the population and reduce the number of smokers, not only among the adult population, but also among adolescents.
22 June 2016, 11:30

For the first time,

In Sweden, a regular population census has been conducted for more than 250 years, and according to the latest data, the male population recently exceeded the number of females. Scientists note that a similar situation is observed in other countries, in particular, Norway, Switzerland, etc.
17 June 2016, 10:00

Probiotics - benefit or harm?

Probiotics, if you believe advertising, will help normalize the intestinal flora and improve the digestion process. Today on the drugstore shelves you can see a huge selection of such drugs, but whether probiotics are really necessary to try to understand the Danish researchers.
08 June 2016, 11:00

Do you want to live longer - give up meat

The American Osteopathic Association conducted an interesting study, during which it was found that meat lovers live less than those who for one reason or another refused to eat meat products.
06 June 2016, 09:45


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