In a new study, a group of specialists proved that with regular consumption of vegetables and fruits, in which, as is known, flavonoids (natural compounds) are contained, weight naturally normalizes.
US geneticists said that they are all ready to begin experiments on the creation of human embryos with DNA from three parents. The Sanctuary Control Commission has already given permission for such experiments.
In one of the research centers of the Monella Institute, a team of specialists came to the conclusion that Alzheimer's disease can be diagnosed by the smell of urine.
An international group of neurobiologists, which also included specialists from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, found that aggression leads to the growth of new neurons in the brain.
Controversy of scientists about what distinguishes "larks" and "owls", that is, those who like to get up early and people who prefer to sleep late, continue all the time.
In the new study, experts found that between the immune response of the mother to viral infections in the female mouse and the development of autism in her pups there is a connection.
As it turned out, ordinary tap water spreads several times more harmful bacteria in the air, in comparison with other sources, including a toilet bowl.