
Social life

Names are countries where there are more women smokers than men who smoke

To date, in European countries, according to WHO estimates, 22% of women smoke. In this part of the world, the highest average prevalence of smoking among women.
02 June 2012, 12:40

Today is the Day of Healthy Eating and Avoiding Excess Eating

"A national day, when you can eat what you want." In contrast to this "Day of gluttony," the initiative was put forward to establish the "Day of refusal from excesses in food".
02 June 2012, 12:27

Doctors warn: sweets before sex are dangerous!

Irish scientists said that the love of sweet kills the potency of men. "In order to please the lady, they should stop using glucose at least 2 hours before sexual intimacy," experts are sure.
02 June 2012, 09:51

Family quarrels are the result of joint sleep

It would seem that such a seemingly trivial propensity to pull the blanket over himself during sleep is one of the main reasons for quarrels between lovers. 10% of couples can disintegrate due to the fact that one of the partners wakes up at night because of the cold.
02 June 2012, 09:44

Honesty is a mental illness

In early June, the US published the book of the professor of behavioral economics at the Duke University, Dan Ariely. "(True) the truth about dishonesty: how we spend time in succession, especially for ourselves." The main thesis is this: large units are deceived, and almost everything is in the details, and the second type of dishonesty is much more harmful, says The Wall Street Journal, to whom the author himself presented excerpts from the book.
02 June 2012, 09:39

Top 5 benefits of remarriage

According to statistics, after an unsuccessful first marriage, only every sixth resident of Europe remarries. However, in the second marriage, these ladies are much happier.
02 June 2012, 09:24

Regular viewing of TV shows understates self-esteem in children

Regular viewing of television programs can significantly damage your child's self-esteem, which in turn often causes very deplorable consequences
31 May 2012, 23:29

Vegetables and fruits and physical education - the guarantee of a long life

Women in their seventies, regularly engaged in physical education and eating the necessary amounts of fruits and vegetables, live longer than others, according to scientists from the University of Michigan and Johns Hopkins University (both US).
31 May 2012, 11:24

Asia is recognized as the main supplier of contaminated food

The Asian region actively exports fish that contain unsafe levels of antibiotics.
31 May 2012, 11:21

Young potatoes: for and against

Take caution with the young potatoes. The damage from the excess of nitrates outweighs all the advantages of this product.
31 May 2012, 10:21


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