
Social life

Today is celebrated World Blonde Day

The brightest, most visible and most light-haired part of humanity has finally found its own long-awaited and well deserved holiday.
31 May 2012, 10:19

In Ukraine 83% of children feel happy

This was announced today by the representative of the President of Ukraine on the rights of the child, Yuri Pavlenko, presenting the results of Ukraine's first sociological survey of children in the framework of the project "The rights of children in Ukraine: realities and challenges after 20 years of independence".
30 May 2012, 12:31

The secret of a solid family is a man who can bring home everything he needs.

The appearance of the family was due to a change in women's priorities: the ancient ladies were no longer attracted by mighty alpha males, whose place was occupied by male miners, whose fidelity the women had kept all their lives.
30 May 2012, 11:11

Why are weight loss drugs dangerous?

Most women secretly dream of "supertabletkah", which can be taken without any effort to lose those extra pounds. But, alas, there are no such drugs for today. Most tablets for weight loss "work" only in conjunction with diet and exercise.
30 May 2012, 07:15

A good character allows a person to live longer

Longevity, who managed to overstep the 100-year-old line, - people are cheerful and positive, US specialists said. Another unexpected conclusion is that a good character can partly be caused by genetics.
29 May 2012, 19:50

How to choose the right tea?

Did you know that on average every person drinks 15 liters of tea a month, and during the year more than 160 liters?
29 May 2012, 09:48

Oil and meat are the most harmful products for women

Eating too much red meat and oil can increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's.
29 May 2012, 09:28

Ukrainians began to suffer from an unreasonable fear

Ukrainian doctors increasingly put patients diagnosed as "panic attack". In their opinion, socio-economic instability is the basis of the mental disorders of compatriots.
28 May 2012, 17:53

How to distinguish between good mayonnaise and bad?

Mayonnaise is a multicomponent system created by mixing vegetable oil, water, egg powder, milk powder, vinegar and spices.
28 May 2012, 10:27

The dangers that await children in the summer

Summer is the best time for rest for both adults and children. But with all its advantages - the sun, warm days, swimming, active game sports - summer time is fraught with a lot of dangers.
28 May 2012, 10:10


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