
Social life

In England will be free to conduct IVF homosexual couples and HIV-infected

The procedure of IVF at the expense of budgetary funds is allowed to be carried out for women, whose age does not exceed 39 years. In the new manual, the institute's specialists proposed to increase the age limit to 42 years.
24 May 2012, 07:32

Stress makes men look for communication and more trust in others

Men react to stress in the same way as women, trying to strengthen social ties and seeking support from others.
23 May 2012, 11:45

The sale of "musical nipple" for premature infants

A musical device is released on the market, helping preterm infants to learn how to suck
23 May 2012, 09:14

Healthy diet reduces the risks of unhappy pregnancy

Healthy diet
22 May 2012, 09:34

Sunny days add work to dermatologists: the Month of struggle against skin cancer started in Ukraine

With the onset of spring, the sun makes us more happy with its warmth. However, the sun's rays can not only be a source of good mood and health.
21 May 2012, 08:38

Carbonated Drinks: Myths and Reality

Forecasted by the weather forecasters for the summer of 2012, the high average daily temperature can become a serious test for the body. Heat significantly hinders the heat transfer of the body, creating a risk of overheating and the threat of heat stroke, and also threatens serious dehydration.
21 May 2012, 08:00

Sedentary work in the office leads to the development of thrombosis of the legs

Sedentary work in the office can significantly increase the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis - described in a recent study of scientists from New Zealand.
17 May 2012, 17:23

The mechanism of attacks of brutal appetite is revealed

Not only pregnant women sometimes have an irresistible desire to eat something sweet, unhealthy, salty or eat a mountain of leaf lettuce.
16 May 2012, 11:19

Ovulation makes women choose "bad guys"

Changes in the hormonal background accompanying the development of the egg cause women to see adventurous adventurers of the most reliable fathers of the family.
16 May 2012, 11:10

A person's reliability is assessed by the face

Reliability of man
16 May 2012, 11:07


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