
Social life

How to lose weight: this will help you breakfast from eggs

Almost all of us can not wait to lose weight, with a minimum of diligence. As it turned out, it is possible to simplify this complex process by reducing the systematically emerging feeling of hunger in your body.
15 May 2012, 10:20

Lack of light in the workplace reduces efficiency

Lack of light in the workplace
15 May 2012, 10:18

Norway took the first place in the rating of maternal well-being

Norway took first place
14 May 2012, 11:16

Why do people get better after stopping smoking?

Why people get better
11 May 2012, 11:39

How does love affect a person?

Love is a mysterious light feeling, beneficial to the human body.
10 May 2012, 10:09

To assess the extent of your depression will help loneliness

People tend to understate or overestimate the seriousness of their psychoneurological symptoms, depending on whether they live in a cheerful or depressed environment.
08 May 2012, 18:47

Poll: Every 4 teenagers under the age of 15 are familiar with sex

In England, hot dogs are more attracted to girls - just like sex
07 May 2012, 21:14


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