
Social life

Physical activity improves school performance

A systematic review of previous studies shows that there can be a positive relationship between physical activity and the achievement of children in school
12 January 2012, 18:15

How mother's communication affects the ability of children to understand other people

Little children, to whom mothers more often tell in more detail about the thoughts and feelings of other people, usually perceive someone else's point of view more adequately than other children of the same age.
10 January 2012, 20:00

43% of freshly squeezed orange juice in bars and restaurants is contaminated with microbes

Spanish scientists from the University of Valencia, after analyzing samples of freshly squeezed orange juice in public catering establishments, confirmed that 43% of the samples contained excess Enterobacteriaceae established by legislation.
28 December 2011, 12:54

The number of people who suffer from heartburn has increased dramatically

A long-term Norwegian study shows that the number of people who experience heartburn at least once a week has grown by almost 50% in the past 10 years ...
27 December 2011, 17:29

Myths and truth about obesity during pregnancy

Ironically, despite the excessive consumption of calories, many obese women experience a deficiency of vitamins, which are vital for a healthy pregnancy ...
27 December 2011, 18:19

Americans against marriage?

According to a new report published by Pew Research, the percentage of adult married Americans is today the lowest ever than in US history ...
16 December 2011, 12:24

Yawning can be a sign of empathy

Everyone knows that yawning is contagious. When a person yawns, other people can also respond with a yawn ...
16 December 2011, 09:16

Drinking alcohol increases the likelihood of unprotected sex

A new study shows that the more a person drinks alcohol, the more often he will practice unprotected sex ...
16 December 2011, 08:12

The study debunks myths about gender differences in mathematical abilities

A large study that has studied the school's progress in mathematics calls into question some general assumptions about gender differences in mathematical achievement, in particular that girls and women have less mathematical ability due to biological differences ...
13 December 2011, 22:43

Maternal care affects the chemical composition of the brain in adulthood

The action of the neuropeptide Y depends on the behavior of the mother in infancy. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is the most common peptide hormone of the central nervous system.
12 December 2011, 13:40


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