
Social life

Secrets of beauty of your skin

Many women neglect one of the stages of purification: someone just washed with running water, others, on the contrary, can not stand washing, preferring only cosmetic make-up. All are wrong.
08 June 2012, 11:45

Restless days for meteozavisimyh people

From June 7 to June 9, Ukraine expects, as in the previous days, a rainy, uncomfortable weather for the state of health.
07 June 2012, 11:43

New remedy for a hangover: a vitamin cocktail

Intravenous injections of vitamins have become the latest popular anti-hangover method among residents of Western countries.
07 June 2012, 11:34

Time of holidays: what is dangerous with sex with single women?

70% of single women practice unprotected sex. This is the cause of a sharp outbreak of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
05 June 2012, 15:55

Mental cheating is cheating too

As is known, the concept of "adultery" implies sex on the side.
05 June 2012, 15:53

Fear of aging is a common phobia of the present time

One of the phobias of this time was the fear of aging. Physicians even called it a special term - geraskofobiya, that is, the fear of aging. As psychologists say, to cope with fear, you need to get to know him better.
04 June 2012, 13:18

Is decaffeinated coffee harmful?

First of all, in connection with the increasing number of cardiovascular diseases in the last decade, a new trend has come into vogue - the use of bezofeyinovogo coffee.
03 June 2012, 12:42

A vegetarian diet is great for providing you with protein

The most common myth about a vegetarian diet is, perhaps, that vegetarians do not get enough protein. According to the USDA, every day the female body needs about 46 grams of protein, and for the male - about 56 grams.
02 June 2012, 14:51

Mysterious diseases: 10 people-phenomena with unexplained ailments

What kind of disease does not occur in humans? Nature sometimes presents such riddles over which the leading stars of science have been futile for many years. Physicians can only spread their hands and describe unique cases in their practice.
02 June 2012, 14:27

Passion of men by pornography makes women unhappy

Young women, whose partners do not shun pornography, are less happy in a relationship than those whose young people abstain.
02 June 2012, 13:59


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