
Social life

Larks are happier than owls

Night owls often wake up to work or to school with sleepers, while larks come to life 15 minutes earlier. Nevertheless, the larks are not brisker just because the sun has risen, they are happier and more satisfied with life as a whole, suggests a new study.
14 June 2012, 13:06

Walnut is the most useful among all kinds of nuts

American researchers from the University of Scranton Pennsylvania called the walnut the most useful among all kinds of nuts, the media reported. The most useful nut is called walnut. This conclusion was made by scientists, analyzing the properties of the 9 most frequently used species of nuts. It contains the greatest amount of antioxidants in comparison with other types of nuts. They are considered more useful than peanuts, pistachios, cashews and almonds.
14 June 2012, 12:45

Today is World Blood Donor Day

Donor blood is vital daily for millions of people. Therefore, in May 2005, during the World Health Assembly, health ministers from around the world unanimously adopted a statement of commitment and support for voluntary blood donation.
14 June 2012, 12:38

A rating of the happiest professions

Most people treat their profession not only as a means of ensuring their existence. Work allows us to show our talents and express ourselves, affect the state of our health, both physical and mental.
13 June 2012, 13:34

What vaccinations should be done before vacation abroad?

For the prevention of infectious diseases, before going abroad, it is necessary to worry about one's health - to get vaccinated.
12 June 2012, 19:30

Career growth has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart

As shown by the results of a study of 4 thousand 700 people, people who work in organizations with prospects for further career growth, 20% less likely to suffer from heart disease over a 15-year observation period.
11 June 2012, 17:37

Lack of sleep threatens with stroke

Those who sleep less than 6 hours a day, risk getting a stroke, scientists have found. At the same time, even perfectly healthy people are at risk. During the study, scientists from Alabama for three years watched over 5000 patients aged 45 years to retirement age.
11 June 2012, 15:24

Electronic cigarettes are harmful to health

Scientists from Israel insist that carcinogens contained in electronic cigarettes can pose a threat to human health. No deep studies of such cigarettes have been conducted.
11 June 2012, 15:20

Excretion of toxins from the body

Excretion of toxin from the body
11 June 2012, 15:16

Does your child tend to develop psychopathy?

Almost all children from time to time aggressively behave themselves. But in some cases this behavior may become a harbinger of real psychopathy.
08 June 2012, 11:50


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