
Social life

A third of Swedish married couples have sex in front of children

Scandinavian emancipation in matters of sex was opened with a new, surprising side. As the survey showed, a third of Swedish mothers are not only not embarrassed by the presence of sleeping children during sex with their husbands or partners, but also take offspring in the same bed.
19 June 2012, 09:58

How to eat during the session to show a good result

Research scientists have shown that intellectual abilities depend on the quality of nutrition. It is especially important to observe the correct diet for students. The session in the school places high demands on the efficiency of students and their mental activity. How is it necessary to eat during the exams to show a good result?
19 June 2012, 09:54

Named the most dirty places in hotel rooms

Do you want to avoid unnecessary contact with harmful microorganisms during your stay in the hotel? Then do not include TV and light in the room, according to a recent study, it is on the surface of the TV remote and the switches of light that you can find most of the microbes.
19 June 2012, 09:39

Long stay in wet swimwear leads to health problems

Going to the long-awaited beach vacation, think - do not buy just in case another swimsuit? Or even two? As well as removable beachwear for her husband and children. The fact is that gynecologists, urologists and nephrologists, as a result of many years of research, have found out - a long stay in wet bathing clothes can lead to health problems.
19 June 2012, 09:28

Men who love tea, risk prostate cancer

Curious information came from the University of Glasgow (Scotland): it turns out that men who love tea, are in a group at increased risk of prostate cancer. A report on the research on this topic is published by the journal Nutrition and Cancer.
19 June 2012, 09:22

Add more weight in summer, even more than in winter

As a rule, in a hot season people eat less and try to move more. However, it is very easy to add weight from June to August. At this time, most people stop controlling themselves. They naively believe that they burn more calories than they get. However, it is not.
18 June 2012, 10:30

Vaginoplasty breaks down psychological barriers

42-year-old Ho passed through vaginoplasty to make intimate relationships more saturated. But the result surpassed expectations, and Ho assures, then after the procedure she opened a "whole new world." Vaginoplasty is a reconstructive plastic surgery, with which you can correct defects and deformations in the intimate parts of the female body.
18 June 2012, 10:18

How to protect yourself from dangerous ultraviolet radiation?

For most people, beach rest is an obligatory part of the summer program. But too long exposure to the sun can lead to serious consequences, therefore, organizing your vacation, you need to know how to protect yourself from dangerous ultraviolet radiation.
18 June 2012, 10:14

Men change from great love to wife

Author of the book "The trap of monogamy: men, love and the reality of betrayal" Eric Anderson argues that a strong sex changes to their spouses not because they cease to love them, but quite the opposite - from love. Professor of Sociology at the University of Winchester, Dr. Anderson, held conversations with 120 men, on the basis of which this book was born.
18 June 2012, 10:02

The magnitude of man's dignity affects the mind

Australian researchers shared the results of a rather unusual, but very interesting work. The specialists compiled an international rating of the size of erect penises from data obtained from all corners of the world. The fact that the size of the penis is an ever-present problem for the male is hardly a unique discovery.
18 June 2012, 09:50


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