Ukrainians began to suffer from an unreasonable fear
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021
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Ukrainian doctors increasingly put patients diagnosed as "panic attack". In their opinion, socio-economic instability is the basis of the mental disorders of compatriots.
Panic disorder is one of the most mysterious diseases of the nervous system. And one of the most common among Ukrainians, according to the data of practicing psychiatrists and neurologists. Not so long ago, cases of panic disorder in the neurologist's admission were single, and today they are 7-8 per 10 patients. "
And these figures are only for relatively well-off patients who have reached the office of a neurologist or psychotherapist at a private clinic. Others, if they do not stay at home, turn to cardiologists, gastroenterologists, therapists, suspecting diseases in various body systems. After all, panic attacks are manifested in the form of headaches, abdominal and heart pain, arrhythmias, pressure spikes, asphyxiation.
In fact, a panic attack is a severe attack of anxiety accompanied by somatic (i.e., bodily) symptoms. Soviet doctors often diagnosed panic disorder as vegetovascular dystonia - an asymptomatic and non-treatable disease - and sought the cause of the disease in internal, somatic factors. Ukrainian doctors of the new generation put on the forefront mental problems, generated by external causes, the main one of which, according to the Aesculapius, is social and economic instability.
Victims of panic attacks are often politicians, owners of large businesses, top managers, as well as teachers and representatives of show business. Panic disorder contributes to chronic stress, accompanying the adoption of large-scale solutions, the work of the teacher, creative work. In addition, the fear of losing everything is more experienced by those who have more. "
Nevertheless, ordinary people are not immune from fear. The patient of the largest capital psychiatric hospital named after Pavlov Ruslan worked as a recycler, when he was covered by the first panic attack.
In public transport and in other patients, seizures occur more often. One of the symptoms of panic attacks is precisely the fear of places or situations, from which it is difficult or uncomfortable to get out and in which there will be no help.
Panic attacks - a reflection of fear of the future, experts say. On the demolition of the eras, during perestroika and the Independence Parade, some saw new opportunities, others believed that everything would return to its normal place.
In addition, people were fueled by the Soviet past. It was boring, but stable and predictable. " The new generation is involved in the race for survival. Fear of dismissal, loss of business, subsequent problems in the family, overload at work, sleepless nights prepare the ground for panic attacks.
Contrary to statistics
According to the State Statistics Committee and the Medical Statistics Center of the Ministry of Health, the number of patients with mental disorders is approximately 5% of the population.
Such low rates of mental morbidity, in his opinion, can also be associated with somatic manifestations of panic attacks: people turn to doctors of other specialties, and they are given an inaccurate diagnosis. "You can trace the true picture of taking medications. Ukraine's statistics on sales of antidepressants in the middle of the top ten, it is second only to the United States and some European countries, "says the neurologist, who was" privately told "by the representative of the pharmaceutical company that produces psychotropic medications.
Spaniard for panic attacks
Risk groups
Panic attacks occur in about 10% of the population, and in 1-3% of people they manifest themselves brightly.
Most often, PAs occur between the ages of 25 and 64, with some predominance in the 25-44 age group. Attacks occurring in the elderly usually have fewer symptoms, but emotional components tend to be brighter
Numerous studies indicate a three to fourfold prevalence of the number of women over the number of men among those prone to panic attacks. The dominance of women in panic disorders is explained both by hormonal causes and by the role that women perform in modern society
At the same time, a smaller representation of men can be associated with the transformation of anxiety disorders into alcoholism
Symptoms of Panic Attack
Panic attacks are characterized by a fit of fear, panic or anxiety and / or a feeling of internal tension in conjunction with four or more of the list of panic-associated symptoms:
- palpitation
- sweating
- chills, tremors, a feeling of inner trembling
- feeling short of air, dyspnea
- choking or labored breathing
- pain or discomfort in the left side of the chest
- nausea or discomfort in the abdominal region
- feeling dizzy, unstable, light in the head or pre-patchy condition
- sensation of unreality of what is happening, depersonalization (exclusion from one's own "I")
- fear of going insane or doing an uncontrollable act
- fear of death
- sensation of numbness or tingling in the extremities
- insomnia
- confusion of thoughts