Watermelon with atrophic, erosive gastritis, acidity
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach makes a lot of trouble for a person, forcing him to approach his food cautiously, and in case of allowing himself various harmful delicacies to suffer pain, a feeling of heaviness, nausea, eructations and other unpleasant symptoms. They remind us of the need to follow a diet, to be interested in what product is capable of doing harm. In the season of vegetables and fruits, these questions are especially common. The end of summer and the beginning of autumn has its own distinctive feature - the mountains of striped water-melons and fragrant aromatic melons, but is it possible for them with gastritis?
Watermelon and melon with gastritis
To taste watermelon sweetish, its pulp is tender, soft, juicy. At first glance, nothing is alarming, but is it so? To regain berries during the period of remission is not forbidden, but you need to know the extent. Still, watermelon has fiber and acids, which can irritate the inner wall of the stomach. Since "gastritis" is a rather vague concept, including various organ pathologies, it is important to know the specific type of disease and the concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. High acidity accompanies hyperacid gastritis, so a high pH value is the reason why with gastritis one can not eat a watermelon. Although there are "tricks", allowing in small quantities still enjoy it: do not eat on an empty stomach and do not separate with a separate meal. It is best to eat it as a dessert after a main meal, because he, like any other fruit or berry, stimulates the taste buds, thereby increasing the production of gastric juice, increasing acidity. Pain in the stomach is also the reason to refuse for a while from a treat to stabilize the state of health.
Melon - a heavy product for digestion, so allowing yourself a small dose, it is best to do it at a different time than the main meal. The appearance or absence of symptoms characteristic of gastritis will suggest a further line of behavior regarding this fruit.
There are many different conditions of the digestive apparatus, so consider the main indications for consumption or prohibition of watermelon:
- with gastritis with high acidity - small portions of ripe berries are allowed, but only for a full stomach during remission, t. Watermelon is able to further increase the pH;
- with reduced acidity - there are no restrictions, but moderation in eating should be observed. Large volumes of berries overflow the stomach, will pressure on its walls, can provoke inflammation of the walls;
- watermelon with exacerbation of gastritis - in this state, the menu excludes all products that stimulate the production of gastric juice. Raw vegetables, fruits, berries are removed from the diet until the aggravation subsides, only jelly, fruit jelly are allowed. Watermelon will also have to be abandoned for a while. After restoring the digestive function of the stomach, several slices of juicy ripe pulp will not hurt;
- watermelon with gastritis and stomach ulcer - a local mucosa defect, characteristic of an ulcer, often accompanies gastritis. Such a diagnosis involves not only mandatory medication, but also a strict diet. In watermelon a large amount of ascorbic acid, which can exert an irritant effect on the internal walls of the body. This will lead to increased pain and even provoke the bleeding of the wound. Therefore, a watermelon with gastritis and stomach ulcer is prohibited;
- watermelon with gastritis and pancreatitis - the inflammatory process of the pancreas, like the stomach, happens in the acute phase and in the period of remission. Dietary fiber watermelon, as well as other berries, can harm a patient with an inflamed organ, so under strict prohibition. Strong remission allows you to eat fruit. He will not harm even the sick with diabetes, because has a low glycemic index. For fructose, it does not require additional insulin;
- watermelon with erosive gastritis - this form of the disease is characterized by the presence of multiple lesions on the walls of the stomach, they affect the surface layer of the mucosa. Upon contact with an acidic environment, foci of inflammation intensify, the secretory-motor mechanisms of the stomach are further disturbed. The patient is tormented by heartburn, heaviness in the epigastric region, pain after eating, belching, bitterness in the mouth. Watermelon can aggravate a condition, therefore it is best to abandon it to a cure for pathology;
- watermelon at an atrophic gastritis - is characterized by functional insufficiency of the stomach. With it, the number of glands that produce gastric juice decreases, muscle tone decreases. It is referred to as precancerous conditions. Although watermelon promotes gastric secretion, but much to eat with atrophic gastritis is also not recommended, small portions will only benefit;
- watermelon with chronic gastritis - all forms of the disease have acute and chronic course. The latter means that in the stomach there are persistent changes in the mucosa that, with improper nutrition, bad habits, the effects of medications and other factors, will lead to aggravation and other unpleasant consequences. Watermelon does not apply to food provoking such complications, if not to overload the body with overeating.
It is not worth while completely refusing such a delicious product with gastritis, except for the stipulated cases, because it can bring a lot of benefits to the body. In the mature fruit, glucose and fructose predominate (they are easier to digest by the stomach), and sucrose accumulates during storage. In addition, the berry is rich in pectins, proteins, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron. In watermelon there is enough other vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B9, carotene, ascorbic acid. Flesh, seeds and fetal crust are used as medicinal raw materials. With their help there is a normalization of metabolic processes, the peristalsis of the intestine is strengthened. Watermelon has an effective antipyretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, laxative property. Its mineral substances have a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic processes, it is recommended to eat with anemia, it improves the state of the cardiovascular system, removes toxins, cholesterol, and has an antisclerotic effect.
In addition to gastric pathologies, in which the inner wall of the stomach is superficially or deeply damaged, exacerbations of gastritis, pancreatitis, watermelon is contraindicated in people with reduced renal function, stones in them or a gall bladder with a diameter greater than 4 mm, colitis. In addition, berries tend to accumulate nitrates, which can harm the body, causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain. To prevent this from happening, you need to check the watermelon for the presence of these nitric acid salts and, if you exceed the permissible values, do not buy or use them.
Vegetables with gastritis with high acidity
Without vegetables, our life is unthinkable at all. Among them, for any pathology, there are a dozen names suitable for eating in one form or another. Not an exception and gastritis with high acidity. Most vegetables will not bring any negative reaction from the digestive tract, if they undergo thermal treatment. On the gastric mucosa is beneficially influenced by zucchini, pumpkin baked or steamed. It is also allowed potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, white-cello juice, but not herself. In the absence of exacerbation, cucumbers, peeled from thick peels, ripe tomatoes in small amounts will not harm. Onions are added to many dishes prepared on fire, from raw it is necessary to refrain. With fresh green peas, you can cook soups, and add the beets to borsch. From corn, nutritious and healthy soups are obtained. What is unacceptable in the menu with a hyperacid gastritis is radish, radish, garlic, raw Bulgarian pepper.
The opinion of many people is unequivocal, if you choose a ripe sugar fruit and do not finish it in one sitting, but simply enjoy a few slices, then no harm will be done. The reviews contain tips when it is better to start buying watermelons and how to choose them. Some share that juice from a sugar berry is an excellent preventive agent of diseases of the pancreas, stomach, intestines, heart, vessels, because it contains a powerful antioxidant - lycopene.