
Vitamins for bradycardia

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 21.06.2024

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Slow heart rate can also occur due to the fact that the body lacks vitamins, mineral components. The activity of the heart muscle is largely determined by the composition of the blood, the fluid that is in the pericardium. The contractile ability of the heart does not differ from the contractility of ordinary skeletal muscles. To ensure optimal functioning of any muscle, including the heart, it is necessary to ensure normal metabolism in the body, and first of all, to prevent the deficiency of vitamins and mineral components. The balance of vitamins, macronutrients and trace elements must be observed in the body.

Patients suffering from bradycardia can be recommended a vitamin complex designed specifically to improve the functional activity of the heart muscle - Vitrum Cardio. It contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the heart. Take vitamins should be taken in a course of 1-2 months. This is a complex vitamin and mineral preparation, the standard dosage of which is calculated for 1 reception. It is enough to take one tablet per day.

You can also take vitamins individually. Let's consider the main vitamins that are essential for the normal functioning of the heart.

  • Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is taken at 500-1000 mg per day. The vitamin restores metabolic processes at the cellular level, removes free radicals, normalizes metabolic processes, prevents oxidative stress and its consequences, strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Vitamin D may be required for normal heart activity. Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol helps prevent and treat muscle weakness, atonia, and normalizes heart rhythm. Positive results can be achieved when vitamin D and potassium preparations (potassium chloride, potassium-normin) are taken together.
  • Magnesium in combination with B vitamins (magnesium lactate + pyridoxine, magnesium B6) also has a good effect on the heart. Vitamins A and E (tocopherol, retinol palmitate) are essential.
  • In some cases, bradycardia can develop due to a lack of calcium, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins in the body. Such drugs as magnelis, magnesium, magnesium B6 have proven to be good. These preparations contain magnesium and B vitamins in an optimal, balanced dosage, which allows the heart muscle to fully function.

In heart disease, it is recommended that the dosage of vitamins be selected by a doctor, after a preliminary study of the vitamin content in the body. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to say for sure whether a person has a deficiency of a particular vitamin. Without analysis, the doctor can only assume, but the exact confirmation can be obtained only after the analysis is carried out.

Based on the results, it is possible to choose the optimal dosage of those vitamins that the body really lacks. Otherwise, by prescribing vitamins to a person when their content in the body is normal, you can get hypervitaminosis, which also negatively affects the state of health, and first of all, the state of the heart muscle. With bradycardia, you can only aggravate the situation, which will lead to numerous complications and side effects.

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