Useful and harmful products for joints and cartilage
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Joints provide mobility of the body. Flexion, rotation, movement, gesticulation are available if all components of the joint are normal. Injuries and other adverse factors adversely affect their performance. Not casually articular pains disturb about 85% of people after 35 years. Do joint products affect these organs, and which ones?
Useful products for joints
Joints suffer for various reasons: due to hormonal and age-related changes, from injuries and excess weight, uncomfortable shoes. Products for joints can help in the repair of damaged tissues and organ functions.
Useful products for joints contain substances necessary for their functioning and health. An indicative list:
- Red meat, tongue - are rich in iron, which removes excess phosphorus.
- Cartilage, cold meat, jellied meat, gelatin - enriched with mucopolysaccharides, including hyaluronic acid, and their composition is similar to the intra-articular fluid.
- Eggs, yolks - a source of protein, useful fat, vitamin D.
- Sea fish, cabbage, liver - are saturated with organic phosphorus, vitamin D.
- Dairy products, including ice cream, are a source of calcium, of healthy fats.
- Citrus, rosehip is the source of vitamin C, which is responsible for nourishing the joints.
- Green vegetables - contain magnesium, vitamins.
- Dried fruits - rich in magnesium, necessary for nerve activity in the joints.
- Buckwheat honey, bran is a source of magnesium.
- Beets - contains silicon.
Products for bones and joints
Useful products for bones and joints, which contain the following substances and trace elements:
- mukopolisaharidı;
- sulfur, selenium;
- iron;
- magnesium;
- proteins.
Mucopolysaccharides are found in jelly-like food: chilli, broths, jellied meats, jelly desserts, marmalade. They contain a lot of collagen needed for cartilage. Seafood, apple peel serve to prevent inflammation and other disorders in the joints.
Sulfur and selenium restore the cartilage and stimulate the production of synovial fluid. Contained in shrimps, sea bass, mussels, chicken, eggs, gooseberries, radishes, onions, garlic, bread.
Iron has a positive effect on the functional abilities of the joints. Contained in red meat, apples, greens, liver.
Magnesium affects local innervation. To make up for the reserves, oatmeal, bran, greens, apricots, soy, dried plums are introduced into the menu.
Proteins are needed for the formation and renewal of cartilage. He is rich in dairy products, meat, fresh peas, fish, dates.
Separately it is necessary to tell about vitamins and especially important microelements.
- Calcium strengthens bones, vitamin D promotes its assimilation.
- C - stimulates the nutrition of tissues.
- F - reduces inflammation within the joints.
- E - antioxidant.
These components are present in the products listed above for the joints, as well as in the vegetable-fruit ration with the predominance of orange scale.
Products for joints and ligaments
The use of products for joints and ligaments is to maintain their strength and functionality. List of products for joints that strengthen ligaments and tendons:
- Fish, seafood - are saturated with organic phosphorus, irreplaceable for these organs.
- Red meat, eggs - make up supplies of iron, which displays inorganic phosphorus.
- Dried fruits, herbs - saturate with magnesium for innervation of joints.
- Creamy ice cream, milk is a source of healthy fats, calcium.
- Gelatin - normalizes work thanks to mucopolysaccharides. It is present in laminaria, scallops, tendons.
- Herring, olive oil - with the help of vitamin F provide anti-inflammatory effect.
- Broccoli, carrots, beets, celery contain vitamin E, which prevents the splitting of cartilage by enzymes.
- Vitamin C promotes nutrition. Contained in tomatoes, cabbage, citrus, currant.
- Vitamin D does not allow elimination of calcium. Comes with dairy products, yolks, liver fish.
Harmful products for joints and ligaments - soda, cheese, crab sticks, smoked meat and marinades, sorrel, chocolate, lentils, radish, fat pork.
Joint strengthening products
Indispensable products for strengthening joints are enriched with vitamins, manganese, useful acids.
- Vitamin E is found in broccoli, peanuts, greens, sea buckthorn, nuts, pumpkin seeds, yolks, beets, bread, garlic. The substance prevents the enzymatic cleavage of the cartilage.
- Vitamin C is present in tomatoes, fresh peas, citrus fruits, pepper, kiwi, cabbage.
- Vitamin B12 is saturated with marine delicacies, scallops, yolks, cheese, yeast, soy.
- Beta-carotene is available in carrots, melons, tomatoes, herbs, sweet potato.
Manganese enriched with nuts, garlic, beets, pasta, cucumbers, mushrooms, potatoes, asparagus, rye flour, plums, dates, cranberries, oatmeal, cranberries.
Omega acids are rich in nuts (except almonds), sea salmon and lake trout, tofu, seaweed, legumes, cabbage, vegetable greens.
Fresh red meat without fat, the tongue contains iron and remove excess phosphorus. There are also products for joints enriched with magnesium: all kinds of dried fruits, buckwheat, nuts, oatmeal, cocoa, black chocolate, cherries, figs, greens, yolks.
Useful phosphorus is found in fresh fish, sour-milk drinks and low-fat cheeses.
Products for joints and cartilage
Defective food, without products for the joints and cartilage, sooner or later leads to a loss of functionality of the organs, and then to the destruction of tissues. To prevent this from happening, ideally it is necessary to exclude everything harmful and include all that is useful.
- From sweet products for joints are natural marmalade, jelly from fruit, fresh juices, fruit drinks, compotes - instead of sweet and soda.
For enrichment with magnesium, the menu includes legumes, whole grains, cereals, as well as dried apricots, prunes, nuts, and chocolate.
Strengthen the joints of natural phosphorus and calcium. We are rich in fish and dairy products - stewed fish, seafood, sour-milk drinks, hard cheese.
By the way, fish heads, bird paws, animal bones are also useful, so they should not be thrown away. From the purified ingredients, you get excellent food for the cartilaginous tissue - rich soup and broths.
- Vitamins for tissue repair are needed in the complex. They are many in fresh and sour vegetable products, fish, various berries and fruits. Fish is useful for frozen or weak salting. Vegetable salads are recommended to fill with vegetable oils, to pickle vegetables, and not to pickle, berries to freeze, and not to preserve.
Vitamin D plays a special role, since it requires bones, cartilage, joints in large quantities. The substance does not allow the washing of calcium from the tissues. Enrich the body with this vitamin butter, sour milk, cottage cheese, yolks, fish liver.
Products for joints and spine
Diseases of the joints and spine often occur due to a lack of nutrients in the body. A balanced diet should include special products for the joints and spine, that is, containing collagen and mucopolysaccharides.
This substance is an analog of hyaluronic acid, and collagen is the protein basis of connective tissues. Responsible for the strength of joints, elasticity of ligaments, other organs of the motor system. For the health of these organs, microelements and vitamins are also needed.
The main products for the joints and spine:
- cold meat, jellied meat;
- jellied fish;
- rich broth;
- jelly from fruit;
- milk and sour-milk products;
- fish, seafood;
- cabbage;
- liver of sea fish;
- natural oil.
The menu daily requires raw fruits, berries and vegetables: apples, melon, citrus fruits, strawberries, carrots, garlic, pumpkin, tomatoes, parsley, beans, greens, dried fruits.
A separate line should be said about such microelements as selenium and sulfur. Without sulfur, our own mucopolysaccharides and collagen in the joint tissues are not synthesized; without selenium, sulfur is not deposited in the cartilage.
Products containing collagen for joints
Collagen is necessary for skin elasticity, joint mobility, strength of ligaments and other organs consisting of connective tissue. By its nature it is a protein. Products containing collagen for joints, - only of animal origin. This substance differs from elastin, which is also present in some plant products for joints.
The main component for maintaining the level of collagen in the body is food gelatin - jelly desserts and liqueur dishes. Jelly is made from fruits, jellied from fish or meat.
- Most of all collagen is contained in salmon fish.
Vegetable seafood is useful due to the presence of useful salts and iodine, which stimulate the production of collagen.
The leader among meat products for joints is a turkey. With the use of this dietary meat, a substance stabilizing natural collagen is formed in the body. It is also rich in high-grade proteins. Stable collagen is found in beef, the most unstable is in pork.
Food with collagen for digestion requires amino acids, minerals, vitamins. For this purpose, vegetables, leafy greens, berries, fruits are introduced into the diet:
- tomatoes, carrots;
- cabbage, lettuce, pepper;
- dill, parsley;
- sea buckthorn, blueberries;
- mus;
- apricot, peach;
- citrus fruits;
- wheat germ.
Products containing collagen for joints, will benefit and appearance of a person. After all, collagen is a magical cosmetic ingredient with an anti-aging effect, improving the condition of the skin and hair.
Bee products for joints
Bee products for joints are used, as a rule, for their diseases: bruises, bruises, arthritis, arthrosis. In recipes for indoor and outdoor use, various products for the joints obtained from hard-working insects are used - honey, propolis, bee venom and scallop.
Pure honey is used for applications, ointments, lotions, rubs, tinctures. It is mixed with alcohol, fats, apple cider vinegar, herbs and other ingredients - depending on the problem. Usually requires a liquid consistency, to achieve which the honey is heated, but the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Otherwise, useful properties are not simply lost, but the product becomes harmful.
The use of dandruff is based on the fact that the chitinous cover of insects is an immunostimulant. Raspar and tincture of beeswax can eliminate inflammation, prevent sclerotic changes.
- To prepare a slurry, about 100 g of podmor are poured hot (but not boiling) with water so as to cover a layer of bees. The pressed mass is wrapped in gauze, applied to a sore spot and covered with polyethylene. The bandage-bound compress is held until cooled; mass retains healing power for only one procedure.
Treatment with poison is apitherapy. Apitoxin - a complex sterile substance, consists of more than 50 active components. The treatment of joints with bites is done according to a special scheme and lasts for months.
Not so effective, but a more sparing way - rubbing ointment on bee venom. Massaging movements rub up to 3 g in a sick zone, heated by a compress.
- Pure propolis - bitter taste, poorly soluble, viscous substance, uncomfortable in use. Therefore, it is based on the preparation of ointments, tincture, compresses, lotions, triturates. One of the popular drugs is alcohol tincture (phytoconcentrate), which possesses all the useful properties of a natural bee product. Used inside and outside.
Bee products for joints are a good alternative to medicines. Often the improvement is noticeable after only a few procedures, however, full recovery, as a rule, comes later. For example, treatment with propolis lasts at least two weeks. In view of the allergenicity of products, treatment can be started only after making sure that there are no contraindications.
Products chondroprotectors for joints
The mission of products for joints is the prevention of diseases of these organs, accompanied by pain, mobility restriction and other problems. Diet with the inclusion of products of chondroprotectors for joints can restore working capacity and function.
The most popular products for joints - containing gelatin, that is partially hydrolyzed collagen of animal origin. This is the main protein of connective tissue.
- Of meat dishes are useful cold, salty dishes, hot meat broths.
It is proved that these substances are particularly active in dishes from shark, stingray, and also red sea fish. Useful rich bouillons obtained with prolonged cooking, or half-baked fish (but not fried).
Avocados belong to vegetable chondroprotectors. The fruits are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are also excellent antioxidants.
Soy in the form of tofu, butter, sprouted beans is a real storehouse of protein, while it has a low calorie content.
- A separate group of products protecting the cartilage are berries (strawberries, cranberries, cranberries, raspberries), vegetable teas from sporrows, leaves of cranberries and laurel, turn. They increase immunity, regulate metabolism.
Anti-inflammatory effect is possessed by plants containing salicyllates: oak bark, willow, alder, peony root, raspberry and birch leaves.
Stop dystrophic processes and increase regeneration are able dandelion (root and grass), sabelnik, ginger (raw, tea, ointment).
A pleasant taste of the chondroprotector is honey with cinnamon. From them prepare tea or add in sweets.
Harmful products for joints
Harmful products for joints are dangerous because they lead to diseases, accompanied by pain and decreased mobility. Modern man is exposed to all sorts of chemicals, which are stuffed with food - refined, high-calorie, often not the first freshness. They create an acidic environment that adversely affects the body, including joints.
Even a natural food a person can turn into a harmful, generously flavoring it with ketchup and mayonnaise, washing down with drink-surrogates. Unfortunately, this does not make dishes useful to the body.
- Carbonated drinks cause osteoporosis and immobility of the joints due to the abundance of inorganic phosphates. It is better to give preference to fresh juices, compotes, kissels.
- White bread, baking powder in baking, crab sticks, processed cheeses contain phosphates.
- Marinated and smoked products are oversaturated with salts, which irritate and deform the joints.
- Tea, coffee, chocolate contain purines that provoke gout and disrupt the processes in the joint bag.
- Fat pork, liver, lentils are harmful because of the excess of purines.
- Condensed milk, concentrates contain a harmful stabilizer - phosphorus.
- Sorrel, radish, spinach are harmful because of oxalic acid, which negatively affects the nerves and nutrition of the organs.
The content in these harmful products for the joints of inorganic phosphates and other salts, as well as purines, oxalic acid causes irritation and changes in the joint bag, nerves, eating disorders. What is fraught with inflammation, deformity, gout, other pathologies.
Alternatively, natural foods and beverages enriched with nutrients should be introduced into the diet. After all, the thesis that "a person is what he eats" is more relevant today than ever, because of the saturation of the market with surrogates and refined food products. In the process of processing and processing, they often turn into a tasty, but practically useless food.
In all cases, it is important to avoid stale, spicy, fried, fatty, sweet foods. Cook dishes for a couple, stew and bake is much more useful and not less tasty.
A balanced diet with useful products for joints can significantly affect their condition. Moreover, many dishes of everyday menu are useful for the musculoskeletal system and the body as a whole. Alternating such food, we feed joints, we sate with useful components and extend their service to oneself for health.