Sugar beet
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Sugar beet has a high productivity, because each tuber contains a large amount of sucrose.
It represents a selection of a conventional beet, selected by selection, it is considered to be a technical culture, but it is used not only for the production of sugar and feeding animals, but also for cooking.
This type of beet appeared due to the work of the sectioners, who began to study the plant in 1747, at that time the German chemist managed to find out that the vegetable contains a certain amount of sugar. But in practice only Franz Karl Ahard - who was a chemist's apprentice - was able to apply this knowledge and was able to successfully continue the studies begun by his teacher and even managed to create a small sugar beet processing plant.
The quantity of sugar beets harvest is directly related to the conditions in which beets are grown, it needs a sufficient amount of moisture, heat and sun. Therefore, the most suitable conditions for growing beets in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Although initially sugar beet was supposed to be a technical crop, it found its use and cooking. A well-ground sugar beet can sweeten some dishes (jam, compote, cereal or pastries). In the people, sugar beets are often used to make moonshine or syrup.
Benefits of sugar beet
In alternative medicine, sugar beet has long been recognized as beneficial to human health. In this root crop, except for sugar directly, contains phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, iron, as well as vitamins C, PP and group B, etc.
When using sugar beet, the body's defenses increase, digestion and metabolic processes in the body are normalized. Sugar beet improves the work of the cardiovascular system, strengthens blood vessels.
This product is recommended for use in atherosclerosis, anemia, leukemia, high blood pressure. In addition, sugar beet displays toxins, has a rejuvenating effect on the body. Sugar beet has a good effect on the work of the intestines and liver, has a mild diuretic and laxative effect. This vegetable is simply an indispensable product in the diet of people who suffer from high blood pressure.
Sugar beet binds well and removes radionuclides from the body, therefore it is recommended to drink juice or use beet when poisoning the body with salts of heavy metals, pesticides, etc. In addition, alternative healers recommended taking a decoction of beets of sugar varieties, which contains pectin, various acids, microelements necessary to maintain the body in case of illness.
In addition, from sugar beet receive a special salt, which helps cope with such a serious disease as tuberculosis of the lungs. Also, there is a recipe for a medicinal drink from sugar beet that helps cope with the disease: 20 liters of concentrated beet broth (from grated beetroot), 3 kg of sugar, 700 gr. Hop yeast - mix everything in a can, put in a warm place for fermentation for 7-8 days, after stopping fermentation the drink is ready. It is recommended to drink 3-6 glasses a day for 8 months and the illness will pass, it is also good to consume together with a beetroot salted bacon, garlic, onions. In addition to tuberculosis, the beetroot helps to strengthen the liver and heart.
Beet helps to cope with diseases of teeth and gums. For treatment, grate the sugar beet and apply it to the sick tooth (or spread out on the gum), hold in the mouth for about 30 minutes. After a week of such treatment, inflammation and soreness in the oral cavity should pass.
Harm of sugar beet
There are no products that could be consumed without any measure, and sugar beet was no exception. It is recommended to exclude from a diet at a gastritis, an osteoporosis and a diabetes. With disrupted metabolism, kidney stones should completely abandon the use of sugar beet in any form.
In case of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urolithiasis, kidney stone disease, it is necessary to exclude beets, as well as sugar, which is its derivative, from its diet. The same is recommended for people suffering from obesity, diabetes, because the beet contains a large amount of sucrose.
Calorie content of sugar beet
In sugar beet medium size (about 100 grams) contains 35 calories, with absolutely no fat, so it is an ideal product for low-fat or low-calorie diets. Despite the fact that the beet contains a large amount of sugar (about 6 grams of sugar), it does not cause health problems. It is often used not only in a variety of vegetable salads, but also as a side dish to meat or fish dishes.
One serving of sugar beet will provide the body with 8 grams. Carbohydrates, which is not very much, as the body needs 225-325 g per day. Carbohydrates are necessary for the body in order to provide us with energy. In addition, the beet contains 2gr. Fiber, helping to prevent some malignant formations.
Sugar beet does not contain a large amount of protein, from one portion you can get only 1g (at a daily rate of 50 - 175 UAH). To increase the amount of protein, you can add sugar beets to seafood, pork, chicken or beef.
The beet contains a sufficient number of vitamins and minerals. One serving will provide 6% of the daily intake of vitamin C, which helps improve immunity, but also strengthen the vascular system. In addition, sugar beet provides 4% of the daily required iron and 2% calcium.
The composition of sugar beet
In sugar beet contains about 75% of water, the rest is accounted for (25%) of dry substances, of which most is sucrose. Non-soluble substances (about 5%) are insoluble substances (pectin, fiber, ashes, proteins), the remaining part is soluble nonsugars (fructose, glucose, nitrogenous and nitrogen-free substances). Also, sugar beet contains betanin, citric, oxalic and other acids, as well as a number of amino acids, minerals (manganese, phosphorus, calcium, etc.), pigments, folic acid, vitamins (groups B, C, PP), iodine.
Characteristics of sugar beet
Sugar beets are grown in Ukraine, in Belarus, Russia and some other CIS countries and Europe, North America, Asia.
For our country, sugar beet is the main product from which sugar is produced. Roots contain up to 20% sucrose. By the way, sugar with a yellowish tint is an under-purified product, which is also obtained from sugar beet. By the way, such sugar is more useful for health than white, produced from sugar cane. Yellow sugar can be purchased freely in stores, it is rich in pectin, organic acids, many minerals, which are very useful for the body.
In the process of processing beets are also produced by pulp and molasses. An animal feed is well suited for animal feed, which is used as a fertilizer after processing. The pack is widely used in the production of alcohol, glycerin, citric acid, etc. Also from beets produce ethanol, which is added to gasoline and diesel fuel substitutes.
Dishes from sugar beet
From sugar beet, you can prepare a fairly tasty syrup, which is used for compotes, cookies or jellies.
To prepare the syrup, you must thoroughly wash the beets, clean and cut into medium pieces. Fold in a stainless saucepan, pour water at the rate of 10 kg of beet - 1.5 liters of water, which must completely cover with beets. After the beets are cooked, it is necessary to squeeze out the juice and cook further until the consistency resembles thick sour cream. The syrup turns brown with a pleasantly sweet taste, it is well suited for making many sweet dishes.
Syrup of beet contains about 70% of sugar, it can be stored only in glass containers. In order that the syrup is not sugared, you can add a little citric acid (per 1 kg of syrup - 1 g of citric acid).
Sugar beet is a good product for making useful and tasty sweets. In order to please your loved ones with such sweets, you need to wash and peel the beets, cut them, put them in a pan (preferably cast iron), pour a little water and under the lid soar until soft in the oven (if the water completely evaporated, you can add a little water). After the beets are prepared, remove from the oven and transfer to a grate (or sheet) and dry it a little in the oven.
Sugar beet, in addition to sweets, used to make a variety of salads.
Beetroot salad with horseradish is prepared as follows: 1 kg of beets washed, peeled and cut into cubes, fried in high heat on vegetable oil, so that the juice is evaporated less, you can cover the beetroot with a lid. After 10-15 minutes, remove the beetroot from the fire and drizzle it with acetic acid (note: 1 tablespoon). Take the average root horseradish and grate, pour boiling water, when a little cool to add 3 tbsp. Spoons of acetic acid, 1 glass of sour cream, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of sugar and beets. Salad mix well, put in a dish and sprinkle with herbs.
Beetroot salad with sausage cheese can be prepared as follows: 2-3 small beets, 100 grams of sausage cheese, 2-3 tomatoes, 2 boiled eggs, 2 tbsp. Spoons of sour cream, 1-2 onions.
Cooked beets cut into cubes, cut the onions finely and save with beets in butter (so as not to burn, you can add a little vegetable oil). After the onion is slightly softened, add finely chopped tomatoes and put out a little. Sausage cheese cut into strips, mixed with chopped dill, eggs, sour cream and mix well, then pour the beetroot mixture and bake in the oven on medium heat for 5-10 minutes. Sprinkle the prepared dish with herbs. Sausage cheese can be replaced with any hard cheese.
Moonshine from sugar beet
For preparation of moonshine, alternative craftsmen use various starch-containing and sugar-containing products. The fastest and easiest way to make home-brewed moonshine occurs with the addition of sugar. But since sugar is not exactly a cheap product, other products are often used: grain, potatoes, berries, sugar beet.
Moonshine on the basis of sugar beet and pomace is obtained simple, strong and very sharp, besides relatively cheap. To make such a "folk" drink, you need to grate the beetroot, which boil for about 1.5 hours. Formed during cooking, merge into a separate container, and add the remaining beets to the remaining beets and boil again for 1, 5 hours, then repeat the process again. Fused after three boilings, beet broth is poured into one container, which must be filled for more than 2/3. In the beet broth add yeast (for 4 liters of liquid 40 grams of yeast) and insist for about two weeks, until the moment when the formation of foam stops, then overtake. If you add sugar, potatoes, etc. To the liquid, the infusion process will increase by 5-7 days.
Storage of sugar beet
Root sugar beet must be stored with sufficient air intake, otherwise it begins to germinate and rot, the process can begin to take after 5-7 days of improper storage.
Sugar beet, which is selected for storage, should not be damaged, it is necessary to remove the tops. Damage, slices on root crops lead to the fact that the beetroot actively develops microbes and begins rotting, not only the damaged root, but also the neighboring ones.
Beets are well kept in a special room (cellar, cellar), because it is easy to maintain the optimum temperature for preserving the vegetables. But if there are no suitable conditions, there are several ways to keep beets at home. The optimum temperature for preservation of beet is +2 ºС, at sufficiently high humidity - up to 90%. In warm conditions, the beet begins to germinate faster, wilts and spoils.
To keep beets for a long time, you can fold it into a plastic bag, but do not tie it (to let in air) and put it in a cooler place in the house (near the door).
If there is a glazed balcony, it is much easier to store, you can safely store it in the winter beet, pre-packed in boxes and covered with sand, sawdust (in boxes you need to stack so that the roots do not touch each other). At strong frosts, boxes with a beet can be wrapped up by an old blanket.
Beets can also be stored in the refrigerator, but in such conditions it can remain in normal condition for no more than a month. When storing it is necessary to wrap in a plastic bag with holes or food film, you need to periodically check that no condensation forms.
During the storage period, you must necessarily pickle the beets to harvest the root crops in time, which began to deteriorate or fester.
Sugar beet is the most important sacchariferous culture in our climatic zone. And this vegetable is used not only for the production of sugar, but also in cooking, in animal husbandry, in the manufacture of medicines, etc.
In addition, beet is a very useful and tasty vegetable, rich in vitamins, minerals and helping to cope with a number of diseases.