Seeds of sunflower and pumpkin with pancreatitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Although seeds are not the staple food, but they have enough fans who like to snap at leisure. Pancreatitis imposes certain restrictions on the diet of a person, sometimes makes you sit on a stiff diet for a long time during exacerbations of the disease, so you have to weigh the benefits and harms of each product for the pancreas. A special dietary table under number 5 has been developed, for which it is necessary to navigate. And whether it is possible for sunflower seeds at a pancreatitis?
Is it possible to seed with pancreatitis?
In order for food that got inside to split into simpler compounds that can penetrate the bloodstream through the intestinal mucosa, deliver nutrients to all organs and provide metabolism, enzymes are needed. This function lies on the pancreas, and its violation leads to inflammation of the organ, accompanied by painful symptoms and necrosis of its tissues. The disease spoils the quality of life, and often ends with dangerous consequences and even death. The lion's share of the therapeutic effect of the disease depends on nutrition.
What is eaten with pancreatitis? Eating is shown often and fractional. It includes lean meat, fish, cereals on water or low-fat milk, pasta, infrequently soft-boiled eggs, boiled or baked vegetables, compotes and fruit jelly, white slightly dried bread. Seeds in small quantities are not prohibited, but with certain reservations. Thus, roasted are categorically contraindicated. This method of heat treatment is unacceptable in pancreatitis, in addition, they are very fatty and high-calorie, so for their assimilation will need more pancreatic juice, which means an increase in the load on the organ. Their influence on the liver, which has problems or stones in the gallbladder, is also negative: a sharp activation of bile can cause an attack.
What seeds can be used for pancreatitis?
Despite such extensive useful properties of seeds because of their high fat content, they are limited in pancreatitis. On fried superimposed full taboos. Raw or slightly dried in a state of persistent remission can be in small quantities. Acute pancreatitis or chronic exacerbation also imposes a complete ban on them. If you still allow yourself to chew them, then it's best to buy uncleaned, clean yourself and dry it in the oven.
Seeds for chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis
These diseases often accompany each other, although they involve different organs. Cholecystitis means inflammation of the gallbladder, during which the injection of bile into the pancreas often occurs. Their symptoms are similar in many respects, and the treatment of both depends largely on compliance with the diet. The aggravation of pathologies does not allow for the supply of seeds, and fried in general excludes any form.
The chronic course of cholecystitis, although it does relax in the rules of nutrition, yet does not provide the ultimate freedom of choice. Fried, spicy, fatty, marinades, smoked products are still strictly forbidden, but a couple of spoons of raw peeled sunflower seeds are allowed because of their usefulness.
Benefits of Seeds
We mainly have two kinds: sunflower and pumpkin. Let's dwell on the benefits of each:
- sunflower - rich in vitamin D, in this they outstrip even the liver of cod. With its help, the acid-base balance of the body is normalized, the condition of the mucosa, skin, hair, and nails improves. Vitamin A increases visual acuity, E - a known antioxidant - prevents the destruction of cell walls and protects them from toxic effects. Seeds are a storehouse of unsaturated fatty acids: stearic, linoleic, oleic, palmetinic, etc. They prevent the formation of "bad" cholesterol, clogging of blood vessels with plaques. There are also tannins, carbohydrates, organic acids. Many minerals, the most significant - phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, potassium. The last is 5 times more than in the same weight banana;
- pumpkin - they are considered more useful than sunflowers. Due to their vitamin-mineral composition, they excrete heavy metals from the body, are used in the treatment of urinary tract and kidneys, are anthelmintic. They increase immunity, potency in men, fight with joint diseases, strengthen blood vessels. One hundred gram of seeds completely replace the daily requirement for amino acids, manganese, 73% in vitamin PP, 153% phosphorus, 148% magnesium.
Seeds can be an allergen, therefore they are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to them. Fields along roads are dangerous by the accumulation of toxic substances in the seeds, especially cadmium, which is dangerous for the kidneys and the nervous system of the metal. It is best to grow sunflowers in your dachas. Do not eat them people with excess weight, a sore throat. Dentists also warn about the damage to the teeth of the peel during their peeling.