Raw, boiled and quail eggs with gastritis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Inflammation of the gastric mucosa causes a cautious attitude to their diet. Often, patients with gastritis have a question about this or another product, whether it will not hurt. This is the case with eggs, especially as the eggs of many birds can be used as a food product and cook them according to different recipes. So, is it possible to eat eggs with gastritis? Getting acquainted with dietary tables developed for patients with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, we note the presence of chicken and quail eggs in them. This is the most convincing evidence in their favor with gastritis, tk. The availability of each product is scientifically justified.
In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis, chicken and quail eggs are most useful because of their high nutritional value. Their amino acid structure of the protein is similar to human, so it is easy to digest. The egg consists of protein and yolk. In the egg protein there are 12.7% of various proteins: ovalbumin, ovotransferrin (has antibacterial effect), lysozyme (bacteriolytic enzyme), etc. The yolk contains many saturated and unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, palmitoleic, palmitic, etc. Also, it contains much more vitamins A, E, B6, B12, D, folacin, biotin than in the protein. In eggs there are microelements necessary for human life: iron, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, potassium. The use of eggs healing effect on the inflamed parts of the stomach and erosion, under their influence, the pathogenic flora perishes, the immune, nervous system of the body strengthens, which leads to an improvement in the internal wall of the organ and overall well-being.
What eggs are available for gastritis?
How to get the maximum benefit from the product and avoid harm, and what eggs are available for gastritis? The greatest value for the sick organ is the raw one. In them, the most useful ingredients are stored, besides, their viscous consistency envelops the gastric mucosa, protecting it from damage and leveling the inflammatory process, while restoring cellular structures, accelerating the regeneration of tissues. It is best to eat raw eggs on an empty stomach, delaying for some time the reception of the main food. But what about the threat of infection with salmonellosis? It is recommended not to take raw chicken eggs with gastritis, not from the store, but from the market from domestic chickens. They are certainly fed with grain and other food from their garden, and also less likely to have Salmonella, because they are limited to their territory (yard) and do not contact large colonies of living creatures. Of course, before use, the egg is thoroughly washed under running water.
Another suitable option for pathology is boiled eggs. There is only one caveat - they should be cooked soft-boiled, tk. Hard-boiled eggs are heavy for digestion and can aggravate inflammation. You can cook them both in the shell (the most usual heat treatment for us), and without it, this method is called poached. To cook them, you will need boiling water in a saucepan on fire. The water is poured, with the help of a spoon, a funnel is formed, where the egg is hammered. In boiling water, it immediately seizes and gets a whole boiled (3 minutes is enough to get soft-boiled).
It is well perceived by a sick stomach and a steam omelet, but it's necessary to forget about fried, as well as about the glaze, this way of cooking can harm digestion.
Quail eggs with gastritis
Touching the role of eggs in gastritis, you can not ignore the quail. They are justly considered dietary, they have 2 times more vitamin A than chicken, 3 magnesium, they are ahead of them in terms of iron, vitamin B1, B2, B12, while the calories and cholesterol content are much lower. Often cooked quail eggs are found in salads and other dishes for serving in cafes and restaurants, but for patients with gastritis suitable raw. In favor of the latter is the fact that the temperature of the body of the quail is several degrees higher than that of the chicken, and this makes them safe in terms of infection with salmonella. To drink them it is necessary for half an hour before meal, washing down with water, in day up to 4 pieces, to children - one or two eggs. To obtain a pronounced therapeutic effect, 3-4 months of their systematic consumption will be required.
Eggs with gastritis with high acidity, erosive gastritis
Diet №1, prescribed by a patient with gastritis with high acidity, excludes rough, difficult digestible food, chemically and thermally irritating the secretory apparatus of the stomach. In its composition, the daily dose of proteins is 100 g, of which 60% must be of animal origin. Therefore, there are eggs in this menu, but with a restriction: no more than two per day. Reduced function of secretory glands allows 2 eggs per week.
Erosive gastritis is characterized by superficial or deep, single or extensive damage to the epithelium of the gastric mucosa. These defects can lead to the development of bleeding, which is evidenced by fragments of blood in the vomit or black feces in the bowel movement. Such processes can occur both against a background of increased and decreased secretion. Erosive gastritis requires constant compliance with the diet and the role of eggs in the menu in direct dependence on the acid background.
Can I eat eggs with exacerbation of gastritis?
For gastritis is characterized by a change in periods of exacerbations and remissions. Quieting of unpleasant symptoms allows a person to relax, forget about the need to follow a diet. Not only disturbances in dietary conditions cause an outbreak of inflammation, but also stressful situations, poisoning, medications for the treatment of other pathologies, chronic fatigue. The inflammatory process of the walls of the stomach makes itself felt by the pain on an empty stomach or after eating, nausea, unpleasant eructations, dry mouth, heartburn, constipation or diarrhea. Ignoring such manifestations will not succeed, and the first thing that naturally begs oneself is to go on a diet. Is it possible to have eggs with exacerbation of gastritis? For maximum shaking of the stomach, diet No. 1a is prescribed for acute exacerbation or No. 16 for neostrong. They provide for a boundary reduction in protein content, although eggs are present in the diet, but cooked in a certain way.
Useful properties clearly predominate in eggs, if not for some "pitfalls." The fact is that they are prone to infection with salmonella, a mobile bacterium that causes an acute infectious disease, which are well adapted in the environment and very tenacious. Getting into the duodenum, they "screw" into its mucous, causing severe symptoms of food poisoning. Lack of medical care often leads to death.
Another harm lies in the high content of cholesterol in egg yolks, which increases the production of "bad" cholesterol, which leads to clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques, a serious disease - atherosclerosis. Also, eggs can "reward" us with antibiotics used in their cultivation, nitrates, other toxic substances that accumulate in the body of the bird (they process crops and feed), hormones that accelerate the growth of the bird.