Products that reduce acidity
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Hydrochloric acid normally creates favorable conditions for digesting food, eliminates harmful microflora, stimulates the evacuation of food from the stomach into the intestines. High acidity is a deviation in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which is manifested by heartburn. The reasons are different, only a doctor can set them. When appointing treatment, a specialist will necessarily advise a diet of products that reduce acidity.
Which foods reduce acidity?
With an excess of acid, food does not have time to neutralize it. Acidic environment causes inflammation of the mucosa, which is manifested by pain, a feeling of raspiraniya, eructations, heartburn. At the patient there is a question: whether it is possible as that to eliminate the unpleasant phenomenon without medicines, and by means of the products lowering acidity, and what products reduce acidity of gastric contents?
- It is known that quickly counteract the adverse effect of acid on the walls of the stomach products with an enveloping and protective effect. This is green tea, honey, kissel, pearl barley, semolina, rice porridge.
A simple method suggests using oatmeal as a source of fiber. The addition of grated nuts and honey in the porridge makes the mixture a nutritious enveloping product that reduces acidity and stimulates intestinal activity.
Popular methods of lowering the acidity are based on recipes from natural ingredients: herbs, nuts, honey, propolis, soda. Of the herbs, mint, St. John's wort, calendula, nettle, centipedes, thyme, infused on white wine are especially useful.
- Regulates the acidity of the mixture, prepared by the following recipe: 100 g of nettle leaves and apple peel pour 1 liter of vinegar diluted in water (1: 1). Insist in a closet or pantry for 3 weeks, resulting in a fluid enriched with enzymes and B vitamins. This drink lowers the acidity level and has a beneficial effect on digestion.
You can remove unpleasant symptoms for a while, but the main task is to find out and eliminate their causes. With such symptoms, the gastroenterologist most often diagnoses gastritis and, in addition to diet, prescribes a course of treatment with special medications.
Useful products for gastritis with high acidity
Useful products for gastritis with high acidity are plant, which in the process of digestion secrete alkali, chemically neutralizing excess acid. From popular fruits are recommended cowberry, plum, Brussels sprouts. From enzyme products that reduce acidity, soy sauce is useful, which promotes the breakdown and assimilation of proteins.
One of the conditions of a diet with high acidity is high-fiber carbohydrate foods. It supports the protein-carbohydrate balance, contains useful vitamins A and B1. Delicate soups, jelly, milk porridges and soups - priority in the "gastritis" menu. Daily use of cereals, pasta, dietary varieties of fish, poultry, meat is recommended. It is recommended also:
- Vegetables - boiled, stewed, baked, in the form of vinaigrette. Parsley, dill is useful for stimulating appetite.
- Sparse soups, steamed meatballs and cutlets from low-fat minced meat, jellied or stuffed fish.
- Dietary varieties of sausages, seafood.
- Prostokvasha, kefir minimum fat content, a little low-calorie milk.
- From fruits - sweet apples, ripe pears, bananas, strawberries and raspberries.
- From drinks - jelly, fresh broths of fruit and dogrose.
- Bread from rough flour.
- To sweet foods that reduce acidity, belong honey, jam.
It is important to comply with the regime, taking food every day at the same time, in 4-5 full-fledged receptions, without snacks. You can not eat "on the go"; while eating, you should concentrate on the process, without being distracted by the TV or reading the press. Reading or listening to music is much more useful after eating, to relax and improve digestion.
It is necessary to chew the food thoroughly and not to eat too much. Food should be simple, as the abundance of ingredients in dishes makes digestion difficult.
Allowed products with gastritis with high acidity
Allowed products with gastritis with high acidity are designed to neutralize excess acid and improve digestion. Recommended dishes and products that reduce acidity:
- bread "not the first freshness", crackers, dry sorts of cookies;
- mashed potatoes;
- peeled tomatoes;
- veal, white meat, beef;
- non-acid fruits and berries;
- baked apples;
- pastila, marshmallows;
- cream, home-made cottage cheese;
- steam, boiled river fish;
- seafood;
- vegetable oils, creamy - in minimal quantities;
- a steam omelet, a stiff egg;
- fresh vegetables;
- drinks - mors, jelly, light tea, cocoa.
To improve the taste, aromatic greens (dill, parsley), as well as vanilla and cinnamon, are suitable. Important role played by drinks. Honey and honey water, soaking for an hour and a half before meals, reduces acidity, increases immunity, heals damaged mucous membrane. Broth of dogrose stimulates appetite. Clean water removes toxins.
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Prohibited foods with gastritis with high acidity
The task of a therapeutic diet is to slow the process of excretion in the stomach of digestive juice. Therefore, in the list of prohibited products with gastritis with high acidity, those containing extractive substances, ester compounds, oxalic acid are included. The danger is that they activate pancreatic activity and the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Among the banned are the following products:
- Dishes from sea fish, canned food.
- Warm bread, pastry puff pastry, pastry, confectionery.
- Fatty meat and offal, sausages, canned meat.
- Milk products of high fat content, hard cheeses.
- Strong broths, rich liquid dishes.
- Eggs are steep and fried.
- Beans, mushrooms, sour berries.
- Spicy and leafy vegetables (radish, garlic, sorrel).
- Hot sauces, fast food, spicy mixes.
- Carbonated drinks, long-term storage products with an abundance of preservatives.
Alcohol, coffee, too hot or cold food harm the inflamed stomach. The restriction also applies to oil and salt.
Calorie, fried foods and sodas are dangerous because they quickly split and do not neutralize the gastric contents. Instead, you should prepare food from products that reduce acidity: cereals, soups, vegetable purees, steam fish cutlets, kefir, tea and drinks from dried fruits.
Symptoms that indicate a hyperacid gastritis can not be ignored or discomforted with calcium tablets. As a result of constant heartburn, the problem is aggravated and fraught with a plague. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to eat properly, using products that reduce acidity, to be examined by a specialist and, if necessary, to undergo treatment.