Products that increase acidity
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Quality of life largely depends on the state of health, and well-being - on the state of digestive processes, including on acid-base balance. Problems of the digestive system can spoil life for everyone. To keep the processes under control, it is better to know at least a minimum of products that increase acidity and generally affect the gastrointestinal tract.
What foods increase the acidity of the stomach?
Reduced acidity creates favorable conditions for the propagation of harmful fungi and viruses, which can cause serious damage to the body. With such problems a person involuntarily thinks about what foods increase the acidity of the stomach and how to use them correctly?
- A quick result gives coffee and tea a strong concentration, hot pepper and horseradish in smart doses. Apples, apricots, grapes, berries, kiwi, honey - the most delicious products that increase acidity.
If you need to increase acidity constantly, then nutritionists advise sorrel, which even replace vinegar in preserves. Effective beans in any form, puree from fresh turnips, dressed with vegetable oil, carrots juice drunk before meals, drinks from sea buckthorn berries and dogrose.
At the same time, it is necessary to abandon food that promotes fermentation (mainly dairy products), and hard to digest (fatty meat, hard and homemade cheeses). Food should be freshly prepared and quality, with a minimum amount of salt.
People's means of renewing the acid balance are popular. These are natural products and medicinal herbs: magnolia vine, nut tincture, honey-and-oil mixture, plantain, coriander, parsley, garlic. In many cases, such a drug helps to cope with the disease without drug treatment.
Dairy products with high acidity
If we talk about the milk diet with gastritis, then it depends on the form of the disease: hyper- or hypoacid gastritis worries a person. It is believed that milk and certain products of its processing can be consumed in both cases, but in different ways.
Dairy products with high acidity include yoghurts, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, ayran, fermented baked milk, homemade cheese, cream. Since the diet with increased acidity is designed to reduce its level, then acidic products that increase acidity, it is undesirable. At the same time, ordinary milk, as an acid neutralizer, will be very handy.
- Especially useful is the raw goat's milk, unique in composition and properties, which does not cause eructations and effectively neutralizes the acid. You can add honey to it.
With reduced acidity, whole milk is not recommended, unless as an additive in coffee or porridge. But the fermented woman, yogurt, kefir, cheese soufflé and casseroles are excellent stimulants of appetite and secretion of gastric juices.
Milk is drunk with warm, slow sips. Cooked on milk porridge to cook for a long time. Especially useful are oatmeal and buckwheat, they can be eaten every morning. Due to the fact that the organism of different people perceives milk in different ways, it is sometimes desirable to listen to its reaction or consult with a doctor before use.
What foods cause heartburn with increased acidity?
Heartburn occurs with both forms of gastritis, but with increased acidity - more often. It is accompanied by a sensation of burning, acidity, pain in the throat and behind the breastbone. Occurs when hydrochloric acid is injected from the stomach into the esophagus. This is not only a very unpleasant, but also a dangerous condition - in view of the fact that the walls of the esophagus do not have protection against hydrochloric acid, so they irritate and eventually destroy them.
Before you find out which foods cause heartburn with increased acidity, you need to determine exactly whether the acidity is increased. For this purpose it is necessary to visit a doctor.
Products that increase acidity and cause heartburn:
- Tasty, but harmful food, that is, smoked, salted, fried, spicy, fatty - stimulates intensive secretion of juice, adversely affects the esophagus mucosa. Alcoholic drinks also work.
- Acid citrus - increase the pH level.
- Black bread, sweets, buns, tomatoes, coffee, beans, cabbage - undesirable foods for gastritis.
To eliminate heartburn, porridge, steam cutlets, non-acidic apples, pears, bananas, stewed vegetables, low-fat fish and meat are introduced into the diet . Goat milk, skimmed cottage cheese and cream, natural jelly. It is necessary to organize a diet in small portions, up to 6 times a day. Physical activity is also contraindicated, as is overeating, and late dinners. To sleep it is desirable, having lifted a pillow.
Allowed products with gastritis with low acidity
To normalize digestion in conditions of insufficient acidity, the menu introduces products that increase acidity. An approximate list of permitted products for gastritis with reduced acidity:
- Yesterday's bread, biscuits, lean pastries.
- Steam second courses from low-fat meat, fish.
- Liquid porridge on the water with the addition of milk.
- Broth skimmed, with the addition of noodles, vegetable soups.
- Puree or boiled potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage - ordinary and colored.
- Sour milk products, finely chopped cheese.
- Cow and vegetable oils.
- Soft-boiled eggs, scrambled egg whites.
- Baked apples.
- Watermelon, grapes without skin.
To stimulate the release of digestive juice before eating it is recommended to drink carrot, potato, cabbage fresh. The same action is provided by water and honey. From drinks are allowed tea with lemon, broth of wild rose, light coffee, cocoa with the addition of milk.
Eating such food, the patient "kills several rabbits": not only improves the state of the stomach, but also normalizes weight, metabolism and strengthens the immune system.
Prohibited foods with gastritis with low acidity
Diet with gastritis should help to equalize the acid-base balance and maintain it in the optimal regime. In particular, when there is a shortage of acid, products that increase acidity are needed. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to avoid prohibited products and gastritis with low acidity, and with increased.
The prohibition of hypoacid form is susceptible, for various reasons, to many foods. So, freshly baked bread, buns, beans and other legumes are too heavy for the gastritis stomach. Of cereals undesirable millet and pearl barley. All fatty and salty, including meat with films, makes it difficult to chew and digest food.
Smoked meat products provoke an overabundance of secretion of gastric juice. Salo and other animal fats are hard-to-digest food in a slightly acidic environment. Milk, sharp cheeses neutralize and so the lacking amount of hydrochloric acid.
Acute and spicy causes irritation of the gastric mucosa. So do chocolate, alcohol, juice from grapes. It is not recommended to use rough vegetable food, berries with a hard skin or grains in the pulp.
All stale or surrogate products that provoke poisoning, inflammation and other diseases of the digestive system are also prohibited.
Products that increase the acidity of the body
A living organism has an acid-alkaline ratio, which is characterized by a pH-value. In it, positive ions create an acidic environment, and negatively charged ones - alkaline. Acidification occurs, including, from the use of products that increase acidity or lowering.
The body is "interested" in the balance, that is, maintaining a certain level of acidity, since the disturbances can cause various unpleasant consequences: from general weakness to the likelihood of cancer formation.
To products that increase the acidity of the body, belong to the following:
- spoiled milk;
- meat and fish;
- flour products;
- alcohol;
- soda;
- vegetable oils;
- vinegar;
- mayonnaise and other sauces.
Acidity increases with heat treatment, addition of sugar, food additives, acidic ingredients, with long-term storage. Therefore in all cases fresh natural food, in particular, of vegetable origin, is more useful.
Promote a shift in the acidic side not only food, but also indirect factors - ecology, dirty air, stresses, electromagnetic beams generated by the work of mobile phones, computers, microwaves, lack of movement and positive emotions.
Products that increase the acidity of urine
Acidity characterizes the physical properties of urine, in particular, the ratio of acid and alkali, if viewed in a simplified manner. This is a hydrogen index, that is, showing the amount of hydrogen ions in a particular urine sample taken for analysis. Important for determining the diagnosis and condition of the body as a whole.
- Normally, the pH is 6.2-6.8; at above 7, the biological fluid has an alkaline medium, and when kept in balance it is kept at level 7. Acidity is largely dependent on nutrition. Products that increase the acidity of urine, cause fluctuations in the index and lead to the formation of salts.
To prevent this, the dishes enriched with purines are to be excluded from the menu: offal, chicken and veal; smoked and canned products, fish, beans. In this list - oxalic acid-rich leaves and fruits of plants: sorrel, rhubarb, beet, gooseberry, plum, strawberry, as well as white bread, buns, alcohol (beer, champagne and red wines).
- Restrictions include products that increase acidity: spicy, salty, spicy, oatmeal and semolina, chocolate, drinks with caffeine.
To reduce acidity, a milk-vegetable diet with sufficient amount of drinking is recommended, in particular, up to 2 liters of juices, teas, mineral water per day.
Failure to comply with a diet for any type of gastritis can cause significant complications, including malignant transformation and diseases of the entire digestive system. Therapeutic diet of products that increase acidity - the best assistant therapy, and in mild cases - a substitute for treatment. And, as always, the right way of life is the ideal way to stay healthy and enjoy life.