
Diets for fast weight loss: features

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Do you have excess weight and a great desire to be slim and beautiful? Do not you like how you look in your usual and favorite clothes? You need to lose weight, but you think that it is impossible to quickly drop these obtrusive kilograms in a short time? Why not choose the optimal diet for rapid weight loss?

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Essence of a diet for fast growing thin

A key feature of this diet is a short weight loss. As soon as the diet stops - your body will again begin to restore the body's usual weight with the metabolism to which he has long been accustomed. Your waist will become smaller much, the hips will become more attractive, but only for a certain period.

To the extra pounds to you did not return, change the metabolism in the body and give up the usual diet. Most importantly, do not pay attention to delicious cakes, tempting cream-honey and chocolate cakes and do not pounce on spicy sausage.

Keep yourself in hand, then the effect of the express diet will become more stable.

As a result, you lose from four kilos of excess weight in just 3 days of dieting.


This is interesting for slimming

An important fact! If you have problems with the stomach or endocrine system, do not take hard measures to lose weight, and choose a softer diet.

Your attention will be presented to a variety of tips that do not require large expenditures. In this diet there are products that most people are available, and many have it constantly. What is missing - you can easily buy in the store.

Diet: the first day - first we will unload the body

The most positive effect for people trying to lose weight, gives daily starvation. It does not lead to negative consequences for health, unless you have contraindications to it.

It is advisable to start a diet with a glass of frazha (carrots, cabbage, an apple, a beet or a pumpkin, which will also improve the color of your skin). For lovers of alternative methods, we offer a variety of broths from herbs: ivan-tea, thyme, mint, oregano and your hair strengthening chamomile with nettles.

By noon, the body should be relieved and allowed to relax, a little cleansed.

At lunch comes the vitamin period. Cook yourself with your favorite vegetables, knock vegetables. Eat as much as possible fruits and dried fruits, do not deny yourself seeds, nuts and various greens. If you want, you can use vegetable oil.

For dinner, eating of fruit begins again, exclude bananas.

After seven o'clock in the evening, without breaking the schedule, we start only to drink (we do not drink alcohol), Herbal tea, green tea (without sugar), unboiled water and fresh juices.

In the evening in your own pleasure, take a warm bath. By this you will warm up the stomach, it will relax and begin to purify more effectively.

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The second day of the diet

On the second day of diet for fast weight loss, we do not do anything (really, it's great?). We try to drink plenty of water, preferably, spring water. If there is no spring water - just boil the usual water. We do not eat absolutely anything on this day.

Try to drink a maximum, based on the fact that you want to lose weight. It is necessary to master about 3-4 liters of water, drink in small portions, this will happen by itself. In the afternoon there will be the greatest difficulty.

If you are used to eating regularly and densely, you will have to suffer, try for yourself. If you do not pay attention to hunger - it will be easier. Convince yourself that you do not want to eat. Do drawing, homework or other things that will distract you.

If by evening you suddenly become ill, the head will start to spin - do not lose heart. Just drink water with lemon juice or honey, it will help you to return vivacity and mood. After such a busy day, go to rest, do not overload yourself.

The final, third day diet for fast weight loss

On the last day of the diet, start slowly and confidently out of starvation. First, cheer yourself up with a cup of aromatic, warm herbal tea. After an hour or two, drink a glass of toning juice.

For dinner prepare yourself a favorite carrot-cabbage salad, and an equal amount, season the salad with carrot juice. You can add greens to your salad, it will cheer up.

Before 7 pm, eat fruit without pity, but after 7 pm you can only drink tea or freshly squeezed juice.

Arrange yourself on a regular basis such fasting days with observance of all diet rules for fast growing thin. Have a good mood!

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