Diet with esophagitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diet in esophagitis - this is the rules of nutrition, which are necessary for the treatment and prevention of disease. Consider the features of the composition of the diet, safe and harmful products, as well as recipes and an exemplary menu.
Esophagitis is an inflammation of the internal walls of the esophagus. It can be both acute and chronic. The causes of the ailment may be different, for example, fungal or viral infection, alcohol abuse or anatomical features of the body (weakness of the valve separating the esophagus and stomach).
The main symptoms are: heartburn after eating, nausea after eating, pain in the upper abdomen and swallowing food. Heavy forms are characterized by the appearance of vomiting with bloody veins, hoarseness of the voice. The disease is treated with medicinal methods, and with the help of dietary nutrition.
Treatment of esophagitis with diet
Treatment of esophagitis with a diet is one of the methods of therapy and prevention of ailment. Food is based on limiting the amount of food and frequent meals (5-6 times a day). It is forbidden to overeat, as this helps to weaken the valve, which causes gastric juice to enter the esophagus, irritates and damages the body walls, causing severe pain. Patients complain of nausea and vomiting, possibly ulceration of the stomach and esophagus.
When the first symptoms of malaise appear, seek medical attention. The doctor will appoint a set of tests and examinations, after which you can accurately diagnose. Based on the results of the research, adequate treatment and diet are selected. The doctor will tell you how to behave, what you can eat, and what not. If patients do not seek medical help, then this causes the transition of the disease to a chronic form.
What is the diet for esophagitis?
What is the diet for esophagitis and how long should it be observed? Almost all patients the gastroenterologist recommends a dietary table number 1. Such nutrition is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, that is, for peptic ulcer, gastritis and, of course, esophagitis. The diet should be gentle, preventing damage to the mucous membrane.
The diet should be kept for about 3-5 months. Such a long period helps to heal ulcers and restore the damaged mucosa, that is, recover from the disease. Many during the period of proper nutrition will change, lose weight, the skin will become clean from rashes, and hair silky. Therapeutic diet should be followed and after recovery, as the disease can return, because the true causes of the ailment are not amenable to therapy.
Diet with reflux esophagitis
Diet with reflux esophagitis is one of the main methods of treatment, without it, drug therapy and other procedures are ineffective. In the case of a disorder, gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus and irritates the mucosa wall. There is an eructation, and a burning sensation in the chest after eating.
As a rule, the treatment is based on finding out the cause of the disease and its elimination. But with reflux esophagitis, this method may not work. After all, it occurs due to the underdevelopment of certain nerve endings or as a concomitant disease with gastritis or ulcers. Therefore, most doctors consider the diet to be the most effective means of correcting the patient's condition during long-term treatment.
Eat often, but in small portions. It is forbidden to eat foods that increase acidity. After eating, do not take a horizontal position. Since such a position of the body with the weakness of the valve between the stomach and esophagus passes the gastric juice and irritates the esophagus.
Diet with esophagitis and gastritis
Diet with esophagitis and gastritis is a way to restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The main symptoms of the disease - belching and pain in the abdomen after eating. Nutrition involves the rejection of fried, fatty, salty, spicy and food, causing increased gas production.
Particular attention should be given to drinking. It is better to give up carbonated drinks and sweet water with dyes. Preference should be given to natural fresh squeezed juices and herbal decoctions. In the diet should be present fresh fruits and vegetables, greens, dairy and wholemeal products. Eat better often, but in small portions. It is enough for one meal every 3-4 hours. You can not starve and overeat, as this aggravates the course of the disease and causes painful sensations.
Diet with erosive esophagitis
Diet with erosive esophagitis allows you to get rid of unpleasant sensations after eating, belching and frequent painful hiccups. Without the necessary treatment, pain will appear when swallowing, causing nausea, discomfort behind the sternum (most often occurs in the supine position), night cough, pressing feeling at the top of the stomach. In the absence of therapy, serious complications are possible: bleeding and shortening of the esophagus, narrowing of the lumen, peritonitis, malignant tumors and even death.
In addition to dietary nutrition should adhere to the prescribed doctor recommendations for drug therapy. You need to eat often, but little by little, avoid starvation and give up late snacking. The last meal should be at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. It is forbidden to eat hot food, as it irritates the esophagus. If there are such bad habits as smoking or alcoholism, they also exacerbate the pathological disorder and its symptoms.
Diet with GERD with esophagitis
Diet with GERD with esophagitis - it's recommendations for nutrition, which will help cope with the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Patients are assigned a dietary table number 1, used for lesions of the stomach. Basic rules of nutrition:
- You need to eat often, but in small portions, enough 4-6 meals a day.
- The break between meals should not be longer than 3-4 hours.
- 30 minutes before eating, drink a glass of purified water.
- Use only warm dishes, best cooked, steamed or baked.
- Do not abuse salt and various seasonings. Do not add dishes with mayonnaise, mustard, hot sauces or ketchup.
Compliance with these simple rules will restore normal functioning of the body and the gastrointestinal tract.
Diet for catarrhal esophagitis
Diet for catarrhal esophagitis is a food that eliminates the painful symptoms of a disorder. This pathology can lead to edema and hyperemia of the esophagus and the place of connection with the stomach. Most often, the ailment occurs in lovers of spicy and smoked food and people who abuse pickles and pickled products. Symptoms cause dull, aching pain in the sternum and stomach, discomfort when swallowing. In addition, nausea, hiccups and regurgitation with air or acidic after-taste are possible.
Treatment begins with a course of medications and preparations for heartburn. Obligatory are the drugs for enveloping and protecting the gastric mucosa. Patients are prescribed vitamin preparations. Food should be rich in plant and protein foods. When compiling a diet, it is recommended to adhere to the rules described in the diet table No. 1 according to Pevzner.
Diet with candidal esophagitis
Diet in candidal esophagitis is a food complex for the elimination of a disorder caused by a fungal infection. If there is a suspicion of ailment, then patients are prescribed esophagoscopy. When carrying out the procedure, you can see a white film on the stomach and esophagus mucous or curdled plaque. Sensations of candidal disease, such as when food is stuck in the larynx and esophagus. Often there is vomiting and heartburn.
Treatment is started in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. Nutrition is prescribed after a short hunger strike (1-2 days) and injected gradually, with complications can be fed through the probe. To achieve a therapeutic effect, diet No. 1 is recommended. It is rare to cure candidal esophagitis to the end, since fungi live with us in the symbiont. With a weakening of immunity, stress, discomfort and a general decline in strength, the disease may return. Try to adhere to a healthy diet and get rid of bad habits.
The diet menu for esophagitis
The diet menu for esophagitis provides for the rejection of many products. But do not get upset, because even with a limited food set you can make a complete diet.
- A glass of green tea, kefir or liquid yogurt.
- Buckwheat or oatmeal with fruit.
- Soup with vegetable broth.
- Baked fish or chicken breast with vegetables.
- A fresh vegetable salad.
- Baked apple.
- Fresh cottage cheese with a spoonful of sour cream.
- Soup puree from cauliflower with cream.
- Steam cutlet from beef or chicken.
- Baked vegetables.
Second dinner:
- Banana with cottage cheese.
- Bread from bran.
- A glass of yogurt or warm milk.
Diet recipes for esophagitis
Diet recipes for esophagitis help to diversify the diet not only useful, but also delicious dishes. Let's consider some simple recipes that can be used for medicinal purposes:
Pumpkin porridge
- Milk - 1 liter
- Pumpkin - 500 g
- Sugar - 150 g
- Butter - 20 g
- Raisins and dried apricots - 50 g
Pumpkin to peel, cut, pull the seeds and cut into small pieces. Boil it in milk until soft consistency, add dried fruits. Grind the contents of the pan with a blender, add a little sugar and oil. If necessary, add more milk. Such porridge is very useful for the stomach, it does not irritate the mucous. Pumpkin is a natural antioxidant, rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements.
Pizza Boat
- Fresh squash - 2-3 pcs.
- Hard cheese (with a low fat content) is 100 g.
- Carrots - 1-2pcs.
- Cauliflower - 200-300 g
- Corn - 50 g
- Eggs - 2 pcs.
- Sour cream - 100 g
Squash to wash, cut into two parts. Take out the middle carefully and crush it. Carrots and cheese cut into small cubes. Cut cauliflower into inflorescences. Mix all the products, add eggs and a little sour cream. Blend the mixture in booths from courgettes. All this put the baked in the oven at 180-200 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Boats will be very tasty and useful for the stomach.
Spicy Grapefruit
- Pink grapefruit - 1-2 pcs.
- Honey - 50 g
- Cinnamon
- Vanilla sugar
The fruit is washed and cut in half. Mix honey with cinnamon and vanilla sugar. Using a knife to make small incisions in the pulp, put a stuffing in them. The future dessert is sent to the oven for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. The dish can also be cooked in a microwave oven, at a maximum temperature for 7-10 minutes.
Diet with esophagitis helps to cure the inflammation of the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract. Therapeutic nutrition strengthens and revitalizes, restores the normal work of all organs and systems.
What can you eat with esophagitis?
What you can eat with esophagitis, this question arises in everyone to whom the diagnosis was made. So, what is recommended to eat and how to cook food? The products must be thoroughly heat treated. It is best to boil, bake or cook for a couple. Useful is food, rich in vitamins and trace elements, which will nourish the body with strength and health.
Permitted products:
- Fruits and berries
- Vegetables, greens
- Cereals
- Dairy products
- Low-fat varieties of meat and fish
- Whole-wheat bread.
It is recommended to adhere to a fractional food, drink enough water (up to 2 liters per day). It is forbidden to overeat and starve.
What can not be eaten with esophagitis?
What can not be eaten with esophagitis is an urgent issue for people with a similar disorder. Products should be chosen carefully, cook with a minimum amount of salt and vegetable oil. It is better to give preference to boiled, baked or steamed food.
Prohibited products:
- Coffee
- Tomatoes
- Strong tea
- Spices (dill, parsley, coriander, bay leaf)
- Eggplant
- Fat and rich broths and soups with potatoes
- Alcohol
- Chips, nuts
- Sweets
- Black bread and crackers
- Baking, especially yeast.
Patients are forbidden food, causing gas formation, increased acidity of gastric juice and irritation of the gastric mucosa.