3-day diet
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Time-limited short-term weight loss programs, which are based on a radical change in the habitual diet, in particular a 3-day diet, are called Crash Diet, that is, "emergency". Such methods of losing weight are resorted to in extreme cases: to look more slender at an important meeting or some kind of celebration, for example, at your own wedding ...
How does an emergency 3-day diet work? And what is the most effective 3-day diet?
The essence of the 3-day diet
There are several plans for weight loss within three days, but they are all based on a single principle, and the essence of a 3-day diet is a dramatic reduction in caloric intake: from the standard 2200 to 1400-1500 and even 700-800 calories a day. Obviously, this is not very comfortable for the body, which deprives conventional energy sources. But, as the supporters of the Crash Diet assure, this is what gives good weight loss results - up to 5-8 pounds (2.3-3.6 kg). However, it should be borne in mind that weight loss in each case depends on factors such as metabolism, activity level, etc. And all the "shock" low-calorie diets, basically, lead not to the loss of body fat, but to loss of water due to a slight dehydration.
After studying the essence of the 3-day diet, experts at the American National Institutes of Health (NIH) note that any uncontrolled diet that recommends reducing the calorie content of a daily diet to 1200 calories or lower is unsafe for health. Among the potential risks of such a diet experts call slowing metabolism, reducing overall immunity, weakening bones, heart stress.
In addition, most people quickly "eat" the lost weight, as soon as they return to their usual diet. So, if your goal is long-term weight loss, a 3-day diet in the style of crash is ineffective.
Menu 3-day diet BHF
Aggressive 3-day diet involves eating three times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
On the first day of the menu, a 3-day diet allows you to eat 1300-1400 calories:
For breakfast:
- a cup of black coffee (tea or still water);
- half a grapefruit or banana - 50 kcal;
- one dry toast - 120 kcal (with peanut butter - 180 kcal).
- 115 g of tuna - 150 kcal;
- one toast - 120 kcal;
- a cup of black coffee or tea.
For lunch:
- 85 grams of any lean meat - 300 kcal;
- 100-110 g of string beans or green beans - 35 kcal;
- 120-130 g of carrots - 50 kcal;
- one average apple - 70 kcal;
- 130 g vanilla ice cream - 290 kcal;
- a cup of black coffee (tea).
The menu of the 3-day diet on the second day (total about 1200 kcal).
For breakfast:
- a cup of black coffee (tea or water);
- one egg (hard-boiled or cooked as you like) - 75 kcal;
- one dry toast - 120 kcal;
- one banana or an orange - 100 kcal.
- 200 g 1-2% curd - 230 kcal;
- five salted crackers - 70 kcal;
- a cup of black coffee (tea).
For lunch
- 85 grams of boiled low-fat meat, or two sausages, or 120 g of boiled chicken - 300-350 kcal;
- 60-70 g carrots - 25 kcal;
- 65 g of white cabbage or broccoli - 35 kcal;
- one banana - 100 kcal;
- 65 g of vanilla ice cream - 145 kcal;
- a cup of black coffee (or tea).
Menu 3-day diet on the third day (total about 1100 calories).
- Breakfast consists of a cup of black coffee (tea or water), five salted crackers (70 kcal), a slice of cheese not more than 30 grams (120 kcal) and an apple of small size (50-70 kcal).
- At lunch on this day are laid: a cup of black coffee (tea or water); one egg (hard-boiled or cooked in another way) - 75 kcal; one dry toast - 120 kcal.
- And the dinner consists of: 225 g of tuna (200 kcal); 120-130 g of carrots (50 kcal); 100 g of cauliflower (25 kcal); 160 g melon or berries (58 kcal); 65 g of vanilla ice cream (145 kcal) and a cup of black coffee or tea.
It is recommended that you strictly adhere to this diet, or the 3-day diet will not have an effect. Also, it is allowed to drink extra per day to a liter of water.
You can explain why the menu contains vanilla ice cream. It is a dairy product - a source of calcium, however, less suitable than cottage cheese or natural yogurt. Products with a high calcium content promote the passage of fats through the digestive system without digestion. But the smell of vanilla, according to the guru of aromatherapy, significantly reduces the appetite.
Exit from the diet - in the next three or four days - is to observe the principles of low calorie daily diet (within 1500 kcal), but you can eat what you like.
Other 3-day diet: on kefir, rice and vegetables
One of the most popular crash diets - a 3-day diet on kefir - is to consume 1.5 liters of kefir 1% fat throughout the day. All this amount should be divided into six times, that is, 250 ml (one glass). It is also possible to include low-fat cottage cheese (200 g). Thus, the calorific value of the daily diet will be about 745 kcal. And if you use cottage cheese fat content of 5% - 840 kcal.
The 3-day rice diet consists not only of rice, but includes fresh apples and natural (freshly squeezed) orange juice. One glass of rice should be cooked in unsalted water, as a result of 180 grams of cereals, your daily norm of boiled rice (540-550 g) will be obtained, which must be divided into at least four meals and there is rice without oil. Also during the day you can eat three apples, drink a glass of natural orange juice and up to 1500 ml of water (non-carbonated). The 3-day rice diet has a caloric value just over 1000 kcal per day.
As you know, a 3-day vegetable diet assumes only vegetables in the menu:
Daily for 1400-1600 g, divided into 4-5 receptions. It is not recommended to use only potatoes, and all other vegetable crops (especially all varieties of cabbage, lettuce, zucchini and cucumber) are better to eat fresh - in the form of salads (with a small amount of vegetable oil). You can also boil or broil vegetables (without fats).
3-day model diet
Professional models know that the so-called 3-day model diet refers to crash diets for those who are not engaged in the modeling business. Because to maintain the form, one must adhere to sustainable dietary principles that
Include regular meals in small portions and the use of useful products that provide the body with energy and support the correct metabolism.
Former model Kelly Killoren Bensimon, who once shone on the world's catwalks and was the face of Clarins, has a university degree and writes books about diets and beauty secrets. Kelly's recommended 3-day KKB Supermodel Diet model diet is based on the use of green juices.
The daily portion of this juice is prepared from the following ingredients: 3 cabbage leaves (chopped), a glass of chopped asparagus (broccoli), a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lime juice, 150 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice, 8 leaves of fresh mint, 4 leaves of lemon mint (lemon balm) or 50 g of parsley, 200 ml of water. All this should be ground with a blender and during the day to drink (the first 200-250 ml - as a breakfast).
In addition, within three days it is necessary: to exclude from the diet oil, sugar, salt and any nuts; for dinner there is brown rice with vegetables and boiled chicken; for dinner - steak from lean meat, chicken or shrimp with stewed spinach. Also it is necessary to drink up to eight glasses of water a day (necessarily a glass of water with lemon juice after dinner); take multivitamins and sleep at least eight hours a day. Kelly claims that the results of such a diet - minus one and a half kilograms for three days.
We think, based on the menu above, recipes for cooking are not needed. Moreover, it is not difficult to cook brown rice with vegetables (according to Kelly Bensimon's recipe). 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil are poured into the saucepan; 50-60 g of dry brown rice is poured; water is poured (to cover the croup with a layer of 2 cm), cook for about 25 minutes and add sliced carrots, zucchini, onions, sweet peppers and green string beans. Everything is stewed under the lid to soften the vegetables.
In conclusion, it should be recalled that the 3-day diet does not solve the accumulated problems with food and can not teach you to eat properly. And the most likely outcome of this diet is the return of dropped kilograms.
What can and can not be eaten with a 3-day diet?
The 3-day diet clearly regulates what you can eat, more precisely, what is necessary (permissible) to use during these days.
Many Internet sites feature the name "military diet" - with information that this complex of slimming "works using a unique combination of products" that cause "a chemical reaction to weight loss." To put it mildly, these assurances do not have sufficient evidence.
By the way, this diet is not military (in English military), but militant (militarily - from the word militate, that is, to fight, to fight). Considering the semantic nuances (which are not understood by all authors, including English-language web-resources), this diet should be called aggressive - in relation to excess fatty deposits.
In the UK, it has been known for a long time as the BHF Diet diet of the British Heart Foundation, the Birmingham and even the Greenland. From the authorship of this diet BHF in every way denies, and the source of its origin, no one knows. This crash diet limits the daily energy value of the diet to 1400 calories. Look further, which is included in the daily menu of the 3-day diet. And what can not be eaten with this diet, it is not difficult to guess from the same menu: the existence of other products at this time you just need to forget.