Yoga during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Yoga during pregnancy is a useful form of physical activity permissible in the period in which a woman carries a child. However, it is also necessary to take into account the existence of certain limitations.
Experienced instructors always make a footnote on such a very specific female condition as pregnancy, on the basis of which it is determined what is acceptable for future mothers when doing yoga, and what is unacceptable. Thus, when starting a professional yoga practice, a pregnant woman can be sure that the proposed set of exercises is already specially adapted.
Doing asan yoga by a future mother promotes the acquisition of stretch marks and the attainment of a state of relaxation, which, in conjunction with practiced breathing exercises, will be useful one way or another when the moment of childbirth comes.
Yoga exercises can help reduce the severity of early toxicosis of the medium and low intensity of its manifestations.
Often throughout the pregnancy, expectant mothers face such a pathological condition as hypertension characterized by increased blood pressure and causing an increase in the likelihood of all kinds of complications. In such a situation, a tangible beneficial effect can be brought about by practicing yoga. In addition, the benefits of it are obvious with back pain, difficulty urinating and constipation. Thanks to yoga, the edema of the legs is reduced, it allows you to cope with nausea, contributes to less fatigue during pregnancy.
A significant advantage of yoga in front of other types of physical activity and active sports is that in the asanas, sudden movements and aggressive influences are excluded. Doing yoga helps improve blood circulation, strengthen the dorsal muscles and abdominals. These factors have a very positive effect on the course of the delivery process.
Yoga during pregnancy, thus, allows the future mother to come to a better physical condition and feel the flow of energy, and in addition can help get rid of nervous tension and overcome anxiety.
Yoga in the planning of pregnancy
To date, there is ample evidence to suggest that in cases where a man and a woman can not conceive and give birth to a child for a long period of time, the main reason for this with a 30-40 percent incidence of cases is in female infertility. Doing yoga helps to eliminate physiological causes, contributes to overcoming psychological problems and establishing a hormonal background in the body of a woman.
Yoga in the planning of pregnancy is useful primarily due to the fact that one of its fundamental principles is the practice of exercises aimed at mastering special techniques for achieving relaxation. It's no secret that a woman in a desire to realize her function of motherhood, due to long walks on the doctors, carrying out all sorts of diagnostic measures and tests, is in a stressful state. It happens that such a desire turns into a real idea fix, but you have to be able to relax. It is during this period that yoga is the most appropriate one.
In addition, thanks to her, a woman planning a child is able to find emotional balance. Implementation of special exercises - pos (asanas) and pranayan - respiratory practices provide a soft stimulation of the secretory glands and internal organs, including the female reproductive system.
In addition to practicing yoga in groups of general orientation, a specially developed technique for women, which is called "yoga for conception" or "hormonal yoga", can contribute to conception. It must, however, be noted that it should not be considered as a full-fledged alternative and an excuse for refusing hormonal procedures, if necessary.
The authorship of yoga for conception belongs to the Brazilian psychologist Dina Rodriguez. The three whales on which this practice stands are: a complex of movements of characteristic techniques of various yogic directions; a special system of breathing exercises; the disclosure and strengthening of the woman's energy potential of her body. The above combination of principles makes it possible to attribute this kind of yoga to the types of gymnastics that are quite dynamic, and at the same time accessible to beginners who do not even have the proper experience. The beneficial effect of it is to stimulate and optimize the processes of hormonal secretion, increase metabolism and improve blood circulation in the body.
Yoga in planning pregnancy, as one can come to a conclusion, brings with it a considerable benefit for the physical condition of the female body. It is a factor contributing to overcoming a woman who wants to become a mother, various psychological blocks. After all, the practice of yoga helps to overcome stress, it is because of this that hormonal failures that can hinder conception often occur.
Contraindications to yoga during pregnancy
Contraindications to yoga during pregnancy, despite the fact that this type of exercise is more preferable than other more active sports during this period, there are still.
In particular, if a woman, before she became pregnant, sports was not one and the main components of her way of life, it is required to gradually join yoga, observing all possible caution. This is particularly relevant for the first trimester of bearing a fetus, when it begins to form those organs that are of vital importance.
It is unacceptable to record a pregnant woman in a group in which traditional yoga is practiced, for everyone. The complex of yoga classes for pregnant women does not contain a number of asanas that can potentially be dangerous for women in this state. For example, postures with excessive back deflection, lying on the abdomen, acceptance of closed twisted position, etc., are excluded
Contraindicated yoga for those pregnant women who have been diagnosed with polyhydramnios, there is an increased likelihood that miscarriage may occur.
With increased tonus of the uterus, it is possible to proceed to the exercises only after having consulted a doctor.
Medical consultation must also necessarily precede the commencement of visiting yoga studios with the available over-production of any particular hormone.
Do various asanas do not accept the various diseases present in the chronic stage, and high blood pressure.
Yoga classes should be stopped when, before the day of the expected expected resolution, the childbirth remains for no more than 3 to 2 weeks. This, however, is not a strict demand, and everything depends on the general well-being and the state of health of the pregnant woman by this date.
The woman's intake of food, before she begins to study, should occur no later than 3-4 hours before.
If there is any discomfort in the performance of a particular asana, this should call for the need to immediately go out.
So, as is clear from all that we have examined, some contraindications to yoga during pregnancy, have a place to be. Therefore, for such exercises to be fully useful for the future mother and baby, and to avoid the risk of all negative consequences, consultation with a medical specialist is required. Especially if it is decided to practice in the asanas independently, at home.
Yoga in early pregnancy
If the results of a consultation with a doctor are categorical contraindications or any other obstacles are not identified, the future mother can be sent to write to a special class where yoga early in pregnancy is conducted with an instructor who has the necessary knowledge and experience working with pregnant women. If it is not possible to practice yoga in such special groups, a visit to an ordinary female yoga class is allowed. In this case, the woman is required to inform the trainer that she is "in position".
In the classical practice of yoga, there are no significant restrictions in connection with pregnancy in its early stages. It is considered safe to perform most of the asanas, except perhaps those in which it is necessary to strain the muscles of the abdomen and back in its lower part. As is typical for the Posture of the Boat - the Parasurna Navasana, or in the Pose the Slope forward sitting - Pashchimotanasana and so on.
Asanas upturned are included in the number of allowable during classes solely on the grounds that their implementation was mastered by a woman before the pregnancy occurred. Despite the fact that they, and first of all, the Headstand - Salamba Shirshasana, are very useful in planning the conception and actually during pregnancy, it would hardly be a sensible decision to begin to learn them during this period.
To avoid that the fertilized egg does not move from the uterus, doing yoga should exclude jump jumps.
Thus, yoga in the early stages of pregnancy suggests an opportunity for a woman to start the lessons on a specially adapted program, while still in the first month. If there are any health problems or complications, it is necessary to make a preliminary visit to the medical specialist for consultation with him about the possibility to carry out such physical activity.
Yoga in the first trimester of pregnancy
Yoga in the first trimester of pregnancy - one of the simple and useful ways to cope with many negative manifestations of the symptom complex, the occurrence of which is accompanied by early gestation of the child. Decreased appetite, or, on the contrary, unquenchable hunger, indigestion, attacks of nausea, aches in the lower back, swelling of the legs. And this is against the background of a sudden sharp change in the psychoemotional state of a woman, heightened sensitivity, a state of general decline in strength, and excessive fatigue. The reason for all of the above is the change in the hormonal balance and the restructuring of virtually the whole organism, its organs of systems in order to provide the necessary conditions for the development of a new life in it.
Therefore, it is natural that the life of a pregnant woman changes to a slightly different level, with more measured rhythms, and it is required to treat your body with great attention, to help him in the performance of this new function for him, especially if pregnancy is first. The future mother needs to concentrate, focus on her inner world.
A wonderful assistant in this matter is the practice of yoga with simple, restorative postures.
There are a number of features that distinguish yoga in pregnant women during the first trimester. In particular, only during this period it is allowed to perform asanas when you may need to lie on your stomach. They do not pose any threat to the child, while he has not yet become sufficiently large in the process of pre-natal development. In the future, as the fetus grows, these asanas become unacceptable. In the case of the appearance of the least discomfort from them should be discarded. Asanas in the supine position on the conviction of many medical specialists should stop practicing, as soon as the second trimester of pregnancy comes. Their implementation can be an alternative to those performed in the first trimester asanas on the left side. For greater comfort and to provide support for the body resort to the use of rollers and folded blankets.
Yoga in the first trimester of pregnancy, while observing the necessary rules and principles of employment at this stage of bearing a child, will provide a positive result both for women who are already sophisticated enough, and for those who make their first steps in this health practice.
Yoga poses in pregnancy
The postures of yoga during pregnancy, permissible to perform, can be called the following.
The posture of Warrior II or Virbhadrasana II helps to strengthen the legs, gives them flexibility and helps to relieve cramps in the muscles of the hips and calves. It also makes the muscles of the back more flexible, it exerts a tonic effect on the organs in the abdominal cavity.
Performing the Dove asana or Eka Pad Rajakapotasan I leads to a significant improvement in blood circulation in the urogenital system of a woman, and in addition, the endocrine glands: thyroid and parathyroid, pancreatic, and ovarian can improve. Due to the regular practice of this asana, the flexibility of the spine develops.
Trikonasana - the pose of the Triangle provides the best blood flow in the head, trains the back muscles in the lower part of it, promotes muscle stretching and relaxation of the arms and legs, shoulders, back. When it is performed, stretching of the gastrocnemius and femoral muscles occurs. Practicing asanu Triangle, it becomes possible to get rid of back pain to increase the flexibility of the back. Beneficial action is also in improving the appetite, promoting the digestive process, and in addition, this position prevents the occurrence of constipation.
When pregnant Ardha Chandrasana, Crescent's posture, involves all the leg muscles and lateral muscles of the body involved in this process, the waist and abdominal press are also involved. As a result, tendons in the popliteal region and ligaments in the groin are stretched, coordination of movements improves. Thanks to this asana, there is also improvement in digestion, it also helps to neutralize stress.
When a woman accepts Buddha konasana (Bhadrasana) - the posture of the Bound angle, the activity of the internal organs in the cavity of the peritoneum is thereby stimulated. There is a toning effect on the kidneys, the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves. In pregnant practitioners, this asana can be depressed, the degree of anxiety decreases, it helps to reduce fatigue. It is recommended that Bhadrasana be performed regularly until the onset of childbirth, as this may be a factor that facilitates the birth process.
At the onset of late pregnancy, the performance of the cat's pose - Marjariana cows - Bitilasana provides an increase in the elasticity of the dorsal muscles. Helps reduce the burden of the uterus with the fetus inside the spine. As the moment of childbirth approaches, the child turns over in the correct position, that is, downwards with the head.
The postures of yoga during pregnancy offered to a woman during this period are able to help to establish a hormonal balance, reduce the severity of negative phenomena developing in the body of a future mother, and significantly contribute to the fact that birth will occur naturally.