White discharge during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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White discharge during pregnancy can cause severe anxiety in women. There are several reasons for this kind of secretions. First of all, such allocation are directly related to pregnancy, as the body at this time is doing a tremendous job in preparation for bearing and giving birth to a child.
As doctors explain, with the onset of pregnancy on the cervix appears mucous plug, which prevents infection from outside, in connection with this, the allocation of a woman may increase somewhat. In this case, the discharge is considered quite normal and should not cause panic in the pregnant woman. Natural secretions in pregnancy are mucous, clear or milky white, without a specific odor. Allocations in principle disturb the woman, do not irritate the vaginal mucosa. With respect to personal hygiene, such secretions are almost invisible. Allocations after childbirth pass independently, without any additional treatment.
Before giving birth, the amount of secretion may increase. This is also a natural process that precedes the birth. If the allocation is painless, then worry about them not worth it, the time to give birth to a baby has not yet come to light. But if within a few hours there is a moderate transparent discharge, water is likely to begin to drain, in this case it is better to go straight to the doctor.
Pathology is a selection that occurs against the background of fungal, bacterial or infectious diseases. When this type of discharge appears, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible and start the appropriate treatment. If the discharge has a greenish, gray (or any other) hue, an unpleasant smell - you need to consult a doctor and, if necessary, take tests. Such secretions are characteristic of yeast infection, bacterial vaginitis, trichomoniasis. Timely treatment reduces the risks of development of severe consequences for both the woman herself and her future child. Self-medication during pregnancy can not be dealt with, because in order to correctly identify the causative agent of the disease, it is necessary to give a smear and then conduct appropriate treatment taking into account the condition of the woman and the gestational age.
Causes of white discharge during pregnancy
A healthy cervix of the uterus produces a secret necessary to update the mucosa, moisturize the walls of the vagina, maintain the microflora in the genital organs. When the nature of the discharge changes (consistency, odor, etc.), a possible cause may be a hormonal effect or an infection.
The infection also provokes white discharge during pregnancy from the genital organs, while the diseases adversely affect both the general condition of the woman and the health of the unborn child. With the onset of pregnancy, the woman is reduced resistance to any diseases, in particular, to those who are sexually transmitted.
At a period of up to 12 weeks, the woman's body is strongly influenced by progesterone, which is necessary for maintaining pregnancy. From the thirteenth week of pregnancy, excretions can increase, they are clear, do not smell, do not cause itching, burning and unpleasant sensations.
See also: Allocations in early pregnancy
A pregnant woman must necessarily pay attention to the color, consistency, amount of secretions, so this will help in time to determine the pathological processes in the genitals. If the nature of the secretions has changed, the cause of this may be hormonal leaps in the body, diseases of the reproductive system, infection, etc. The most common cause of discharge in pregnant women is candidiasis (thrush). In this case, the discharge has a cheesy consistency, they are abundant, with a beer smell. Also, the possibility of developing other opportunistic pathogens of the genital organs is not ruled out.
When pregnancy sometimes develops cervical erosion, while a woman can observe the discharge from yellow to brownish hue. If symptoms of erosion occur, you should inform your doctor.
In pregnant women, a white or pinkish hue appears in the period when menstruation was due to start. The discharge is odorless, does not cause anxiety and unpleasant sensations. If there is pain in the lower abdomen with such secretions, you should inform the doctor about it as soon as possible, since such conditions can indicate various pathologies (ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, etc.).
White discharge without smell during pregnancy
In the first weeks of pregnancy, when a woman still does not even know her condition, there may be secretions from the genitals. Even abundant white or transparent excretions are considered a natural reaction of the body to the beginning of hormonal restructuring.
In addition to changing the hormonal background, excretions can appear due to the cork formed in the cervix from the mucus, which serves as a barrier to infection. The formation of a cork can be accompanied by abundant secretions in a woman.
Natural white discharge during pregnancy, in which there is no reason to worry, mucous, without various impurities (lumps, flakes, etc.), the color can be either clear or white-white, without a characteristic odor.
With such physiological discharge, a woman must carefully observe the hygiene of the genitals (wear comfortable linen from natural tissues, regularly wash her genitals, use daily linings, etc.).
Thick white discharge during pregnancy
The first 3 months of pregnancy are strongly influenced by the hormone progesterone. At first it is produced by the yellow body, which is formed after the rupture of the follicle. After the ovum is fertilized, the yellow body increases and produces progesterone in fairly large quantities. Progesterone helps to keep the embryo in the uterus. It is under the influence of this hormone that thick mucus forms in the cervix (cork). Thick white discharge during pregnancy appears from the genitals as a result of the large amount of progesterone in the body of a woman. Usually a woman notices on the lower mucous clots of white or transparent color, which stand out asymptomatically, without causing unpleasant sensations. Such secretions without odor and unpleasant sensations in the genitals should not cause concern to a woman, especially in the first trimester.
In the second trimester, the fetus is firmly fixed inside the uterus, the placenta is almost ripe, active production of another hormone, estrogen, begins. At this stage of the pregnancy, the uterus develops, which all the time increases and the mammary glands that are prepared for milk production. The estrogen becomes the frequent reason of occurrence at the woman of whitish or colorless vydeleny. Such discharges also do not belong to pathology. But if the discharge gets an unpleasant smell, the color changes, it starts to disturb the discomfort in the genitals (itching, burning, etc.), it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about it in order to prevent the serious development of serious diseases.
White liquid discharge during pregnancy
Liquid white discharge during pregnancy has many causes, in particular it can be a natural process that does not require any intervention. In some cases, even a doctor may find it difficult to distinguish between normal and pathological discharge.
The appearance of secretions in the second trimester of pregnancy also occurs under the influence of hormones. In the first months, the body of a pregnant woman is affected by progesterone, which provokes thick mucoid-like secretions of thick mucous type. After 12 weeks, the woman again undergoes a hormonal alteration of the body, the estrogen comes to the fore, which becomes the reason for the change in the nature of the secretions. Under the influence of this hormone, the woman begins vaginal discharge from the vagina. Especially plentiful discharge can be immediately before childbirth. When the emerging secretions do not smell, they do not cause discomfort (itching, burning, etc.), they are a natural manifestation of the body's reaction to pregnancy.
The problem in this case is that the isolation, whatever it is, is a good breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms, so a woman, especially a pregnant woman, needs to carefully monitor her hygiene (wash once a day, use special means for intimate hygiene, regularly change underwear, use gaskets, which change every 5-6 hours).
Liquid secretions that have a specific odor (reminiscent of fish) and sufficiently abundant, may indicate bacterial vaginosis or a violation of the vaginal microflora. Diseases can develop against a background of weak immunity, hormones, which provokes the growth of pathogenic microflora in the mucosa.
Bacterial vaginosis is usually not accompanied by any symptoms, in rare cases, a woman is worried about a slight itch or burning sensation. The disease is dangerous because some factors (for example, an even weaker immunity) can trigger an inflammatory process, so it is necessary to treat the disease without fail.
One of the causes of liquid secretions are sexual infections and various infectious and inflammatory diseases. Most of these diseases occur at the beginning of their development without any special symptoms. It is for this reason that doctors recommend planning a pregnancy in time to identify and treat all the existing diseases of the reproductive system.
In pregnant women, when the immunity decreases, a jump in hormones occurs, the infectious-inflammatory diseases can go into the phase of exacerbation, and various discharges from the genital organs, in particular, the liquid ones, are possible.
For example, in gonorrhea, which occurs in a latent form, a woman begins to discharge a liquid character with a yellowish-green tint, which may indicate the onset of inflammation. Chronic trichomoniasis, the course of which occurs without pronounced symptoms, during exacerbation is accompanied by abundant foamy secretions of a yellowish hue. The most part of infectious diseases is accompanied by a feeling of burning, itching, in some cases there is soreness with urination.
Yellow-white discharge during pregnancy
Yellow discharge from the genitals always indicate a pathological process. Allocations can not deliver women absolutely no unpleasant sensations. If there are secretions of a dark yellow color with an unpleasant odor, accompanied by soreness, itching of the genitals, you need to visit the gynecologist as soon as possible and take the necessary tests.
There are several reasons for the appearance of yellow-white discharge during pregnancy. First of all, it is any inflammatory process that has aggravated against the background of pregnancy. With weakened immunity, pathogenic bacteria enter the vagina, multiply and lead to inflammation of the genital organs. Respond to such allocation is very fast, as they can lead to spontaneous abortion.
Dark yellow discharge can indicate the appearance of an allergic reaction, which can be triggered by means for intimate hygiene, underwear, etc. Also, some microorganisms cause yellowish discoloration.
If the yellow discharge has acquired a greenish color over time, this indicates more severe diseases, for example, venereal diseases, which are also accompanied by pain during urination, itching, burning.
The bright yellow color of secretions from the genitals indicates inflammation of the fallopian tubes, ovaries or bacterial infection.
Yellow discharge with an unpleasant pungent odor occurs with inflammation of the uterus or appendages. Inflammation of the internal organs of a pregnant woman is a rather dangerous disease, since in most cases pregnancy ends in a spontaneous miscarriage.
White curdled discharge during pregnancy
Some women notice white discharge during pregnancy, which have a curdiness and an acidic smell. This kind of discharge indicates a disease that women often suffer, not just pregnant women - thrush or scientific vaginal candidiasis. Also, symptoms of thrush are severe itching, burning, swelling of the genitals, which can intensify at night, after sex or hygiene procedures.
The pregnant woman completely changes the hormonal background, the acidity in the vaginal mucosa decreases, the defensive reaction of the organism weakens. All this contributes to the reproduction of fungi, which are present in the environment of the vagina. As a result, thrush develops. The disease usually worsens during pregnancy and is very hard to treat.
If the woman is bothered by itching, burning and cheesy discharge of green color with an unpleasant smell, you need to urgently go to the hospital. In this case, the discharge can be a sign of infection or inflammation of the genital organs, which can result in spontaneous abortion. Inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes, ovaries provokes green curdled discharge. Acute vaginal infection is accompanied by abundant cheesy discharge with a greenish tinge. If the discharge is insignificant, then a bacterial infection in the genital tract may develop.
If the pregnant woman has found foamy, curdled yellowish secretions in her body, it is necessary to immediately pass tests for sexually transmitted diseases.
Often, greenish curdled discharge begins after taking antibiotics. The appearance of green mucus in the vagina indicates a violation of microflora in it.
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Treatment of white discharge during pregnancy
Transparent or white discharge during pregnancy, which is odorless, is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the vagina, do not pose a threat to the health of the future mother. All these excretions are a natural process that does not require treatment. A woman's discharge can begin several weeks after conception and continue until she gives birth. At the end of the pregnancy, discharges can become more abundant, but this also does not require treatment. Before giving birth to a woman, it is important not to confuse the discharge with the passage of the mucous plug (which is more dense in consistency with reddish veins). Also, abundant discharge may appear due to leakage of amniotic fluid. In any case, any kind of secretions and sensations must be reported to your gynecologist, which will help determine the cause of the discharge.
Bacterial infections that develop in a pregnant woman are quite hard to treat. First of all, drugs are prescribed to suppress pathogenic flora in the vagina and contribute to the restoration of the balance. Immunostimulating agents, proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air are also prescribed.
Infections in the genitals must be treated necessarily, otherwise negative consequences affect both the woman and her child. It is quite difficult to treat neglected infections in pregnant women, so at the slightest suspicion of an infectious disease it is necessary to contact a specialist, rather than engage in self-medication.
To treat infection in pregnant women, special schemes have been developed that are used at a certain time, only proven drugs that do not cause complications in the child are used for treatment. Treatment should be conducted under the control of laboratory tests.
Such a common disease as a thrush, during pregnancy is treated mainly with local drugs (cream, ointments, suppositories). Typically, doctors prescribe pimafucin in the early stages of pregnancy, but it has a weak efficacy, so at a later date thrush can develop with renewed vigor.
In some cases, doctors recommend the use of alternative medicine to alleviate symptoms (a solution of water, iodine and soda, decoction of the oak cortex, calendula, etc.).
White discharge during pregnancy worries almost every woman. First of all, it is necessary to know that secretions that do not have an odor are not accompanied by discomfort in the genitals are a natural reaction of the body to pregnancy (ie, a change in the hormonal background). If there is an unpleasant smell, discharge with any color (greenish, yellowish, blood, etc.), you need to see a doctor urgently to establish the cause of this condition. Timely established disease and effective treatment can avoid a number of unpleasant consequences, both for the woman herself and for the child inside her.