What kind of transport can I use during pregnancy?
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021
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During pregnancy, a woman is expected not only happy moments. Unfortunately, the future mother also faces problems. One of them is pregnancy and transport. When using public transport, a woman often experiences nausea, dizziness, motion sickness, a headache. She enters into unwanted contacts with patients, is at risk of injury and, surprisingly, meets misunderstanding and aversion from other passengers.
Public transport and pregnancy
Public transport and pregnancy should be somehow combined with all future mothers living in large cities. Otherwise, it is impossible to overcome long distances, even with a personal car. After traffic jams - a real scourge of modern megacities.
Unfortunately, pregnancy and transport do not mix well. When traveling in crowded buses and buses, a woman may feel overwhelmed, suffer from dizziness and nausea, faint and even vomit. The causes of such ailments are toxicosis and anemia, as well as hormonal changes that cause pressure jumps.
It is desirable to learn how to control one's condition and not allow extremes, in particular, fainting. At the first sign of menacing symptoms, a woman should go outside without getting to the right stop. If the fresh air does not become easier, you should turn to passers-by for help.
If you can not get out, it is advisable to open a window, unfasten your tight clothes, breathe deeper, if possible - lie down. When dizziness is repeated regularly, it is recommended to carry ammonia.
If there is a headache during a trip in transport, you need to remove the headdress and massage the sore spot with light movements until the pain passes.
To prevent infection with viruses, especially during the season of colds, it is useful for future mothers to use oxolin ointment or a mask. An important place in the prevention of colds is strengthening immunity with vitamins, garlic and onions (in small doses).
Serious danger for women expecting a child is trauma. They threaten the pregnant passenger with sharp bends, braking and other maneuvers of the vehicle.
In order to avoid such risks, it is better for a woman not to use transport during rush hours, to travel only while sitting, not to hurry to enter and leave at stops. In the metro do not stand on the edge of the platform, move on foot in the direction of movement, do not move on the escalator. Shoes in this period should be worn comfortable, on a sturdy heel.
And, finally, about the moral side of the problem. For some reason, recently, giving up a place to a pregnant woman has become "unfashionable". Women complain of inattention, ignoring and even rudeness from other passengers, including women. It is difficult to explain this behavior of others, because at all times a pregnant woman has traditionally been surrounded by respect and care. A respectful attitude is one of the old traditions of our people. Probably, modern upbringing in school and families has serious gaps in this area.
Experts advise women not to be modest and, if they do not pay attention to it, contact the conductor herself or the seated passenger with a request to give way. As a rule, it works. And if a woman exudes confidence and goodwill, then people will not have to ask, people will notice her condition.
If you are shaken in transport during pregnancy?
Vacillation and nausea are almost indispensable companions to pregnant women who use public transport. Especially in the first trimester, if the expectation of a child is accompanied by an early toxicosis.
Swaying provokes: empty or overcrowded stomach, lack of sleep, stress, flashing of pictures outside the window, strong smells, tightness and stuffiness, driving back in the direction of motion or standing, rocking traffic and other factors.
Sedation is manifested by dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, malaise, increased sensitivity to odors, nausea and urge to vomit. What should I do if a woman cradles in transport during pregnancy?
To prevent motion sickness to a planned trip, you should prepare well in advance:
- Do not overeat, but do not go hungry;
- drink light ginger or chamomile tea;
- Take an audiobook or music on the road;
- just in case grab an empty packet.
In transport it is desirable to take a convenient place in front, as well as:
- to sit facing forward;
- Do not read or look at the side windows;
- keep mint lollipops in your mouth;
- listen to music with your eyes closed.
If all preventive measures do not help to solve the problem of "pregnancy and transport", the trip should be stopped or postponed for another time. Pregnant should leave the salon and go out into the fresh air, try to sit on the bench and wait for the improvement of the condition.
If you feel nauseous in transport during pregnancy?
Swaying and nausea usually "work" together. Lack of oxygen, sudden movements, tightness can provoke malaise even in healthy people. Pregnant women are initially susceptible to this, especially in the first months when they are suffering from toxicosis. Nausea provokes attacks of vomiting, which aggravates the problem and puts the woman in an extremely embarrassing situation.
If a woman is nauseous in transport during pregnancy, if possible, it is better to avoid such trips. And if you go necessarily, then use this type of transport, from which you can go out at any time. The problem of "pregnancy and transport" is easiest to solve with the help of a taxi.
Nausea can provoke any smell: gasoline, cosmetics, tobacco, any products. Avoid discomfort sometimes helps another smell, which can "kill" unpleasant fumes. To this end, it is recommended to carry an aroma or a scarf, perfumed with a favorite aroma. The refreshing effect of lemon, orange, mint or eucalyptus oil, as a rule, does not cause objections to other passengers.
Against nausea, the following actions are recommended:
- put in the mouth a mint caramel;
- rub the forehead, neck, whiskey with a wet handkerchief or napkin;
- remove excess clothing in case of heat;
- get off at the first stop;
- in extreme cases, use the package prepared in advance for the intended purpose.
The pregnant woman should remember that during the gestation of the fetus, her main task is to give birth to a healthy child. This is what the husband, relatives, friends, and society expect of her. But society would like to advise to see in each pregnant woman his girlfriend, cousin, colleague and offer help, without waiting for a request from her side. And it is even better to accompany the pregnant woman in all, even near trips.