What kind of nuts can a nursing mother: list
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Natural and rich in nutrients, and, in addition, and very tasty, nuts of course you can and should be included in the ration of breast-feeding women. In their composition, nuts belong to the most valuable food products that cause long-term saturation and are convenient for snacks outside the home, for example, on a walk. Therefore, the answer to the question: can nurse breastfeeding mother - certainly positive. But what to prefer, we will analyze further.
Vitamins and mineral components, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, contained in nuts, contribute to a more rapid recovery of prenatal maternal health. And penetrating into breast milk, provide full nutrition and normal development of the child.
Nuts are considered one of the most powerful and dangerous allergens. This must be taken into account when introducing them into the ration of the nursing mother. However, if the family history does not trace the allergy to any kind of nuts, then it is more likely that the baby will also be all right. Some types of nuts are considered more dangerous in this respect, however, the reactions of the body are very individual, so you need to enter nuts into the ration of the nursing mother a little - from one or two, depending on the size, and observe the child's condition. By the end of the week, if everything is all right, my mother can already eat a handful of nuts a day (more and not necessary). Even if the family has allergies that do not tolerate nuts, it's not at all a fact that this addiction was inherited by the baby. In addition, some studies indicate that the use of mother nuts during lactation is the prevention of allergic reactions in her child to this product in the future. By the way, this applies not only to nuts.
This sort of nuts is also called Voloshsky. It is most common in our territory. It is eaten raw and dried, and even green. It is in green nuts that the most vitamin C is, and everyone knows about its benefits to the body - without its direct or indirect participation, not one vital process is necessary. There are not so many vitamins in mature nuts, as in green, however, it is quite enough.
Vitamin B1 (thiamin) is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. It is necessary for the baby to grow and develop normally, for the normal functioning of his nervous system, heart and blood vessels, and also digestion. It is called the vitamin of optimism, it participates in the synthesis of blood cells. Vitamins B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (PP, nicotinamide) also take part in the hematopoiesis and in many other processes that provide vital activity. Rutin and carotenoids, vitamin E, a lot of mineral components: magnesium, without which all the qualities of vitamin B1 are not fully revealed; Iron in combination with vitamin B inhibits the development of anemia; zinc, iodine, calcium, phosphorus - the whole vitamin-mineral complex, which in combination with oils, proteins, fiber, fatty acids and a mass of other useful substances can prevent the occurrence of any deficiency.
Can I breastfeed my mother walnuts? The answer is obvious, but no more than five or seven pieces per day. Daily use is also not necessary. Overeating threatens with indigestion, allergy and even a headache. Do not eat them for people with diseases of the digestive system, hypercoagulable blood, skin diseases - neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. Walnuts are very high in calories, but they practically do not contain carbohydrates, so when they are eaten, the nursing woman does not risk ruining the figure.
There is an opinion that the use of nuts, especially of walnuts, increases the quality and quantity of breast milk. In fact, the amount does not increase, but the nutritional value rises, and the baby does not ask for food again for a bit longer.
It is also believed that the skin covering the kernel of the nut causes an allergy. If you remove it, and from walnuts it is well removed, the white content of the core is more inert, although there are fewer useful substances in it.
Nuts kernels do not need to be roasted before consumption, jams of them, nut butter and pastry with nuts will not replace nuts. Benefits in processed nuts are almost nonexistent, and extra inches at the waist at mom and colic in the baby such items can provoke.
But the natural oil from the volochki can be added to salads and cereals. It contains almost all the nutrients that nuts are rich in, and is a good prevention of constipation in both the mother and the baby.
Pine nuts
Edible seeds of conifers (pine pine), very nutritious and useful, are considered the most hypoallergenic and safe for nursing mothers. According to the content of vitamins and minerals, and also - according to nutritional value, the cedar seed is not inferior, but even surpasses other kinds of nuts. Her vegetable protein is perfectly absorbed by the human body (by 99%). In the nut protein, 14 amino acids are found, among them arginine - necessary for normal development and growth.
Is it possible to nurse the nursing mother? Of course, if there is an opportunity to include them in the diet, and they do not cause allergies to either her or the child. You need to start with a small portion - two or three nuts. Useful nutrients will enter the breast milk, and the child will receive them. In 30 g of this product - the daily protein norm, they will ensure a good metabolism of the mother and, accordingly, the child. Seeds of cedar pine contain vitamins A, group B (thiamine, slavaflavin, nicotinamide) and α-tocopherol, and also half of the table of Mendeleev, lysine, tryptophan and methionine. Their composition provides almost all the needs of the human body in nutritional ingredients.
Peeled nuts must be fresh and kept in a sealed package, if the conditions of storage of oil, in large quantities contained in the nucleoli, can be oxidized. Such nuts are no longer just useless, but also harmful.
An alternative to nuts that do not grow on our territory can be their oil, which retains the basic useful elements and can be used as a dressing for salads, cereals, desserts.
In contrast to the Greek nucleolus pine nuts contain a lot of carbohydrate compounds and their excessive use can cause an undesirable increase in weight.
It is rather a root crop, as it ripens under the ground and develops both from aboveground and from underground basal flowers. He is also called a peanut, although he belongs to the family of legumes. The nutritional value of peanuts is not inferior to nuts, contains more than 45% of fats, more than 25% - proteins and about 10% carbohydrates. Vitamins A, E, D, with the exception of B6 and B12, the full spectrum of the remaining vitamins of this group, is especially rich in folic acid (vitamin B9). Contains potassium, iron, magnesium, copper and manganese, antioxidants-polyphenols and other useful substances. This is the most affordable of the products classified as nuts.
Can I nurse peanuts with a nursing mother? It is this fruit that is considered to be the most powerful allergen among nuts. Especially raw, its reddish husks cause allergies more often. If there is peanut, then dried in the oven, slushy husk, which is perfectly removed. Antioxidants-polyphenols in dried peanuts are even more.
Peanuts can be replaced with walnuts, which are no less useful. But if there is no allergy in either the mother or the child, then eating a handful of peanuts is not harmful, but even beneficial. Begin to enter it into the diet to be cautious, watching the reaction of the child.
Peanuts are best bought in pods and dried in them. If you buy nuts already peeled, then dry them better yourself. So they will pass the necessary heat treatment before use. Choose should be nuts not moldy, even color and not smelling damp. Already ready products can be infected with pathogenic microorganisms, peanuts in bags and jars usually contains flavoring additives and preservatives. It is undesirable to use it to a nursing mother.
Peanut is a heavy food, so its use should be limited. In addition, he is very high-calorie, so too, they should not be abused. Contraindicated peanuts to people suffering from gout and arthrosis, caution should be observed with a tendency to thrombosis and excessive fatness.
Peanut butter preserves all the useful substances of a whole product, it can be added to salads and cereals.
In composition and caloric content, Indian walnut or cashew is not very different from its counterparts from other trees: about the same complex of vitamins, trace elements, amino acids. It contains proteins and carbohydrates, is leading in the content of magnesium, outstrips many products by the content of iron and potassium, a lot of phosphorus and zinc in it. There is a lot of choline or vitamin B4 in it, regulating and normalizing metabolic processes, intestinal activity and transmission of nerve impulses. Eating these nuts will help mom to restore strength after labor, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, immunity, prevent the development of anemia.
Cashew allergy is considered a rarity, perhaps because of the absence of a thin shell on the nucleolus, which usually causes irritation and allergic reactions.
This exotic nut has already become a familiar and favorite product for many. Is it possible to breastfeed a cashew nurse? It is possible, under the same conditions: first to try, how the child will react; then - do not overeat. A few nuts per day is enough.
Of Indian nuts also make butter, it is even more tender than peanut butter.
The cultivated hazelnut and its wild fellow do not lag behind the nutritional value of other nuts, some even surpass in calorie content.
In the kernels of the nut contains a lot of protein, oil, ascorbic acid and tocopherol, thiamine and riboflavin. The hazelnut contains biotin, it is also called vitamin B7, which is necessary for the breakdown of carbohydrates and glucose. Also interacting with other vitamins of his group prevents the development of anemia, promotes the utilization of fats and fatty acids. Leading on the content of manganese. Combinations of calcium and zinc guarantee the strength of bone tissue, magnesium and potassium have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system. Iron, thiamine and riboflavin are hemopoietic factors, amino acids are extremely important for a growing organism. These nuts are not forbidden for diabetics. Hazelnut almost does not contain carbohydrates, so you can eat it without fear of getting better. In addition, it helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body.
Can Nursing Hazelnuts be Nursing? If the mother does not suffer from allergies to this variety of nuts, then it is possible and necessary. But with caution, like all new food products. It needs to be introduced into the mother's diet little by little, watching the child's condition. Even if the mother and child are well tolerated with hazelnuts, one should not get carried away with this delicacy - the daily norm of the nut should not exceed 30-50 g, overeating can cause a spasm of cerebral vessels.
Other nuts, dried fruits and spices
In our climatic conditions, when about seven months of the year fresh, non-processed and unprocessed vegetables and fruits are absent, nuts, seeds, dried fruits and vegetables can be an excellent help, providing the mother and her baby with all the necessary nutrients. They are all multivitamin-mineral complexes with some slight differences in the composition and, with proper storage, retain their properties to some degree before the new harvest.
In addition, they contain antioxidants, antiseptic properties and can help the nursing mother overcome colds and some other health problems (hypertension, nervous disorders, anemia) without the use of medicines, since almost all nuts are used in folk medicine.
Almond was not mentioned before. He, too, can eat in moderate amounts a nursing mother and the recommendations for using it do not differ from the previous ones. In the composition of these nuts are a lot of calcium, magnesium and pyridoxine (vitamin B6), oil and amino acids. Almond, by the way, is also not seen as a dangerous allergen, hazelnuts and peanuts cause allergies much more often. But it is introduced from the age of three months, after more inert varieties. With the most favorable reactions per day mom can eat no more than ten nuts, a weekly dose is 30 pieces. Almond contains choline and biotin, folic acid and other B vitamins, essential for hematopoiesis and cell renewal. Mendeleev's table is also represented in this nut quite fully. Almond oil is suitable for dressing salads and cereals, sauces and desserts.
Can a Brazilian nut be fed to a nursing mother? This sort of nuts appeared on our market relatively recently, and medical statistics have not yet made its verdict. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid such exoticism. The same goes for coconuts. However, they, too, are not inferior in terms of nutritional value to the fruits we are accustomed to. Therefore, try to carefully include them in the diet, too, you can, however, do without exotic is not difficult.
Another nut that can arouse close interest among mothers who breastfeed a baby is a nutmeg. This spice is used in folk medicine as an effective lactation enhancer. Pouches and jars with it are in the kitchen of every mistress. So, is it possible to nutmeg to a nursing mother? Here, from this spice, despite all its medicinal properties and working laktogonnoe property, still should be discarded. Because nutmeg is a pronounced psychedelic. Consequences of its use in significant doses can be strong stimulation, hallucinations, pulse acceleration and cardiac arrhythmias, respiratory failure and even death. The first signs are dry mouth and eye irritation. The child can respond to this spice with increased tears and even convulsions. It is contraindicated in pregnant, nursing and children up to three years.
An alternative to nuts can be ordinary seeds, pumpkin and sunflower, possessing a huge set of valuable vitamins, mineral components, the same oils and amino acids. Allergic reactions from seeds are rare, although also possible, sunflower seeds are considered more dangerous in this sense than pumpkin seeds.
Seeds are a powerful antidepressant both in composition and in the psychological effect of their use. They contribute to increase the fat content of milk and increase its quantity.
Seeds are caloric and can clog the stomach, especially sunflower, so they need to eat without fanaticism. Pumpkin seeds have antihelminthic effect, but not fried, but simply dried in the air.
Seeds should preferably be dried on their own, do not eat salted and with other flavor flavors. There are better between meals, not mixing with other products, after eating, you should brush your teeth.
Using seeds, the mother will benefit its nails, bone and muscle tissue, nervous system, hair, skin and immunity, respectively, part of the beneficial properties of this simple product will pass to her child.
Seeds of sesame are a very useful dietary product. They can be added to the porridge, gum a teaspoon on a coffee grinder just before use. In the same way, they do the same with the flax seed. Porridge will be more useful and very tasty, you can add them at the same time, but you can not grind for the future because the flour deprived of its protective shell quickly oxidizes and loses its useful properties, acquiring harmful ones instead.
Dried fruits are also a deposit of useful substances, which saturate the body of the mother and child, improve the work of the intestines and prevent constipation. In the diet of a nursing mother there can be any dried fruits, they can be added to dishes and eat instead of sweets. It is most preferable to start with a small amount of the usual dried fruits - apples, pears, cherries. With pears it is necessary to be careful, it is better to add them to compote from dried fruits, which is also very useful during lactation and even contributes, according to some information, to an increase in the amount of milk. If there are no direct contraindications, then you can gradually eat everything - and dates, and dried apricots, raisins, and prunes. Now on sale a lot of candied fruits and dried fruits from exotic fruits - pomelo, avocado, kiwi. If the family does not have a serious allergic anamnesis, you can gradually enter into the diet and exotic, although with local and customary treats you can get by.
After all, what nuts and dried fruits can a nursing mother do? Almost all contraindications are allergic reactions. They can not be predicted, there are products that cause allergy more often than others, however, it is not a fact that they will cause sensitization in you and your child. Care must be taken, any product from the above is a complex of vitamins and other useful and necessary substances. Especially in the cold season, a newly-born woman and her baby such a complex is very useful for the restoration of the prenatal level of health, as well as for the normal development and growth of the child. Nuts, seeds and dried fruits are preferable to synthetic vitamins, which can also cause allergies and have contraindications. Excess food products are eliminated without problems by the body, whereas synthesized complexes can cause an overdose effect.
Once again I want to recall the basic recommendations:
- Begin to introduce new foods into the diet from small doses (one or even half of a large fruit or two or three small ones, dried fruits from compotes) from more familiar species that do not cause allergies to you and the next of kin;
- introduce into the diet dried fruits and nuts when the child reaches two-three months of age;
- choosing products, preference to give quality, without stains and smell of dampness and mold, nuts - in the shell; untreated, without salt, preservatives and flavors;
- heat treatment (drying, scalding with boiling water raisins, prunes, dried apricots) to conduct independently;
- Nuts, seeds and dried fruits must be thoroughly chewed to get the most benefit and facilitate the process of their digestion and assimilation;
- there are such products alone better between meals; You can and in the evening, before going to bed, but in very small quantities;
- do not overdo it (seeds, nuts, dried fruits are already familiar and a priori, not causing allergies - not more than 100 grams per day)
- Nut oil should be bought in small quantities, sealed in a container of dark glass, because after uncorking containers they quickly deteriorate in the air.