Spicy food during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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It is generally believed that spicy food during pregnancy can provoke premature birth, however, studies have not confirmed this, and women who used spicy foods during pregnancy gave birth to healthy children on time.
During pregnancy, a woman often changes her taste preferences. As a rule, pregnant women have a tendency to salty or sweet dishes, but in some cases there is a strong desire to eat something sharp.
As shown by numerous studies, the health of her baby depends on the nutrition of the future mother.
According to doctors, the desire to eat anything sharp is not related to the lack of vitamins or minerals in the body of a woman.
If you do not abuse this kind of food, then it is quite useful, because spicy dishes improve blood circulation, normalize sleep, increase stress resistance.
In addition, hot pepper reduces the likelihood of thrombosis, cholesterol, improve heart function.
Chili pepper contains copseicin, a substance that reduces the risk of oncology, turmeric (in small amounts) reduces pain during arthritis, improves bone density, which is extremely important for a future mother, as during pregnancy, bones and joints are subjected to maximum stress.
Spicy food, especially in the last three months of pregnancy, in some cases can cause severe discomfort in the digestive system (heartburn, pain, etc.), but these manifestations are strictly individual and it is recommended to listen to your body, especially in this important time for every woman .
Pregnancy and spicy food
Many women during pregnancy want a salty or sweet, this is due to a change in the hormonal background that begins during this period.
Acute food during pregnancy, as some experts note, may even be useful for pregnant women, but only if you do not abuse it.
The spicy dishes stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and improve blood circulation, and such dishes can promote the production of serotonin, or as it is called the "hormone of happiness", which helps to cope with depression, bad mood and other unpleasant manifestations of pregnancy.
In some cases, women note that after acute meals, toxicosis decreases, which often affects women in the first three months of pregnancy.
Also, hot pepper in small amounts reduces the risk of developing blood clots.
A woman during pregnancy can not deny herself the use of sharp products, if there are no contraindications, however, in any case, it is worth remembering that you should not abuse these dishes.
Refuse the desire to eat ostrenkogo in the event that there are problems with the digestive system. From acute dishes, heartburn may appear, which often accompanies pregnant women, or puffiness appears without it.
Harm of spicy food during pregnancy
Spicy food during pregnancy can be harmful, especially if you abuse these dishes.
Acute foods and foods can trigger heartburn, intestinal disorders, nausea, flatulence.
It is necessary to completely abandon the use of spicy foods (or use them with extreme caution) to women who had problems with digestive organs before pregnancy.
Also, spicy dishes cause a strong thirst, and excessive water intake increases the load on the heart and kidneys, which leads to swelling, severity in the stomach, etc.
If pulling on spicy food during pregnancy?
Pulls on the spicy food of pregnant women almost as much as salty or sweet. Such needs are explained by changes that occur in the body during this period. Desire in the acute or salty arises from the lack of gastric juice, which is due to hormonal restructuring of the female body.
Spicy food during pregnancy is not contraindicated either by doctors or scientists, since there is no scientific confirmation that such food can provoke fights or somehow harm the developing fetus.
However, all specialists agree on one thing, it is not worth using such dishes, even if the woman feels well and there are no contraindications.
In the last two months of pregnancy, it is necessary to use spicy foods with great care. It is recommended to completely abandon dishes with the addition of vinegar, garlic onion, horseradish, radish, ginger, etc.
Spicy food during pregnancy does not harm either the baby or the expectant mother, provided that the woman eats it in moderation. But such dishes, especially if the woman did not use them before, can cause strong gas formation, burning in the stomach, heartburn.