Second week of pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The moment you knew that you were pregnant, the first excitement, anxiety and fears passed. You told this news to your husband and close relatives (or did not tell). They listened to a million tips from the female half of those who knew about the situation. But this did not become less of questions and thoughts. What should happen in the second week of pregnancy? What should be the feeling? What to do with the first signs of toxicosis? What can indicate a threat of miscarriage? In our article about the second week of pregnancy, we will try to answer in detail these and not only these questions.
Signs of pregnancy in the second week
To begin with, it should be clarified that by the second week of pregnancy, we mean the second week of delay in menstruation, which is 5-6 obstetric weeks or 3-4 embryonic weeks. What happens in these days with your baby? If you think that there is nothing special inside of you, then you are deeply mistaken. The second week of pregnancy is one of the most important in the process of growth and development of the child. During this period the fetal egg develops and becomes an embryo. By the end of the second week of pregnancy (the 6th obstetric week), the heart begins to contract in the embryo!
Imagine that within you is the birth of a new, completely unique and unique life - particles of you! By the end of the second week of pregnancy on an ultrasound examination, you can see the head of a child and the rudiments of the baby's arms and legs. What happens in the meantime with the organism of the future mother? Some women feel absolutely nothing, while others visit signs of pregnancy.
The signs of pregnancy in the second week include:
- absence of menstruation;
- aversion to the usual food and smells;
- nausea, vomiting (early toxicosis);
- sensitivity and enlargement of the mammary glands;
- increased frequency of urination;
- increased fatigue;
- an inexplicable feeling of "pregnancy".
The absence of menstruation is the first and the main sign of pregnancy in the second week. Menstruation is the departure of the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium as a result of the lack of fertilization of the egg. If pregnancy occurs, then the fetal egg is attached to the inner wall of the uterus and in the body of the woman, pregnancy hormones that prevent the rejection of the endometrium begin to be produced. The delay of menstruation is possible not only because of pregnancy. It can be provoked by stresses, severe infectious diseases, taking oral contraceptives, long flights to countries with a different climate, strong physical activity or diets, previous abortion or surgery for pelvic organs, and much more.
Aversion to habitual food and odors is the most frequent sign of pregnancy in the second week. This is associated with a sharp and strong hormonal restructuring of the female body. In this case, a pregnant woman may have a strange desire to use a product that she hated hated before. There is such a belief that if a pregnant woman wants to eat something, then it is not her own desire that guides her, but the desire of the child. Therefore, it is possible not to deny the wishes of a woman in a delicate position. But everything should be treated without strong fanaticism.
Nausea and vomiting occur in 60% of women by the end of the second week of pregnancy. This condition is called early toxicosis (gestosis). Until now, scientists can not find an unambiguous reason for the emergence of this condition in women. The most probable is the hormonal surge and a sharp restructuring of the female body. Toxicosis occurs differently in pregnant women, in some in mild form, while others may even require hospitalization. The main principles of the fight against toxicosis in the second week of pregnancy will be described below. This condition usually lasts no longer than a period of 12 obstetric weeks. If a toxicosis occurs after 12 weeks, this is a warning sign that requires physicians' intervention. Such a toxicosis is called late. A condition similar to toxicosis can be observed with various disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, namely: gastritis, chronic and acute pancreatitis, stomach ulcers and even migraines.
Sensitivity and increase in mammary glands in the second week of pregnancy is due to the increase in the body of a woman's level of prolactin. Breasts can "pour", hard, tingle and even ache. Also, the signs of pregnancy in the second week can be the darkening of the nipples and the appearance of the so-called Montgomery hillocks (on the areola in the area of the hair follicles, something like goosebumps appears). From the nipples when pressed, there may be yellowish discharge - colostrum - this is not a cause for concern. Just the allocation of colostrum in the nonpregnant state may indicate a violation of the hormonal background of a woman, namely an increased prolactin hormone.
Increased frequency of urination as a sign of pregnancy in the second week may occur due to mechanical irritation of the bladder by a growing uterus. Moreover, the longer the period, the greater the pressure on the bladder, so with the increase in the abdomen, the frequency of urination increases. This symptom is also found in the nonpregnant state, namely as a sign of inflammatory processes of the bladder (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis).
Increased fatigue as a sign of pregnancy in the second week occurs in almost all women. This condition is explained by the enormous invisible load directed at the development of the child. In this case, the woman's body gives a signal that you need to rest and do not rush to save strength for such an important task. Over-fatigue can occur and with a strong hard work, as well as with chronic fatigue syndrome.
The feeling of "pregnancy" occurs in some women. They also connect this with hormonal changes in the body. Also, this sensation can occur with self-hypnosis.
Toxicosis in the second week of pregnancy
60% of women in the situation face such a problem as toxicosis. So far, we have not yet found the exact reasons for its occurrence. It is believed that all the blame for a sharp hormonal changes in the body, which affects the central nervous system. Most often, toxicosis occurs in the second week of pregnancy and abruptly ends at the twelfth week of pregnancy. Moreover, its peak falls on the eighth or ninth week. Women suffering from toxicosis complain of morning sickness, vomiting, nausea during the day. Moreover, this condition is exacerbated in stuffy little ventilated rooms, transport, as well as in the presence of various sharp odors, including the flavor of the food being prepared (even if it is quite appetizing). There was no correlation between any features of the course of pregnancy and toxicosis, but it was observed that it manifested more often in the first pregnancy in women suffering from chronic gastrointestinal diseases, smoking women, women living in large cities. Toxicosis may be absent, weakly wilted, but if the condition is so critical that the pregnant woman constantly vomits, hospitalization may be required. In this case, supportive therapy is prescribed in the form of droppers, homeopathy preparations and vitamin therapy. How can you help yourself in the event of a toxicosis in the second week of pregnancy? In order for this state to pass easier there are several rules that are fairly simple to observe, namely:
- eating should be frequent, but in small portions. There must be at least three snacks per day.
- consumed food should be dietary, not fatty, but at the same time high-calorie and balanced (boiled meat, lactic acid products, whole grain products, vegetables, fruits).
- food should be the optimum temperature. It is advisable to avoid the use of very hot food, including hot drinks.
- you can not eat up at night. The last meal is desirable no later than 8-9 pm.
- The first meal (snack) should be without getting out of bed. After eating, it is advisable to lie down for 5-10 minutes.
- sleep should be full, not less than eight hours.
- water should be consumed in sufficient quantities (about two liters per day), preferably non-carbonated, mineral.
- To combat the state of toxicosis, mint candies, lemon slices, grapefruit, orange, ginger tea, sweet croutons will be very helpful. Cranberry juice will also be useful.
Sensations in the second week of pregnancy
At this time, many women experience a state of weakness and drowsiness, as well as dizziness. In most cases this is normal, but if dizziness is accompanied by syncope, then there is cause for concern. Fainting can be associated with a shortage of hemoglobin in the blood. To determine its level, it is enough to pass a general blood test. The normal level of hemoglobin for pregnant women is 110-140 g / l. If the hemoglobin level is low, then the gynecologist can prescribe iron preparations (maltofer, sorbifer, ferretab) or multivitamins containing iron (vitrum prenatal, anvit pronatal, pregnavit).
Often in the second week of pregnancy there is a feeling of bloating. This can be caused by a growing uterus, and as a result displacement of internal organs, including the intestine. Pregnancy may be disturbed by constipation or vice versa. Usually, after the restructuring of the body, stomach problems in the second week of pregnancy disappear. The uterus by this time is becoming a bit larger than a chicken egg.
Many women report an increase in vaginal discharge in the second week of pregnancy. The character of excretions in the norm should be slimy, with a slightly whitish shade. The presence of yellowish discharge is also considered the norm. The abundance of normal secretions is quite individual. If there were bloody spotting, this is an occasion to urgently appeal to the gynecologist, since such a sign may indicate the presence of an abruption and / or tone of the uterus and as a result of the increased probability of spontaneous miscarriage. Also, pregnant women may have white curdled discharge, which may indicate the presence of thrush. In such cases, you should also consult your gynecologist for antifungal therapy (most often treatment with local therapy in the form of candles, for example, pimafucin). The presence of greenish discharge with an unpleasant odor in the second week of pregnancy may indicate the presence of infection of the genital tract (trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, bacterial vaginosis). In the presence of such secretions, a smear should be given to the flora and / or blood for analysis by PCR. When a pathogen is identified, antimicrobial therapy is prescribed (the drugs depend on the specific pathogen). The absence of treatment of urogenital infections can lead to intrauterine infection of the fetus.
Sex in the second week of pregnancy
Many women in the situation are interested in the question: "Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy?". It is possible and even necessary, if there are no contraindications (threat of miscarriage, uterus tone, fetal presentation). Moreover, scientists have established a positive effect of sperm on the cervix. It increases its elasticity and prepares for childbirth. It is recommended only to avoid too active sexual intercourse. In some women, during the first second week of pregnancy, libido increases, while in others, it falls into the flesh until completely disgusted with sex. This is associated with hormonal changes in the body. In any case, making love should bring only pleasure.
Monthly in the second week of pregnancy
Some women report spotting similar to those in the early months of pregnancy. With a normal hormonal background and a well-flowing pregnancy, such discharges may indicate an abruption and may eventually end in miscarriage. Therefore, when you have a month on the second week of pregnancy, you urgently need to see a doctor gynecologist, or even better, call an ambulance. Also, the presence of bloody discharge may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, which is very dangerous and can lead to the death of the mother (due to a rupture of the growing fetal wall of the fallopian tube and subsequent bleeding), as well as the insufficiency of the hormone progesterone. When progesterone deficiency is prescribed drugs containing this hormone (morning, dyufaston), as well as maintenance therapy in the form of hemostatic (traneksam) and spasmolytics (nospa, papaverine). When confirming an ectopic pregnancy, an abortion is performed with the retention or removal of the fallopian tube.
Miscarriage in the second week of pregnancy
The second week of pregnancy is quite a turning point in the development of the fetus. Usually, if a spontaneous miscarriage does not happen at this time, then the pregnancy proceeds without complications.
The causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy can be:
- abnormalities of fetus development including frozen pregnancy;
- deficiency of female hormones, namely progesterone;
- strong physical activity;
- suffered severe illness;
- Rhesus-conflict between mother and child;
- urogenital infections;
- severe stress;
- Drug use, alcohol.
Spontaneous miscarriage begins with smearing bloody discharge of pink or brown, pain in the lumbar region and cramping pains in the lower abdomen. Further allocation increases, acquiring the character of strong menstruation, and the fruit leaves. If the bleeding is very abundant and does not stop, you should call an ambulance. After a miscarriage in the second week of pregnancy, you must make a control ultrasound and find out the cause of its occurrence. With a frozen pregnancy and the absence of spontaneous abortion, scraping is performed.
Ultrasound in the second week of pregnancy
Ultrasound examination in the second week of pregnancy is most often done in order to determine the uterine pregnancy and clarify the exact time. Also, with the help of this survey, you can determine a multiple pregnancy, and at the end of the second week of pregnancy (6 obstetric or 4 embryonic week) you can hear the first heartbeat of the fetus. The size of the embryo by this date is 4 mm and it still has a weak similarity with the person. There is a myth about the dangers of ultrasound in early pregnancy. This fact is not confirmed by any studies, so if there is evidence for this type of examination (suspicion of ectopic pregnancy or threat of miscarriage), then it is better not to neglect this procedure.
Antibiotics in the second week of pregnancy
There are a number of indications of the use of antibiotics during pregnancy. With some diseases without them simply can not do. But we all heard that the use of these drugs can be dangerous and even fatal for the fetus. Is it so? There are quite safe antibiotics, and there are absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy, which we will discuss below.
It must always be remembered that not treating certain diseases can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, it is better to take antibiotics than to start the disease. To the diseases treated only with antibiotics it is possible to carry: surgical interventions, a pyelonephritis, a bacterial cystitis, an inflammation of lungs, an angina, a bronchitis, a clamidiosis, a trichomanosis, a ureaplasmosis, a mycoplasmosis and others. The use of antibiotics will not help with colds, flu, allergies, fungal lesions, inflammatory processes not of bacterial origin and others.
Prescribe an antibiotic in the second week of pregnancy can only be the attending physician. Usually the dosage does not differ from the standard one. Unauthorized lowering of the recommended dosage may result in incomplete treatment of the disease. The correct purpose of the antibiotic is to select it after interpreting the antibioticogram (by sensitivity to a particular antibiotic specific pathogen). After the application of antibiotics, usually prescribed drugs that restore normal intestinal flora. Examples of such drugs may be Lineks, Bifidumbacterin, Normobakt, Hilak Forte and others.
For use in the early stages of antibiotics are allowed three series, namely: penicilin series, cephalosporin series, as well as macrolides. Examples of such drugs are: ampicillin, amoxiclav, cefazolinum, ceftriaxone, erythromycin, vilprafen and others.
To forbidden antibiotics in the second week of pregnancy include: furadonin, metronidazole, trichopolum, gentamicin, preparations of tetracellin series, ciprofloxacin, levometsetin, dioxidin, furagin. All these drugs cause either fetal mutations or toxic effects on the internal organs of the embryo.