Pressure during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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One of the first questions of an obstetrician - a gynecologist, when staging a future mother for registration in a women's consultation, is the blood pressure figures, which are normal for the patient in normal life. Does it belong to the ranks of hypotonic or hypertensive patients, since the pressure during pregnancy is an indicator of the quality of the course of this period.
Normal pressure during pregnancy
Since the moment of conception, the female body has undergone tremendous changes, the burden on all life systems of the future mother increases and one of the signs of the absence of pathological changes that can affect the development of the fetus is the pressure during pregnancy.
Essential fluctuations in blood pressure can cause irreparable harm to both the physical and psychological development of the future little man. It can vary, but the numerical values should remain within the limits: upper (systolic) 90-120, lower (diastolic) 60 - 80 mmHg. Is normal pressure during pregnancy.
Therefore, at each consultation with a doctor, blood pressure is measured and entered in the exchange card. If the deviations are significant, the obstetrician-gynecologist immediately takes action. It will be excellent if the pregnant woman can independently control it at home. You should show your own records to your doctor.
Not from a whim, gynecologists recommend that women register at least 12 weeks. The first trimester of fetal development is very important. At this time, the female body is completely rebuilt, preparing for future childbirth. Rapid development of the fetus. During the first trimester, all the organs of the future person are laid, and any failure in the program is fraught with further pathology, often leading to disability, and even to death.
Low blood pressure during pregnancy
If the pressure comfortable for a woman meets the figures of 120/80 mm Hg. , comfortably in this state will be in the womb of the baby. Decrease in blood pressure to 100/65 mm Hg. Is already stress for both mummy and baby (if mommy hypotonic and for her such figures are the norm, then the baby will feel and develop normally).
What is fraught with low hypotension during the bearing of the child?
- With hypotension, the rate of blood flow in the cardiovascular system decreases. Blood is a "vehicle" for oxygen and other nutrients necessary for the full functioning of the mother and child organisms. The decrease in the rate of blood circulation leads to their deficiency, which provokes the progression of hypoxia (oxygen starvation). Lack of oxygen in the cells of the uterus is directly related to pathological changes in the formation of the fetus and problems in the process of delivery itself.
- The placenta is the "dining room" for the fetus, where it draws all the nutrients and oxygen. Reduction in the rate of circulation in it leads to placental insufficiency. There is a failure in the development of the fetus, the baby starts to choke.
- If you ignore the problem, hypoxia can lead to spontaneous abortion in late pregnancy and gestosis (complex disorders of the body's functions).
- Hypotension can provoke a collapse. This condition leads to fetal death and severe pathology in a woman.
First trimester. For this period, a small decrease in blood pressure is the norm. The causes of low blood pressure during pregnancy are a hormonal adjustment of the female body, which is about to endure and give birth to a healthy child. Progesterone begins to be intensively produced, which acts non-uterine musculature, preventing spasms, and, accordingly, miscarriage. But the walls of the vessels undergo the same action. Reacting to progesterone, there is an expansion of the vascular cross section, which in turn leads to a decrease in the rate of blood circulation, and hence to a drop in pressure, deficiency of nutrients and oxygen in organs and systems, both pregnant and fetus.
A greater predisposition to hypotension is susceptible to representatives of the fair sex, who have a vegeto-vascular dystonia provoking vascular instability, as well as anemia caused by voluntary or forced restriction in nutrition.
It is necessary to avoid conflicts, viewing "stressful" programs and films.
The cause of hypotension during childbearing can be severe bleeding or dehydration of the body.
In oscillations of blood pressure, there is nothing to worry about if the amplitudes do not cross the threshold of normal values. When fixing the figures below acceptable, the symptoms of hypotension begin to appear during the gestation:
- Periodically observed fainting.
- Nausea in the morning gradually begins to be felt throughout the day.
- Decreased vitality, drowsiness.
- Noise in ears.
- Falling ability to work.
- There is a sense of lack of air.
- Pre-state, accompanied by dizziness, darkening in the eyes.
- Pain in the head.
Such a device as a tonometer, it is desirable to have in any family, then the diagnosis of low blood pressure during pregnancy will pass easily. Having a little experience, the pregnant woman is able to make a stop and independently. If the patient is having difficulty using a mechanical tonometer, you should purchase an electronic version of it. It does not require special skills, and there is no need for outside help.
A wide range of different modifications will allow you to acquire a compact road instrument or a device with a memory function, which is effective when tracking changes in blood pressure in dynamics.
Pressure must be measured daily (morning and evening at a specific time). When there is discomfort or doubt, the measurement is preferably conducted several times a day. Indication of blood pressure in the home is more informative, since the pregnant woman is in a familiar situation. In the queue for admission to an obstetrician - a gynecologist, a woman may feel tired or get nervous, which will immediately affect the result of the measurement.
How correctly to measure pressure independently? To measure BP it is necessary in a quiet state, if the pregnant woman is excited - it is necessary to relax and restore itself to norm.
- Take a chair with a comfortable back and sit on it, lean your back. Put your hand on the table.
- The cuff of the tonometer should be put on the arm above the elbow. To fix so that between a hand and a cuff could pass a finger.
- Further, depending on the model and type of the tonometer, follow the instructions.
How to raise blood pressure during hypotension? Treatment of low blood pressure during pregnancy is usually reduced to a non-drug therapy.
- Day regimen with a 10-hour sleep.
- Correction of nutrition: berries, vegetables and fruits, fruit and vegetable juices. Food rich in vitamins, protein, minerals and trace elements. The food is balanced and varied.
- Increase salt intake to 7 - 9 grams per day. This will make the pregnant woman take more fluids, and, accordingly, stimulate blood circulation. Do not just zealous, to avoid swelling.
- A small amount of coffee.
- Hot tea.
- You should not jump out of bed after rest. You must first lie down, already awake, slowly sit down, then slowly take off.
- Contrast shower, ending with an ice stream.
- Walking in the fresh air, tonic exercises are effective for maintaining the physical form, restoring elasticity and elasticity of the vessels.
- You have to rest by placing a high pillow under your head.
- In case of an attack of nausea, you must take a reclining position, lifting your legs above your head. So you can achieve an outflow of blood from the limbs to the brain.
- Do not lie for a long time on the back, especially in the late weeks of pregnancy. In this case, the growing fetus presses more and more mass onto the genital artery, which worsens the flow of blood to the mother's heart.
- Useful multiple acupuncture massages, which activate the work of various organs.
- It's good to learn the technique of correct breathing, which allows you to saturate the blood with oxygen.
- Deep strong breath and active exhalation.
- Hold breath for 15 seconds.
- Do six breathing exercises.
- Perform respiratory procedures three times a day.
- It takes three to four weeks of daily exercise to remove this problem.
- Aromatherapy essential oils of basil, laurel and rosemary.
With more significant abnormalities of blood pressure, medications are connected. It is not recommended to use dihydroergotamine or ethylaffrin in this case. To their side effects include a negative effect on the fetus.
Gutron. Appoints only the doctor after a detailed study of the anamnesis. Attributed to take 2.5 mg in the morning and in the evening, if necessary, add a third reception.
Cortineff. This drug is able to adversely affect the endocrine system of the expectant mother. Therefore, only a doctor is able to assess the need for its use. Dosage is assigned individually. The medicine is taken after a meal with plenty of water. From 100 to 200 μg three times a day.
Recently, medicines with succinic acid have been used to raise the pressure. Such medicines stimulate vitality, activate cardiac activity.
Ethylphrine (Effortil). The drug is taken orally 5 mg two to three times a day. At a critical drop in blood pressure or if necessary to achieve rapid results, 1% solution of the drug is injected under the skin or into the muscle for 1 to 2 ml. In case of medical necessity, the procedure is repeated after two hours.
Treatment of hypotension during child bearing can also be carried out by alternative means.
- Introduction to eating celery root, preferably in fresh form (salads).
- Strawberry berries. It promotes hemoglobin growth and normalization of blood pressure.
- Onion broth. In half a liter of water, put a non-cleaned bulb (along with the husks). Boil a quarter of an hour. Drink 100 grams throughout the day with small sips.
If there is no significant pathological change in the history of the pregnant woman, then maintaining normal blood pressure can be done without much effort.
- To stop fainting, it is worthwhile to re-evaluate the food. It is necessary to make emphasis on protein products, to diversify the diet. Eating should be done frequently, but in small portions.
- Long walks on fresh air.
- Regulation of weight gain.
- Avoid stress.
- It is recommended to have a morning green tea.
- Observance of the regime of the day: alternation of rest and loads.
- At least 10 hours of night sleep.
- Two-hour daytime rest.
- Cold and hot shower.
- Swimming in the pool.
- Continuous monitoring of blood pressure.
- It is worth going through a medical examination, as the cause of low blood pressure may be a disease (for example, stomach ulcer or dysfunction of the pituitary gland). In this case, the prevention of low blood pressure during pregnancy is reduced to treatment or maintenance therapy of a diagnosed disease.
Increased pressure during pregnancy
The pathology of reverse hypotension is hypertension - high blood pressure during pregnancy. This is a very disturbing symptomatology in this condition. Hypertension suggests that the blood vessels are spasmodic. The passage cross-section is narrower, which does not allow the blood to be pumped in the required volume, and nutrients and oxygen do not enter the vital systems and organs of the mother and child, which causes fetal development pathology, early placental abruption and premature birth. Unpredictable consequences for the organism of the future mother.
If the time is not taken, hypertension can worsen and lead to preeclampsia - a form of late toxicosis, which is a threat to life and the child and his mother.
Even one high-pressure attack is enough to go to the hospital for examination. It is necessary to identify the cause and take measures to adequately treat.
One of the dangerous diseases, provoked by prolonged hypertension, is gestosis. Its clinical manifestations are large figures of systolic pressure, swelling and protein in the urine. Diagnosis of this disease is a bad symptom. There is a breakdown in the permeability of blood vessels, which causes the liquid to penetrate into the tissues, while the protein goes into the urine, and with it from the body of the pregnant woman. Emergency medical measures are necessary. Otherwise, it is necessary to interrupt pregnancy artificially.
Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor blood pressure.
About a pathological increase in blood pressure, they say, when the systolic values exceed the figure of 140 mm. Gt; Art. But do not be so categorical. In fact if before pregnancy the woman of fine felt at figures 90/70 mm. Gt; st, then the value of 120/90 can already be considered critical.
The causes of hypertension during childbearing are as follows:
- Chronic hypertension even before delivery.
- Neuroendocrine diseases:
- Diabetes.
- Pathology of the thyroid gland.
- Problems of the adrenal gland.
- Vegeto-vascular dystonia according to the hypertensive type.
- Neuralgia:
- Encephalitis.
- Myelitis.
- Trauma of the spinal cord or brain.
- Diseases of the kidneys and heart.
- Hereditary pathology.
- Constant overstrain and nervousness.
- Smoking and alcoholism.
- Overweight, obesity.
- Poor, unbalanced food.
- Sedentary work.
- Sedentary lifestyle.
As in normal life, the symptoms of high blood pressure during pregnancy are similar.
- A ringing noise in the ears.
- The different intensity and localization of the headache.
- Before the eyes begin to fly "midges", vision falls.
- Dizziness.
- The work of the sweat glands is activated.
- Tachycardia (rapid heart rate).
- Arrhythmia (failure of the heart rate).
- Nausea is not only in the morning, but throughout the day.
- Redness of the skin.
- Pain in the abdomen.
At any visit of an obstetrician - a gynecologist to a future mother, a blood pressure monitor is measured by a blood pressure monitor. This is the only, but fairly simple diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy. Help in diagnosing the symptoms become and the above symptoms.
There are also laboratory tests that check the coagulability of blood, the number of erythrocytes, biochemistry of liver enzymes. Clinical analysis of urine is prescribed.
In order not to miss the pressure leaps, a pregnant woman should buy a tonometer for herself. Daily measuring the testimony and recording them in the diary, the statistics should be shown to the doctor at the next planned visit.
First of all, in order not to miss a critical moment, the expectant mother should be on time to register with the doctor of the women's consultation, not to miss planned examinations and consultations. Diagnosis and treatment of high blood pressure during pregnancy begins when at least one burst of blood pressure is recorded.
- First of all, the power is adjusted. Food should contain the necessary vitamins and minerals. Exclude thrombroids from the diet. Reduce the number or clean completely sweets, smoked foods, salted and fatty dishes.
- Correction is subject to the regime of the day. Loads should be insignificant, a promenade in the fresh air is obligatory.
- Effectively swimming, water procedures.
- If such correction does not bring significant results, the doctor resorts to medical treatment, trying to prevent further complications.
In this case, often prescribed such drugs:
Nifedipine. The doctor appoints a drug, dosage and duration of the course individually for each pregnant woman.
Nifedipine is not associated with food intake. The drug is administered orally 10-30 mg three to four times a day, but the daily dosage should not exceed 120 mg. The course of treatment is from one month to two.
To remove the hypertensive crisis, 10 mg of the drug is taken under the tongue (sublingually). In this case, from half an hour to an hour the patient should lie. If there is a medical need, you can take the medicine again in 20 to 30 minutes. If necessary, the dosage is increased to 20 - 30 mg.
Metoprolol. Inside the drug is administered at a dose of 100 mg per day in one to two doses. With medical indications, the daily dosage is increased to 200 mg. When metoprolol is injected into a vein, they repel from a dose of 2 to 5 mg. If necessary, repeat the injection after five minutes. The maximum daily dosage at intake - 400 mg, single intravenously - 15 - 20 mg.
Retard. The drug is taken before meals inside with a small amount of water. Dosage of 60 to 120 mg three times a day. The maximum daily dosage should not exceed 360 mg.
Hydralazine. The initial dosage is from 10 to 25 mg two to three doses per day. Gradually, the amount of medicine is increased. The dose can be adjusted: single - 100 mg, daily - 300 mg. The duration of the prim from two weeks to a month. The drug is withdrawn gradually.
Reception of a preparation can provoke by-effects:
- dizziness and headaches,
- puffiness,
- a nausea, passing in a vomiting,
- lacrimation and sweating,
- tachycardia.
The drug hydralazine is absolutely contraindicated to a person with a hypersensitivity to its components, having a history of stomach ulcers, the pathology of the vessels of the brain and heart.
All medications prescribed by an obstetrician should be absolutely harmless for a man growing up in the womb of the mother. Therefore, in order to reduce the pressure, in the case of the treatment of hypertension during the bearing of the child, do not use diuretics that work effectively at another time. Drugs that have diuretic properties, reduce the degree of circulation of blood and can lead to deficiency of oxygen and nutrients in the placenta, which inhibits the development of the fetus. The worst variant is the beginning of placenta rejection. Therefore, in no case should not engage in self-medication.
For many centuries the people have collected and their own prescriptions, which allow to combat hypertension during the child's bearing. It should be noted that they should also be taken with the agreement of an observing obstetrician - a gynecologist. The most effective complex treatment.
- Cranberry juice. Half a cup of berries carefully washed and squeezed juice. The resulting cake is laid in hot water and boil for no more than five minutes on a small flame. Strain. In the received liquid to enter three tea spoons of semolina. Put on a slow light for another 10 - 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Add four tablespoons of sugar, after boiling, remove from heat. Pour the boiled mass in a blender, gradually adding cranberry juice. The received medicine is taken several times throughout the day for three teaspoons.
- Corn grits. Get the corn flour by grinding the croup in a coffee grinder. Half a glass of flour to dilute with one glass of warm water. Put the insist throughout the day, stirring occasionally. "Medicine" to take before eating two tablespoons.
Above sounded prescriptions of alternative medicine can be used as prevention of high blood pressure. In addition, the prevention of high blood pressure during pregnancy includes other prescriptions and methods of action on the body.
- Acupuncture:
- The cervical spine should be visually divided into three equal parts. In these places, stepping back from the spine in different directions (horizontally), find three pairs of points. Alternately, act on each pair, pushing (with the thumb-pads of both hands) simultaneously both points of the pair for 10 seconds. Three times to walk on each pair of points.
- Find the joint of the head and neck (the place of their connection). Padded thumb of the right (if left-handed - left) hand, find the pain point "at the bottom" of the occipital fossa. Click on it and mentally count to ten. Break the contact. Do this twice.
- Find the solar plexus (the central point of the divergence of the "wings" of the thorax along the midline of the abdomen). Collect together the ring, middle and index finger of both hands and simultaneously click on the found point. Hold for 10 seconds. Let go. Make 10 approaches to this manipulation.
- Feel anxiety and excitement. Massage the antistress point located in the middle of the chin. Massage with your index finger. First nine circular motions clockwise, then nine circular movements against the clock hand.
- Not a bad lowering blood pressure - the effect shows and birch juice, which should be taken on a glass daily.
- Fresh-squeezed beet juice. Reception is conducted half an hour before meals. Take half or a quarter of a glass of liquid, after having withstood it in an open bowl for two hours.
- Decoction of pumpkin with honey. 200 grams of pulp pulp to grind and boil on low heat until soft. Throw in a colander or strainer. Cool it down. Stretch and add a little honey.
Pressure jumps during pregnancy
It is not uncommon for cases when pressure leaks during pregnancy. For example, in the morning it is lowered, it reaches high values by lunchtime, and by the evening it decreases again.
Symptomatic of spasmodic arterial pressure:
- Throughout the day, the tonometer shows figures that are higher, then below the norm, then the norm.
- Dizziness and nausea are sharply replaced by a wave-like rush of blood in the limbs and toward the head.
- The body is cold, it's hot.
- Dark in the eyes, and begin to "fly midges."
This pathology is very dangerous and can not only push the body to hypoxia, but, if you ignore the problem, lead to the death of the fetus. For a woman, this is fraught with severe heart problems, stroke.
In most cases, the causes of pressure surges during pregnancy lie in heredity, unbalanced diet (excessive consumption of fat, salty and sweet foods), improper organization of the day, as well as complications in the course of pregnancy.
Other causes of pressure surges during pregnancy are:
- Lack of consumed fluid (affects blood density). Therefore, every pregnant woman must decide on her daily fluency. Do not deprive the work or overload the kidneys.
- Pathological changes in the heart.
- Increased use of fluid (provokes hypertension, puffiness, makes breathing difficult).
- Severe condition of the vascular system.
- Change in blood formula.
- Stressful situations.
- Increased physical activity.
- High intracranial pressure.
- Deficiency of oxygen in the blood. Long walks in the fresh air are shown.
Especially dangerous is the sudden pressure during labor. Sharp BP changes can provoke the termination of labor, cause profuse bleeding, lead to a heart attack. Therefore, it is not worth throwing such a situation on one's own, but self-medication is not the best way out of this situation.
Diagnosis and treatment should be under the constant supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist.
If during the day there is a sharp change in blood pressure from low figures to high and back, treatment of pressure surges during pregnancy is carried out only in a hospital. At the same time, the diet and fluid intake are adjusted. Attributed to multivitamins and medications, supporting the character. They do not directly affect the indications of the tonometer, but providing a full nutrition, stabilize the work of the entire body and the vascular system in particular.
- Balancing the jumps can massage the acupuncture points (the exercises are described above).
- Respiratory gymnastics Oksisayz (four-stage diaphragmatic breathing):
- Deeply breathe through your nose, filling your belly with air. The muscles of the buttocks are in tension.
- Cutting the muscles of the lower abdomen, produce three breaths, filling the lungs with light.
- Exhale to produce through a small space formed between the compressed lips. Try to breathe during exhalation under the ribs.
- At the end, produce three sharp air emissions, maximizing the release of the lungs.
Help to normalize blood pressure and herbal tinctures based on the radiola rosea, ginseng, eleutterococcus.
Simple, but the only prevention of pressure surges during pregnancy is constant monitoring of blood pressure, reduction in physical activity, normalization of the psychoemotional state of the future mother.
The justified alternation of loads and hours of rest, a balanced diet, long walks in the fresh air combined with constant monitoring of blood pressure will minimize the harmful effects of blood pressure jumps on the woman's body and the future little man, and if necessary, the obstetrician-gynecologist can quickly take adequate measures. By controlling the pressure during pregnancy, you can always be sure that your child's health and your own are in good hands.