
Pregnancy: 38 weeks

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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How does the child grow on the 38th week of pregnancy?

Your child at 38 weeks gestation has already gained a lot of weight, which is now about 3.1 kg, his height is 50 cm. He has developed a grasping reflex, and all his organs are fully developed and the baby is ready for life outside the uterus. I wonder what color he will have eyes? You can not determine this immediately. Brown eyes at birth are likely to remain so, and the gray or blue color may change to green or brown for 9 months. Therefore, the irises of the child (the color part of the eye) can get more pigment.

Important: the development of each child is strictly individual. Our information is designed to give you an idea of the development of the fetus.

Changes in the future mother at 38 weeks gestation

For many women, the next few weeks are a difficult wait-and-see period. Use this time to prepare a children's room, and use every free minute for reading, relaxing and spending, pleasant minutes with a partner. A small swelling of the feet and ankles is normal in recent weeks, however, call a doctor immediately if you notice excessive or sudden swelling of the feet or ankles, and especially swelling of the hands, face or eyes, and a sharp increase in weight. Also, tell your doctor immediately if you experience severe or persistent headaches; visual changes, intense pain in the upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting. These are the symptoms of a serious disease - pre-eclampsia.

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3 The question of ... Breastfeeding

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Why is breastfeeding the best way to feed a baby?

Breast milk is the best food for babies, as it contains the right proportion and type of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, along with almost all the vitamins and minerals the baby needs for the first six months of life. Many studies have confirmed the benefits of breastfeeding. Here are some of them:

  • Breast milk protects a child from diarrhea, respiratory problems, and ear infections.
  • Breast milk reduces the risk of allergies, leukemia, and possibly obesity in a child.
  • Breast milk helps you reduce stress and the risk of developing breast cancer.

How to prepare for breastfeeding?

You can find information on breastfeeding and find out four main points:

  • Insist, on the fact that after the birth of a child put to your chest. After cesarean section, ask that the child is left with amy in the aftercare room.
  • Understand, the ability to take care of a child does not come by itself. If you feel you are not ready to care for the baby, contact the support center for young mothers to acquire the skills of breastfeeding before discharge from the hospital.
  • Feed your newborn from eight to twelve times a day. Over time, you and your baby will adapt to the necessary rhythm of feeding.

Disadvantages of breastfeeding?

Just because breastfeeding is the most natural way of feeding, this does not mean that it is always easy. For many women, breastfeeding can be an uncomfortable and even painful process. Do not keep your experiences in yourself, often such soreness can be explained by a child's incorrect bite. His mouth should cover most of the nipple mug (pigmented skin around the nipple). Insert your little finger into the baby's mouth, during feeding, to avoid painful sensations. Talk with the breastfeeding consultant before discharge from the hospital to make sure that this process is going well.

Some women absolutely freely feed the child in public places, others feel shy to do it. Carry a small towel with which you can cover the baby while feeding in public places.

Activity of the week: Read some child care allowance.

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