Onions during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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Should I add onions during pregnancy? After all, during pregnancy, a woman has to adhere to certain principles of nutrition, because, simultaneously with the mother, the same child indirectly eats the same food.
There is an opinion that dishes with onions and garlic affect the occurrence of allergic reactions in the baby. Is it true? Let's figure it out.
Can I onion during pregnancy?
Can I onion during pregnancy? During the planning period and in the first trimester, onion is even recommended to be consumed, as it contains folic acid, which plays an important role in the formation of the fetus. Deficiency of folic acid can provoke congenital abnormalities of the fetus and premature birth. In addition to onions, experts advise eating greens, cheese, offal, carrots.
Of course, large amounts of onions can harm the mucosa of the digestive tract, so it is not worth it. Small portions of onion during lunch will not prevent: it is an excellent prevention of colds and flu. Especially, if we take into account the fact that during pregnancy, acute respiratory infections are highly undesirable. In addition, the onion contains a sufficient amount of chlorophyll, which promotes hemopoiesis. Using onions, you can increase the weakened appetite, strengthen immunity, stabilize digestion, improve blood circulation. Often pregnant women notice an improvement in sleep after eating onions.
Onions are not welcome in the second half of pregnancy: in the future, it can affect the development of diathesis in the baby.
Green onions during pregnancy
Many people gladly add green onions as decorations in many first and second dishes, but it is popular not only for its bright and mouth-watering color. The shoots of green onions in terms of the number of useful ingredients exceed even the onion head itself. To grow a green onion it is possible and in house conditions from usual onions, or from shallot or a batoon.
Green onion during pregnancy is just a complex vitamin preparation! With a pronounced lack of vitamins (and it is not uncommon in pregnancy), onion shoots turn out to be very useful. According to some information, 100 grams of onion greens contain a daily vitamin C norm. Useful shoots are also rich in Group A and B vitamins, as well as chlorophyll, which participates in the hematopoietic mechanism. Two tablespoons of chopped green onions contain almost 6.5 μg of folic acid.
Dishes sprinkled with green onions, favorably affect the appetite, adding to food not only the benefits, but also presentability.
It is necessary to pay attention to the shelf life of onion shoots: it is short enough, since green onions quickly lose moisture and, along with it, many useful properties.
Do not "lean" on the green onions with increased acidity, tachycardia, gastritis and gastroduodenitis in the acute stage.
Onion on pregnancy
Onions are ignored by many women, despite the fact that it is present on our table throughout the year. It can be bought without any problems at almost any grocery store, in markets or in supermarkets.
Nevertheless, onions during pregnancy are incredibly useful. In addition to the known and powerful antimicrobial action, the onion effectively eliminates diarrhea, enterocolitis, weakness of intestinal motility, atherosclerotic changes in the vessels.
Magnesium, present in the onions, helps to eliminate constipation - a fairly common symptom during pregnancy. In addition, magnesium takes an active part in at least 300 reactions at the cellular level, which characterizes the importance of this element for the health of a pregnant woman and her future baby.
The therapeutic ability of onions can also be used to maintain the beauty of the skin and hair. For example, to eliminate dandruff and hair loss, it is recommended to rub the onion juice into the roots. As a result, the hair will strengthen, and the skin on the head will cease to peel and form dandruff.
Mask from wrinkles on the basis of onions will help to get rid also of excessive pigmentation on the skin.
It is not recommended onions with ulcer process in the stomach, with inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. In the second half of pregnancy the use of onions should be reduced.
Onions and garlic in pregnancy
On the Internet you can find a lot of information about the benefits and harms of onion and garlic. But is it possible to have onions and garlic during pregnancy?
Garlic, used during pregnancy, can enhance the contractile activity of the uterus, which, as you know, is not very good. Therefore, in large quantities to consume garlic is not worth it. One or two denticles are a perfectly acceptable norm. If there is a risk of spontaneous termination of pregnancy, then it is better to refuse from using garlic.
In addition, garlic is considered a list of possible allergens, so it should not be taken for food to women with a negative allergic anamnesis, or late in pregnancy.
All other women can eat garlic. Especially, if you like the taste of garlic, then you should not deny yourself the pleasure. The main thing is not to abuse.
Onions and garlic during pregnancy are an excellent means to maintain the level of folic acid, to protect the body from infections, as well as to stimulate blood circulation and dilute blood. The use of onions and garlic is only welcomed if the pregnant woman is not prone to allergies and intolerance to such foods.
If for some reason you can not eat fresh garlic, you can replace it with a marinated analog. Marinated onion and garlic does not carry almost any danger to the body.
Onion with honey in pregnancy
Onions and honey are good antimicrobial agents in themselves, and in combination with each other give just a wonderful effect. The most popular combination of onions and honey for cough treatment - many find this remedy is simply irreplaceable. However, the question remains: will there be benefit, and will there be harm if you use onions with honey during pregnancy?
The fact is that among the main contraindications to the use of both honey and onions, allergic predisposition of the organism is distinguished. If you are allergic to beekeeping products or to onions, then, unconditionally, this recipe is not for you. If everything is in order and there is no allergy, then without any problems you can use this treatment, both for the prevention of colds, and for the treatment of cough.
Coughing during pregnancy is a very undesirable phenomenon: straining the abdominal muscles and diaphragm when coughing, it can provoke bleeding, a threat of miscarriage, especially low placenta previa.
Since drugs are not recommended for pregnancy, alternative remedies come to the aid, and, in particular, onions with honey. They can be consumed together by rubbing onions on a grater or by passing through a meat grinder and mixing with honey. The resulting mass must be eaten for 1 tsp. Before going to sleep (if you are tormented by night coughing), or after each meal.
To treat sore throats and colds, you can use onion juice with honey, or onion inhalation: take the onion, clean it, boil for 1.5 minutes in a saucepan under a lid. Next, remove the pan from the fire, gently bend over it, hiding with a towel and breathe over the vapors. Only to do this is necessary as carefully as possible so as not to get burns of the mucosa. After 3 minutes, stop the procedure, wrapped in a blanket and drink a cup of tea or milk with honey. Such treatment is recommended to be performed twice a day until complete recovery.
With a cold, you can simply cut the bulb in half and inhale the smell of onions.
At pregnancy it would be desirable an onions
Why are the gustatory wishes of a pregnant woman cardinally and often enough to change? Sometimes you want something strange and incompatible (herring with jam or dessert from onions), known to be harmful (fat belyash, chips or salted croutons) or in general inedible (plaster, toothpaste, etc.).
The most often intolerable desire to eat anything concrete is a kind of hint from your body or a future baby that you have a lack of any trace elements, or it can be a signal of any failure in the body.
If you want an onion during pregnancy, in most cases it is a signal of an approaching cold: your body is attacked by bacteria or viruses, and the immune system asks you for help in the form of onion volatile.
Sometimes the desire to eat onions is associated with painful thyroid conditions. In order to refute this version, you can take a blood test for thyroid hormones.
Less often the desire to eat onions appears due to the presence of parasites in the body - helminths.
Experts advise: if the body wants something, then it really needs it. Do not argue with the body, eat a little onions and do not worry: the body knows better.
Onions with a cold in pregnancy
We already spoke about the cough treatment with the help of onions and honey. However, onions can be treated not only cough, but also runny nose.
Onions with a cold in pregnancy apply, if there are no contraindications:
- allergies to onion preparations;
- bronchospasm;
- stomach ulcers and gastritis.
With a vasomotor runny nose, use the outer skin of the bulb - the one that we usually throw out when we clean the onions. Sheluchu, if possible, finely or arbitrarily cut and sautéed in a dry frying pan until charring. Smoke from the husks we inhale alternately each nostril.
You can use another way. We rub on the grater an onion. We spread the mass from the cup, the top is covered with a cardboard cone with a hole. We place the cup in a large container with boiling water. Through the opening, we inhale the steam alternately with the right and left nostrils.
There is another option for using grated onions. We pour the mass with hot sunflower oil and insist, covering the blanket, one night. In the morning, the oil is filtered out and used to lubricate the nasal mucosa with various kinds of cold.
And one more non-standard folk method, which helps with nasal congestion and sinusitis. We take the smallest onion (as for seedlings), clean it and cut it along. The inside of each half is cut with small incisions, not to the end. Turn each piece of onion gauze and put it in your ears. We enclose the head with a scarf. In a few minutes, the sinus nasalis must be cleared, and well-being-improve.
Benefits of onions during pregnancy
Onions can contain up to 10% of sugar, proteins, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, minerals and essential substances. The ability of onion juice to provoke lachrymation is due to the presence of sulphides in it. In addition, onions are rich in enzymes, glycosides, as well as inulin and phytin. From vitamins are present provitamin A, vitamins C, PP, B¹ and B².
Onions can be consumed fresh, boiled, fried, pickled and dried. In ancient times, onions were used to treat scurvy, because of the high content of vitamin C.
Both shoots and bulbs contain many phytoncides, which suppress the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. This makes it possible to successfully use onions for the treatment and prevention of respiratory infections, colds, laryngitis, etc.
Dishes with onions increase appetite, which is very important in the period of toxicosis. Increased appetite is due to the fact that the onion is able to increase the enzymatic activity of the stomach, strengthen intestinal motility.
If a woman is at the planning stage of pregnancy, then the onion should be consumed not only her, but her husband, as fresh bulbs excellently activate the sperm production, and enhance sexual desire.
Everyone knows that onions serve as excellent preventive measures for influenza during epidemics.
However, in addition to the benefits of onions during pregnancy, remember about contraindications: these are acute inflammatory processes in the digestive system, severe diseases of the liver and urinary system.
Reviews of onions during pregnancy
Pregnancy is a happy period in the life of a woman, so she does everything to not darken this period. The future mother feels responsible for the health and development of her baby, so she thinks about everything that in some way can hurt him.
If a woman suffers from an allergy to onions - then use it, needless to say, can not be. In all other cases, eating onions is not only possible, but even necessary. Fortunately, onions can be bought and consumed all year round.
There are situations when a woman wants to bow, but she doubts that this will please the future baby. Reviews of onions during pregnancy indicate to us that you should not be afraid: the kid himself will tell you what is good and what's bad. If after eating the onion the child begins to behave restlessly, kicking - then, the dish did not like him. And vice versa, if you ate onions, and the baby is calm, then it suits him, and there is no need to give up onions.
Of course, onions are of great benefit to the body of the future mother, as a source of a large number of nutrients and vitamins. A woman who does not deny herself in onions during pregnancy, the whole period will be under reliable protection from viral and bacterial infection. Add onions in the first and second dishes, salads and sandwiches - it's beautiful, tasty and, most importantly, useful.
Onion during pregnancy is one of the components of a woman's proper nutrition, ensuring the normal development of the baby. But it must be remembered that the surplus of certain substances can be no less harmful than their deficiency, therefore in everything it is necessary to know the extent.