Mushrooms during pregnancy: eat or not eat?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The main question that many expectant mothers are concerned with in autumn is whether mushrooms can be taken during pregnancy. And if it is possible, which ones? And if you can not - why?
Quite frankly, mushrooms during pregnancy are not the best food product in such a crucial period of a woman's life and it is more expedient to avoid it.
And we will try to give weighty arguments that will help you decide whether to use them during pregnancy.
Mushrooms during pregnancy: fresh, salted, pickled
Many people think that mushrooms are extremely useful for humans, and mushrooms during pregnancy are no exception, especially since this product is low-calorie.
In macromycetes, to the class of which white, oily, and field mushrooms belong, there is a significant content of protein substances - phosphorus-containing glycoproteins (up to 70%) and amino acids. Fats (cholesterol, lecithin, fatty acids) - no more than 10%. There are organic acids: apple, wine, lemon, fumaric, oxalic (in the form of oxalate). Carbohydrates are relatively few and they are present in the form of polysaccharides. The fungi contain enzymes, macro- and microelements, vitamins B1 and PP, as well as provitamin D (ergosterol).
It should be noted the presence in the fungi (especially in their legs) of a high molecular weight linear polysaccharide, which - like in arthropods and some species of algae - supports the structure of cells. And this is chitin! It is this substance that makes mushrooms food that is heavy for the stomach: it simply does not split under the action of proteolytic enzymes of gastric juice. Therefore, consuming mushrooms during pregnancy, you run the risk of hindering the digestive system.
In mushrooms there is ammonium nitrogen, and some part - in a free state, the rest - in the composition of salts. Ammonium nitrogen is a chemical pollutant of waste water, and ammonium salts, undergoing hydrolysis, increase the level of acidity (pH) of body fluids. These are ideal conditions for the development of metabolic acidosis, in which the vessels lose elasticity, increase blood pressure, insomnia, headaches and joint pains, as well as fatty tissues.
And in the mushrooms there is a lot of urea necessary for them to neutralize ammonia and return it to the process of amino acid synthesis. In the human body, salts of uric acid are a product of the breakdown of proteins that leaves the urine. If the urea is too much, the kidneys can not cope with its removal, and this can lead to urolithiasis - with all the ensuing consequences.
By the way, pickled mushrooms during pregnancy, as well as salted mushrooms during pregnancy should be excluded from the diet. Do not believe me - ask any dietitian.
Mushroom poisoning during pregnancy
When fungi are poisoned, the question "whether or not to eat mushrooms during pregnancy" should be formulated as follows: to be or not to be pregnant, and even the most pregnant.
It is especially unsafe to eat mushrooms that have been harvested in the forest or bought in the bazaar. And not only because no one will give a guarantee of the absence among them of poisonous or inedible.
Poisoning with mushrooms during pregnancy can happen even if all the fungi are "correct", that is, they are related to edible. The fact is that according to the type of food, all higher mushrooms are surveyors, that is, they obtain dissolved nutrients by absorbing all parts of their surface. And with our ecology it is not known what they managed to infuse ...
In addition, there is a considerable risk of poisoning with improperly prepared mushrooms or spoiled canned.
What to do if there is a poisoning with mushrooms? It is necessary: 1) to call for urgent medical aid; 2) cleanse the stomach (drink as much water as possible at room temperature and induce vomiting); 3) lay the victim and apply the heating pad to the feet; 4) give cold salty water (200 ml of water a teaspoon of salt) - in small sips.
Yeast Mushrooms in Pregnancy
Now let's see if you need to use yeast mushrooms during pregnancy. And first of all, remember that in addition to the usual mushrooms with a leg and a hat, there is a huge army of microscopic fungi, represented by molds, yeasts and other pathogenic, non-pathogenic and potentially pathogenic micromycetes.
With the coexistence of some yeast and yeast-like fungi with lactic acid or acetic acid bacteria and Gram-negative bacteria-chemo-organotrophs of the genus Zoogloea ramigera, mucus-gelatinous "colonies" - zooglues are formed. They feed on organic substances, absorbed from liquids, through oxidation. As a result, fermentation processes begin in the liquid.
It is to such fungi-zooglues include the so-called tea, Tibetan (milk, kefir) and rice mushrooms.
Tea mushroom in pregnancy
Tea mushroom during pregnancy, as in all other cases, is used to make a home-like drink that resembles kvass. For this purpose, a piece of mushroom is placed in a little sweetened and filled with tea brewing water. "Starter" begins to grow and quickly turns into a floating slime-matrix floating on the surface of the liquid. As a result of the vital activity of this zoogea, a slightly aerated beverage turns out.
Tea (Japanese or white sea) fungus - Medusomyces gicevii - is a symbiosis of yeast-like fungi of the genus Saccharomyces (present on grapes and in grape must) and used in the production of various kinds of Ascomycete beer Brettanomyces bruxellensis, Torulaspora delbrueckii, etc. Mushrooms are adjacent to the Gram-negative aerobic bacterium of the genus Acetobacter xylinum, oxidizing ethanol to acetic acid. In nature this microorganism lives in the soil and is usually found on fallen decaying fruits. Assimilating glucose and carbon-containing compounds, acetobacter synthesizes cellulose.
The composition of the drink obtained with the help of a tea mushroom contains vitamins (C, B and PP groups), sugars, ethanol, organic acids (malic, citric, acetic, etc.), various enzymes and even substances with antimicrobial properties.
List the list of diseases in which it is recommended to drink tea mushroom infusion, we will not, because it can not be a panacea. But here contraindications to the use of a tea fungus during pregnancy should be highlighted in more detail.
Contraindications to the use of tea mushroom during pregnancy
Doctors do not recommend the use of tea fungus in diabetes, the presence of fungal diseases, with increased acidity of the stomach and a tendency to allergic reactions. This applies to everyone, including pregnant women.
And now think about whether you will start drinking tea mushroom during pregnancy, if you know that:
- Infusion of tea fungus, quenching thirst, "in passing" increases appetite.
- The gluconic acid produced by the tea fungus promotes the activation of metabolism and increases the muscle strength, but can cause irritation of the intestine and diarrhea.
- Contained in the infusion of tea fungus, lactic acids destroy pathogenic microbes in the intestine. But increasing the content of lactic acid in the body can lead to a violation of blood circulation and reduce oxygen supply of tissues.
- The acetic acid found in the tea fungus can cause acidosis (see at the beginning of the publication), damage the red blood cells until they are destroyed (hemolysis), and disrupt kidney and liver function.
In addition, a drink from a tea mushroom though and easily, but fizzy. And carbon dioxide in the consumed liquid, as is known, provokes the production of gastric juice, increases the level of its acidity and causes flatulence.
Tibetan fungus in pregnancy
Tibetan fungus during pregnancy, it is also a milk fungus during pregnancy, it is also a kefir fungus in pregnancy by microbiological parameters similar to that of a tea and is also a zoogea.
The basis of this organism are active acid bacteria and yeast fungi (Lactobacillus caucasus, Leuconostoc, Saccharomyces, Torula, Acetobacter, etc.), which in the process of fermentation produce alcohol and acids - lactic and acetic. The milk fungus contains proteins, polysaccharides, vitamins A, D, PP, a complex of vitamins B, calcium, iron, zinc, iodine and other useful substances. And also a large number of probiotic microorganisms that, after consuming kefir based on the Tibetan fungus, continue to live in your intestines and positively influence its condition.
At present, there is official evidence that strains of lactobacilli of the Tibetan fungus help in the treatment of inflammatory diseases and gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, stomach ulcers), promote wound healing and post-operative recovery of the body.
Tibetan fungus during pregnancy is contraindicated to use if there is an insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; hypolactasia (lactose intolerance); increased acidity of the stomach.
Rice mushroom in pregnancy
Rice mushroom is also zooglue, and the principles of its existence as a symbiosis of microscopic fungi and bacteria differ little from the tea fungus. Therefore, to use rice mushroom during pregnancy for the same reasons (see above - Contraindications to the use of tea fungus during pregnancy) is not worth it.
In addition, the rice fungus is contraindicated in the pathologies of the stomach and intestines, as well as in arterial hypotension.
The safest way to apply the rice mushroom during pregnancy is to use its infusion outside, as a rinse aid for the hair. It is said that it helps to strengthen the hair and makes it shiny.
Reishi mushroom during pregnancy
We warn at once: contraindications to the use of this therapeutic fungus are, along with hemorrhagic diathesis and children under seven years of age, pregnancy and lactation.
The fungus of the Agarikomycetes Ganoderma lucidum class or the lacquered lootie chinens is called ling-chih (immortality fungus), and the Japanese are Reishi (mushroom of spiritual strength). As well as all known chaga, it grows on the trunks of drying deciduous trees and destroys their wood.
Thanks to the essential amino acids, polysaccharides, triterpenes, flavonoids, phytoncides and other biologically active substances, this fungus, as written in the instructions, "provides immunomodulating, antitumor, antiviral, antibiotic, lipid-lowering, hepatoprotective, genoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antioxidant action" ...
Obviously, Reishi mushroom during pregnancy is prohibited for many reasons. For example, because it is like ginseng and eleutherococcus, an adaptogen of plant origin. Or because of the presence in its composition of natural compounds of triterpenoids, which are similar to steroid hormones.
Why do we have mushrooms? To pregnancy!
The story of mushrooms during pregnancy, we decided to conclude with a reminder that microscopic fungi medicine is due to the appearance of antibiotics, because penicillin was obtained from mold.
By the way, mold is dreaming of trouble. Whether an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy is related to them, for sure we do not undertake. By pregnancy usually see live fish, stork or butterflies. Sleep collecting mushrooms for pregnancy, we are not in the dream books, but found several options for the interpretation of picking mushrooms in a dream.
In a dream, picking mushrooms means either giving too much importance to erotica, or for the forthcoming large amount of small work.
To just dream of mushrooms for pregnancy, it is interpreted only in one dream book. And if you dreamed that you were cooking mushrooms, then this is unexpected. Well, maybe pregnancy is a complete surprise for a woman ...
And in the old French dream book you can read that "to see mushrooms in a dream - to a long life and good luck."
By the way, the French joke that, they say, with a mushroom sauce you can eat even a swipe. So, if you are not able to overcome the desire to taste the freshly prepared mushrooms - cook the sauce. Only use the mushrooms hats and before cutting them into a frying pan finely chop and chop with boiling water. A onions should be pasted on another pan and mix it with fried mushrooms. Salt-pepper, add sour cream and cook until done. The sauce is very tasty, but there are no dishes flavored for them for dinner: after all, mushrooms during pregnancy are not the best food product.