Miscarriage in early pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Miscarriage is considered to be the rejection of the fetus by the body of a woman for up to 20 weeks.
Miscarriage in medicine is often called spontaneous abortion. Every fifth woman in the situation risks losing her child. Most miscarriages occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and this can happen even when a woman does not suspect that she is in a position. Most of the women after the abortion have gone quietly following the next pregnancy and give birth to a healthy child.
Miscarriage in early pregnancy often occurs in women older than 45 years.
Every woman who aspires to become a mother must know that in the first trimester the probability of spontaneous termination of pregnancy is high enough.
Causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy
Miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy can provoke quite a lot of reasons. Sometimes it happens that the reason that led to such serious consequences for women, and remains unknown.
One of the reasons may be various genetic pathologies, when the fetus is not viable, in this case the woman's organism independently gets rid of it. In this case, it is not possible to save a pregnancy.
It is important to take folic acid several months prior to conception, the lack of which can lead to the wrong development of the neural tube.
Hormonal disorders are one of the most common causes of spontaneous abortions. Progesterone in the body of a woman is responsible for keeping the embryo in the first half of pregnancy, but most women have a deficiency of this hormone. In this case, pregnancy should be supported by medication.
Infections are one of the major causes of rejection of the fetus by the body of a woman. Even a minor cold can lead to serious consequences. However, most often miscarriage occurs due to sexually transmitted infections, which already occurred during pregnancy.
Very strong immunity of a woman can also contribute to the rejection of the fetus. It is known that the human embryo carries in itself half of the paternal genetic information, which for the mother's organism is alien. It turns out that the fruit is only half compatible with the mother's body. During conception, a special situation occurs in the woman's body: new foreign substances should be suppressed by the immune system and at the same time it is necessary to provide the embryo with everything necessary for its normal development. In order for the organism to accept a new being developing in it, the immunity must radically change its working principle. With enough protection of the body, a woman is recommended to drink a course of special drugs that suppress immunity.
A variety of external influences can also cause rejection of the fetus by the body. X-rays, medications, some herbs that use alternative medicine - all this can provoke miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. A woman who wants to become a mother must be careful about her own health, do not engage in self-medication and without special need not take medicine. In the treatment of diseases, it is necessary to inform your physician that appropriate therapy is prescribed.
Symptoms of miscarriage in early pregnancy
Miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy in medicine is conventionally divided into the following groups:
- threat of spontaneous abortion;
- imminent or incomplete miscarriage;
- complete rejection of the fetus;
- secondary miscarriage;
- abortive spontaneous abortion.
The main symptoms of the beginning of the miscarriage include painful sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back (especially having a cramping character), secretions from the genital tract (mucous white-pink, bloody, brown, smearing or persistent nature), bleeding (if bleeding pieces of mucus and tissue, in this case, a spontaneous abortion is diagnosed), nausea (sometimes vomiting).
Diagnosis of miscarriage in early pregnancy
If a woman suspects a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, she must necessarily consult a gynecologist and, if necessary, take all the tests. In most cases, timely assistance provided by doctors contributes to the preservation of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. If you suspect a miscarriage, the doctor will examine the woman, assess the condition of the cervix, then the specialist must send a woman to an ultrasound examination to assess the current state of the fetus. If the threat of miscarriage is confirmed. Usually, a woman goes to inpatient treatment to save her pregnancy, because during this period the pregnant woman is extremely important full rest and bed rest.
In order to establish possible causes of spontaneous abortion, and to prescribe effective treatment, the following tests are prescribed:
- blood test for sex hormones, thyroid hormones, intrauterine infection, for antibodies to hCG;
- Analysis of urine;
- Smear for chlamydia and mycoplasmal infections.
Who to contact?
Treatment of miscarriage in early pregnancy
Miscarriage at the early stages of pregnancy is treated with regard to the results of the study and the general condition of the patient.
Gestagens are hormones that regulate pregnancy. Good efficiency in the threat of spontaneous abortion is owned by Dufaston, Utrozestan. Basically, such hormonal drugs are prescribed when there is a shortage of progesterone in the female body responsible for the preparation of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium), the development of the placenta, the preservation of the fetus. Such medications should be taken only after the appointment of a doctor and under his strict supervision.
Glucocorticoids are hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Appointed such drugs, when the body of a pregnant woman produces an increased number of male sex hormones. Usually in this case, doctors recommend Metipred, Dexamethasone.
Hemostatic and antihemorrhagic drugs are prescribed for emerging uterine bleeding. Good efficiency in this case has Dicinon.
Spasmolytics - by their action, the drugs relax the muscles of the uterus, which, when the rejection process begins, comes in a tone. In the early stages of pregnancy usually use No-shpu, papaverine, baralgin.
Vitamin complexes and trace elements, in particular, magnesium B6, vitamin E, folic acid, as well as sedatives based on plant extracts (valerian, motherwort, etc.).
Usually, after successfully treating the threat of miscarriage, a woman is recommended to continue taking prescribed medications for a while.
How to prevent a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy?
Miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy can be triggered by both external influences and internal factors. If the development of hormones by the body of a pregnant woman is difficult to affect, then there are some situations where a woman is able to prevent a threat of miscarriage.
First of all, physical activity should be moderate, it is best to choose a special complex for women, taking into account the period of pregnancy. Do not carry heavy bags, try to lift as little as possible children and any other gravity. A woman in the first trimester should be extremely cautious. Especially if in the past she already had miscarriages.
A woman in the situation should not take hot baths, because such procedures lead to an increase in body temperature and increased blood circulation, which can provoke rejection of the fetus. A woman during this period is best to take a shower, if you really want to lie down and relax in the bath, then the water should not be too hot, it is best to make warm water.
Many women, when they learn that they will soon become mums, try to prepare a room for a future child. However, it is worth remembering that couples that emit paints, glue, etc. Represent a danger not only for the pregnant woman, but also for the fetus.
There are women. Who believe that there can not be any harm from vitamins, and in pregnancy they can be consumed beyond measure, as this will contribute to the birth of a healthy child. However, an overdose of vitamins can adversely affect the development of the child. And an overabundance of vitamins can be one of the causes of miscarriage at an early pregnancy. A woman in the situation should be extremely cautious about vitamin A, C.
Earlier, sex in the early stages of pregnancy was considered one and the reasons leading to an increased tone of the uterus and as a result, miscarriage. Modern doctors believe that sex itself can not provoke the threat of interruption (provided that it is not rude, penetration is not deep and not sharp). Positive emotions are very useful for a future mother, since such a state of a woman has a beneficial effect on the development of the child. Sex is contraindicated only with the already existing threat of miscarriage, in which case it can serve as a stimulus to the beginning of the process of rejection.
Miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy is quite a serious condition, which can still be prevented if medical care is provided in time. However, sometimes there are cases when neither the woman nor the doctors are able to stop the process of rejection of the fetus. Therefore it is extremely important to undergo a complete examination of the body before pregnancy, which will help in a timely manner to identify and eliminate possible health problems for women. Such measures will help to avoid serious consequences in the future that negatively affect a woman's health, both physical and psychological.