Milk with soda during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Milk and soda during pregnancy - a pretty effective way to treat certain diseases, as a woman in this position, the majority of drug use is prohibited.
Can you milk with soda during pregnancy?
A solution of milk with soda at a gestation of the child is allowed to use to eliminate certain disease states - such as coughing or heartburn .
Use milk with soda during pregnancy
A useful feature of baking soda is that it can quickly get rid of the problem that there are many pregnant - from heartburn.
Neutralization of acid that causes a burning sensation in the chest, is the result of a combination of gastric juice with sodium bicarbonate. But pregnant women can not drink soda inside, so it is necessary to prepare a solution in milk, and to do it can only be in the most urgent situations. In conjunction with milk intestinal mucosa irritant effects attenuated soda solution.
Boiled milk should be poured into a glass of warm up and cool down, and then fill it in soda (1 teaspoon), stir and drink immediately. Keep in mind that although the effect of the use of such drugs is achieved immediately, frequent use of soda during pregnancy is prohibited.
Milk and soda during pregnancy cough
Milk and soda during pregnancy cough reduces the inflammatory swelling of the mucous, soothes cough and facilitates evacuation of the lungs and bronchial mucus with germs. But keep in mind that this medicine helps only in the case of dry cough. After the appearance of sputum and cough go in the wet, the tool will no longer desired effect.
The drug is prepared as follows: Boil 1 stack. Milk, and then fall asleep ¼ tsp soda, stir and allow to cool. Warm drink should drink 0.5 stack. Twice a day. The first technique to exercise on an empty stomach in the morning and the other in the evening, before bedtime, after 2-3 hours after eating.
Milk with soda and butter during pregnancy
Milk with added soda and 2 tsp honey and a small slice of butter can achieve the coating, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effects. Drink this mixture should be shortly before bedtime.
Milk and soda during pregnancy with oil and honey is considered to be quite safe to remove the cough, so this method is used by pregnant women often enough.