Is it possible for the nursing mother to have chicken and quail eggs?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Eggs - a nutritious food product, a source of large amounts of protein, whose role in human life can not be overestimated. This is the necessary building material for the muscles and skeleton, the accelerator of chemical processes in the body, its protective factor, t. Participates in the formation of antibodies that oppose various infections. It is logical to assume that during breastfeeding of the baby with breast milk, a woman should use this product as much as possible. But is it possible to breastfeed my mother eggs?
Egg benefit
The most used eggs are chicken, but they are used in the feeding of eggs of any bird (duck, goose, quail, ostrich, turkey, pheasant) and even turtles. In any egg there is protein and yolk. Their chemical composition is somewhat different depending on the bird, its feeding and the conditions of detention. In the yolk contains fats and cholesterol, the protein on average 90% consists of water, the rest is protein. The use of eggs lies in the importance of protein for the functioning of the body, high content of fatty acids: oleic, palmitic, linoleic and others; vitamins A, B6, B12, E, D, folacin, biotin, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, pantothenic acid; micro- and macro elements: phosphorus, selenium, cobalt. The protein helps to absorb calcium, giving strength to the skeleton, which is so important for a growing organism.
Can I eat eggs for a nursing mother?
Having proved the undoubted advantage of this food product, we can say with certainty that it is not only possible for a nursing mother, but also it is necessary to eat eggs, because she needs to restore strength, hormonal balance after pregnancy and give the child along with milk everything necessary for its growth and development, increase resistance to viruses. But not all so unambiguously. In the egg there is a protein ovomukoid, provoking an allergy, it has a lot of "bad" cholesterol, harmful to health. It's not a secret that growing a bird is accompanied by the addition of antibiotics, growth hormones to the diet. Therefore, enter eggs with breastfeeding carefully, in small portions and not earlier than with the monthly age of the child and not more than 3 pieces per week. The question arises, which ones and in what form?
Chicken eggs
Chicken eggs are the most popular and in demand in cooking. They have a very balanced chemical composition. Of the many vitamins, B4 leads (in 100g of the product, half the daily requirement for it), H (40%), A (29%), B5 (26%); B2 (24%). They do not have only vitamin C, minerals - boron and silicon. The only requirement for them to be fresh. The correct way to check this is to put it in a glass of water. Falling to the bottom of the egg is the freshest, floating vertically in the middle - not very much, and the surfaced on the surface is not suitable for use.
Quail eggs
Quail eggs are inferior in composition to chicken eggs, but are considered more dietary and useful, easier to digest. They have a slightly different content of vitamins: B12 (100g of product satisfies 53% of the daily norm), B4 (53%), B2 (44%), B5 (35%), B9 (17%). Vitamin A in them is 2.5 times more than in chicken, more potassium, iron, copper, phosphorus. They strengthen the bone and nervous systems, normalize the kidneys, liver, digestive tract, heart, improve metabolism, strengthen immunity, remove radionuclides, stimulate mental activity. For nursing mothers - it's just a find, their consumption can not even be limited, they rarely cause allergies.
In what form is it?
The most useful raw egg, if not for one ... The chicken raw egg can be infected with salmonella, which causes intoxication and lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. To get rid of it is not capable of washing with water, it should be cooked for at least 10 minutes. Unlike chicken quails are not affected by this infectious stick, so they can be eaten raw. Other types of cooking - boiled, fried, scrambled eggs. Eggs quail can be eaten soft-boiled, which are obtained by cooking for 2 minutes, to get a hard-boiled should be kept on the fire for 5 minutes. Fried is not a dietary dish, but if your mother does not worry about excess weight and digestive problems, then you can not fry until dark crust and leave them in your diet. More useful omelet, and cooked not in a pan, but cooked in water. To do this, you need a zip package, which the housewives use to freeze the food. A mixture of eggs and milk is prepared, it is possible, with the addition of greenery, cheese, poured into a bag, closed and lowered into a boiling water in a pan. After 7-10 minutes (depending on the volume), the dish is ready. It's not just tasty and useful, but also original in the pitch.
The main criterion for assessing the usefulness of eggs for your child is the absence of a negative reaction: rashes on the body, bloating, colic, digestive disorders.