Is it possible to drink juice for a nursing mother?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Most often, doctors do not prohibit young mothers from drinking natural juices of their own preparation. However, it is necessary to follow the golden rule, which concerns the use of absolutely all drinks and products during breastfeeding: you need to start from small doses, watching the child's reaction, so as not to miss a possible allergy.
Juices can be entered in the mother's menu just one month after the baby's birth. You can use juices, cooked alone, or special products labeled "for nursing mothers." Ordinary packaged juices to drink extremely undesirable, because they have in their composition a lot of harmful ingredients.
The most hypoallergenic are such juices as apple, banana-apple, birch, cherry and pomegranate. To reduce the possible unwanted effects of juices on a child, they should be diluted with half of water before use.
Can I breastfeed my apple juice?
Apple is one of the most common fruits for us. It is rich in natural sugars, fiber, amino acids, pectin, ascorbic acid, B-group vitamins, as well as E, K, P, folic acid, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, selenium.
Apple juice improves blood composition and increases the total amount of hemoglobin. It is advised to drink to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, the immune system, with an elevated cholesterol level.
Apples help women overcome anemia, constipation, sleep disturbances.
Juice from apples doctors are allowed to drink to my mother a few weeks after the birth of a small man. In the beginning, this juice should be a little, and only in a diluted form. Then the volumes can be increased. The permissible daily norm of juice from apples for a nursing mother is from 200 ml to one liter. Juice can be drunk fresh, canned (homemade), preferably - about half an hour before a meal.
Can I drink pomegranate juice for a nursing mother?
Garnet is an especially valuable fruit. Many use it as a prophylaxis or for the treatment of anemia.
Doctors do not prohibit the use of pomegranate and its juice during breastfeeding. Nevertheless, such juice can not be drunk uncontrolled and in any quantities.
Undoubtedly, the pomegranate is very useful. It contains a large number of amino acids, as well as iodine and iron (which explains the anti-anemic properties of the berries).
There are also vitamins in garnet:
- ascorbic acid (increases immune defense);
- vitamins B-group (strengthen the nervous system, eliminate irritability);
- vitamin P (improves the condition of blood vessels).
The use of pomegranate juice during lactation is also useful because this drink stabilizes the hormonal background, improves the digestive function, heals from an intestinal disorder.
Before drinking pomegranate juice, a nursing woman should first eat several of its grains to make sure that the baby does not have allergies. If everything went well, then you can start drinking juice - at first a little (a few teaspoons), then - no more than 30 ml of concentrated juice per day. Usually, the juice is diluted with water, in a ratio of 1: 2.
Is it possible to drink cranberries breastfeeding mother?
Nursing mothers usually prefer cranberries in the form of fruit drinks or compotes. Such drinks are not only delicious, but also extremely useful: having a positive effect on lactation, cranberries enrich the composition and improve the quality of mother's milk.
Practicing doctors calmed down: cranberries and drinks based on this berry rarely lead to allergies. In this case, the therapeutic properties of such drinks are invaluable.
Morse from cranberries eliminates fever, tones up, strengthens immunity, and most importantly - prevents stagnant processes in the mammary glands, which is very important for the period of breastfeeding. However, to get this effect, cranberries should be consumed in fairly large quantities - about a liter and a half of drink per day.
In addition to mors, from cranberries, you can prepare compote, jelly, jelly.
Cranberry drink can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Than fresh mors or compote, the more likely that the process of its use will not cause negative consequences.
Is it possible to drink carrot juice for a nursing mother?
One of the most valuable useful juices is carrot - it is recommended to drink to everyone, both mothers and children. Carrots are prized, primarily by the content of beta-carotene and retinol - these are very important vitamins for the growth and development of the baby.
If the mother practices breastfeeding, then she can drink only self-prepared juice from carrots. Immediately after the first drink, you should observe the well-being of the baby: the importance is not only the absence of rash or redness on the skin, but also a change in the shade of the skin. It is believed that yellowing or darkening of the skin after carrot juice may indicate an inadequate liver function. For a child, such a sign is not pathological: it only means that the baby's liver is not yet ready to break down certain substances due to weak enzyme activity. If this happens, you should wait with the introduction of carrot juice into the diet - about 1-1.5 months.
Is it possible to drink pumpkin juice to a nursing mother?
Pumpkin is the most valuable melon fruit in its properties, which will prove useful for both young mother and babe.
Pumpkin extremely rarely provokes the development of an allergy, therefore it is shown to be used literally from the first months of a baby's life.
Pumpkin juice is valued for such properties:
- stabilizes digestive processes;
- improves intestinal motility;
- relieves constipation;
- strengthens the immune system;
- clears the vessels.
The optimal amount of juice per day is 200-250 ml. Doctors advise to limit this amount if there are problems with the stomach and pancreas.
Can I drink pineapple juice for a nursing mother?
Pineapple juice is rarely cooked at home on its own: after all, pineapple is an exotic fruit that is more suitable to eat in the form of pulp than to use for making a drink. Juice, which is sold in packages, during the lactation period is undesirable to drink: it is allergenic, and not so much because of the presence of pineapple, but because of additional additives, dyes and stabilizers.
Natural freshly squeezed pineapple juice is allowed to drink. If you drink this drink before eating, you can greatly facilitate the digestion of food: proteins and fats will be split easier, which will reduce the burden on the digestive system. Also important is that pineapple has an antimicrobial and antispasmodic effect.
The most optimal mode of drinking pineapple juice is 2-3 times a week for 200 ml of freshly prepared drink. Introduce in the diet of this drink gradually, a few teaspoons, gradually increasing the volume.
You should not get involved with juice with gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis.
Is it possible to drink birch sap for nursing mother?
Natural birch sap is especially useful in the season when it is drunk fresh. Preserved juice is practically devoid of vitamins, because it has undergone thermal treatment. Only 250 ml of fresh juice per day can provide the baby and his mother with the daily intake of vitamins B, C, as well as magnesium, potassium, organic acids. Even in birch sap there are astringents of glucose.
When you use fresh juice, you need to pay attention to its quality: this juice is especially useful, but the storage time is extremely short. As a rule, fresh juice should be drunk on the same day it was collected. The next day, such a drink can be dangerous for a nursing mother.
Birch juice perfectly removes puffiness - to achieve this effect, it is enough to drink only 200-400 ml of juice per day, between meals.
An allergy to a birch gift is very rare, so the juice is allowed to drink almost immediately after the birth of the baby.
Is it possible to drink peach juice to a nursing mother?
Peach juice is healthy, nutritious and low-calorie. It contains starch, dietary fiber, beta-carotene, natural organic acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements.
The rich composition of the juice helps to quickly restore the female body - especially if the birth was difficult. Peach juice improves immune defense, accelerates metabolism, stimulates blood-forming processes, facilitates the work of the heart, relieves swelling, gives strength and vigor, promotes the removal of toxic substances from the circulatory system.
Peach drink can be drunk from the age of three months of the baby (if the infant does not have an allergic reaction to the fruit). Nutritionists are not advised to drink this juice before bedtime: the best time to take it is the first half of the day.