Doshirac during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021
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Today we will try to understand the next important question: is it possible to use Doshirak during pregnancy? Is this a danger to a pregnant woman and her baby?
Modern people, especially in cities, have long been accustomed to such concepts as fast food, fast food, Korean noodles, etc. "Fast Food" brought to us from other countries in a short period of time has gained considerable popularity among the population, in particular among students, schoolchildren and office workers. There are different opinions about such food. Someone does not see, for example, any harm in the famous "Doshiraka", and someone prefers to remain hungry, but, in any case, do not use "fast noodles."
Can Doshirak be Pregnant?
Can Doshirak be Pregnant? In order to fully obtain an adequate response to this problematic issue, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the components of the product. As an example, take the product "Doshirak. Beef », 90 g, producer - Russia, Ryazan.
The components of the noodles are presented by: high grade white flour, sodium chloride, palm oil, dried onion, powder kelp, gluten, modified starch, emulsifying ingredient and thickener (as sorbitol, soybean oil, lecithin), coloring agent "β-carotene ", A complex food additive" premix "(containing sodium polyphosphate, guar gum, supplemented with riboflavin, sodium carbonate), extracts from spices.
Bouillon components consist of: salt, flavor enhancers (sodium glutamate), flavoring substance identical with natural "beef", dry whey powder, glucose syrup, soybean powder, peppers (black and red).
Components of seasoning from dried vegetable components are presented: soy texturize, onion, carrot, dried algae.
Rich composition, is not it? Let's try to understand it in more detail.
Preservatives that allow the product to be stored for a year or more are substances that prevent the product from deteriorating, inhibiting the development and growth of bacteria and other microorganisms. Simultaneously, the product is protected from possible distortion of taste and the appearance of extraneous smell, putrefaction, the appearance of mold and toxic processes involving microbes. In instant noodles, preservatives E 200-299, or other substances with a similar action (antioxidants and emulsifiers) are most often used.
Palm oil is cheap, but not the most useful component. It contains saturated fats, which raise the level of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, palm oil is considered a fairly strong carcinogen. Most developed countries in the world do not consume products containing palm oil, and the presence of this component in products is always allocated on the label so that the consumer can reasonably assess the danger and benefit of such food.
Soy texture - it is usually used as a substitute for natural meat. Dry soy textures can be stored for at least a year, without losing their properties.
Sodium glutamate is one of the most famous food additives E 621. This substance without its own taste and smell, but possesses a unique ability to enhance the taste of other foods. Once inside the digestive tract, glutamate of sodium enters the bloodstream, brain membranes and directly affects the gene mutation, which is responsible for the development of taste sensations. At the same time, the susceptibility of the taste receptors of the tongue increases, so that a person has a clear impression that he ate something really insanely tasty. By the way, children who are accustomed to eating with sodium glutamate, often refuse normal home food, demanding only products from the supermarket: with constant use, the substance acts like a narcotic, causing some dependence.
Modified starch is a substance similar to conventional starch, but with altered properties. It is obtained by heating a starch solution with the addition of hydrochloric, sulfuric and orthophosphoric acids at a certain temperature regime that does not exceed the gelation limit point. All this is done in order to reduce the viscosity of starch in a warm state.
Guar gum E 412 is a substance synthesized from plant material - Indian acacia. Despite plant origin, guar gum is prohibited in many countries of Europe, as it contains inadmissible amounts of dioxin and pentachlorophenol - toxins, which negatively affect the health of the body, and also cause abnormalities of fetal development.
Flavors are substances that give the product a smell: meat, cheese, etc. Flavors have not been researched in the vast majority for their harmfulness, they do not even have their own encoding E.
Also in the noodles can be potassium sorbate (a preservative that inhibits the development of mold), as well as ethylene diamide tetracetate E 385 (product softener that simultaneously softens your teeth, causing loss of calcium).
Perhaps one of the few components to which there are no complaints is the dye β-carotene, which is most often obtained from products of plant origin.
The benefits of Doshirak in pregnancy
Of course, when there is not enough time to eat properly, then instant noodles perfectly replaces both the first and second course. If a pregnant woman wants to eat only Doshirak, you can allow such food, after removing from her bags with condiments and gravy, which contain the maximum amount of harmful substances. In this way, you will slightly reduce the damage to the noodles. However, it is not necessary to regularly eat such a product: in spite of its high caloric content, Doshirak has practically no food value. These products are extremely poor in vitamins and nutrients, despite the fact that in advertising they prove to us the opposite.
Remember also that the caloric content of a bag of noodles is about 400 kcal, so this product is very difficult to recognize as dietary, in all respects. If a woman is prone to excess weight, then before you use noodles, you should weigh all the pros and cons.
It is worth noting another feature of "fast noodles" - this is an unreasonable amount of salt in the product. In addition to the fact that excess salt in any case is undesirable for the human body, then during pregnancy - even more so. Edema, bags under the eyes - salt will only aggravate these manifestations during pregnancy. A prolonged use of the product with a large amount of salt and other harmful substances can cause irreparable harm to the exchange processes: water, salt. Over time, the balance of electrolytes may be disturbed.
The composition of instant noodles in the content of spices and chemical components is so aggressive for the mucous membranes of our digestive system, which can cause not only an inflammatory process in the stomach, but also in the intestine.
Instant noodles originally appeared in China, during the Japan-China War. At that time, such food was part of the dry ration of the Chinese military. At first, it was eaten in dry form, and after it began to add butter and boil. To increase the shelf life of the final product, and also to increase its popularity by improving the taste qualities, chemical components were added to the noodles. Since then, the benefits of such noodles are questionable.
Reviews of pre-shash during pregnancy
Of course, not all consumers agree that instant noodles can harm their health. After all, many find this noodle convenient, cheap and fast substitute for a hot lunch. And such people are in some way right. However, the attitude of consumers to a popular product is so different that it is in the range of great love for extreme rejection.
What is the conclusion from all of the above? Instant noodles are a very popular and cheap product. However, it should not be used in the following situations:
- with diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastritis, ulcer, enterocolitis);
- with obesity;
- with pathologies of the liver and urinary system;
- with anemia and beriberi.
With regard to the use of Doshirak pregnant, it should be noted that the normal course of pregnancy and the health of the future baby largely depends on what kind of lifestyle leads the future mother. If it is a healthy diet, adequate rest, special physical exercises, the absence of bad habits, then the chances of giving birth to a healthy baby multiply many times. The use of instant noodles, or any other fast food, of course, is not much more harmful than the use of chips, convenience foods or Coca-Cola. However, in comparison with healthy food products, there are still a lot of harmful components in Doshirak.
In the end, everyone decides to themselves whether Doshirak is harmful during pregnancy, and whether it makes sense to choose between a full-fledged home-style dinner and a questionable instant food product. Of course, if you use noodles only occasionally, then most likely, it will not do much harm. However, regular use of such dishes can still be dangerous. Take care of your health and the health of your loved ones!