Dizziness in Pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Conception and birth of a new little man is a joyful and responsible period in the life of every woman, and any deviation in her state of health leads to panic. Therefore even an easy or a light; a mild dizziness at pregnancy guards and frightens. Therefore, in this article, we will try to figure out whether it is worth raising an alarm about this, and whether such symptoms are dangerous.
Causes of dizziness in pregnancy
The period of gestation is not a disease, but, nevertheless, it is a significant burden on the future mother's organism, which responds more actively to additional external loads and irritations. Causes of dizziness during pregnancy can be different. A number of influences that provoke the condition in question can be quite harmless and be extinguished by more moderate behavior or simple everyday methods. But to dismiss the problem still does not follow, since the symptomatology in question can be a consequence of more serious violations in the woman's body.
- One of the reasons may be a sharp change in the position of the body. The increased load on the vestibular apparatus somewhat unbalances it, not always allowing to "quench" the motor disparity.
- Provocateur can become stale air in a room, in a society of a large number of people. The reason - lack of oxygen in the room - as a symptom of oxygen starvation of brain cells.
- Reduced blood pressure.
- Various diseases can also cause vomiting.
- Migraine.
- Viral infections.
- Disease of the Miniera.
- And others.
- Hyperventilation of the lungs.
- Violation of cerebral circulation, caused by:
- Malignant or benign neoplasms localized in the brain.
- Vegetosovascular dystonia.
- Osteochondrosis of cervical vertebrae.
- Pathological lesions of organs and systems of the cardiovascular system.
- Other reasons.
- Anemia is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin due to iron deficiency. This component of blood is responsible for the transportation of oxygen through the body. In a pregnant woman, the volumes of pumped blood increase, which does not correspond to the number of red blood cells. This leads to oxygen starvation of the organism of the future mother and her fetus.
- Ectopic pregnancy.
- Reduced blood glucose in women.
- This may be a symptomatic of a developing allergic reaction.
- A sharp decrease in the atmospheric pressure parameters, which affects meteodependent people.
- During this period, the volume supply of blood to the tissues of the uterus increases (from two to thirty percent of the total blood flow), which invariably leads to a deficit in the delivery of oxygen to other organs (this fact applies to brain cells).
- Due to the fact that there is a growing need to pump more blood, a great deal of stress is placed on the cardiovascular system. There is an increase in the number of cardiac contractions, becoming thicker than the walls of the myocardium. As a reverse reaction - a decrease in the tone of the vessels and a drop in blood pressure.
- Frozen pregnancy, intrauterine fetal death.
- This negative symptomatology can be provoked by toxicosis, which annoys many expectant mothers in the early stages of pregnancy.
- At a later time, when the baby has gained enough weight and the stretched uterus begins to dominate the inferior vena cava. Especially, this pressure increases when the pregnant woman lies. This fact refers to the late gestation of the baby.
- In a number of cases, the onset of dizziness becomes the primary symptom of a pre-stupor condition. Usually in such a situation it is accompanied by a sensation of a vacuum in the head, noise in the ears, a cold sweat on the forehead, a sharp weakening of the body, numbness of the members.
Symptoms of dizziness during pregnancy
The symptomatology often quite often persecutes the fair sex and in a period not related to her life mission. It is those women who, in their usual state, know first-hand what dizziness is, when they are pregnant, face this problem much more often than their "companions".
Symptoms of dizziness during pregnancy do not begin to manifest spontaneously, it usually has its predecessors:
- Increasing pulsation in the temporal region.
- The appearance of ringing in the ears.
- A sharp weakness that overtakes the body.
- Loss of vision clarity - darkening, floating drawing, flying "midges".
- The body throws into cold sweat.
- There are cases when the upper and / or lower limbs become numb to the already mentioned symptomatology. Sometimes the stiffness affects only the phalanx.
Dizziness in early pregnancy
The woman does not yet know what she is wearing under her child's heart, but the first signs of pregnancy can tell her about it. Dizziness in early pregnancy, if they do not occur often, is a natural reaction of the female body to changing its hormonal background and adapting to a new status.
A slight swirling around objects can also be the result of early toxicosis.
Many modern moms, even having learned that they are pregnant, do not change their habitual way of life: a constant stress state, a stiff rhythm of life, fatigue and lack of sleep - all these factors, together or separately, are capable of provoking both dizziness and short-term loss of consciousness.
Nobody says that after learning about their "interesting situation", the future mother should assign to herself a bed rest and diet, but she should not take on herself the previous loads.
Do not give up on an active lifestyle, but it's worth behaving with certain precautions, with an eye to your position. Every pregnant woman should find her "golden mean" in her behavior, correcting her working and rest regime.
If dizziness during pregnancy is often enough to be harassed, then you should seek advice and an additional checkup for your doctor, a gynecologist who observes the course of pregnancy. In this case, a woman should analyze her day. It is necessary to minimize all the irritating factors (for example, night shifts, stresses, etc.), while maintaining the food schedule (little by little, but often), the optimal time should be walking in the fresh air and so on.
Dizziness and nausea in pregnancy
Quite often early toxicosis passes with concomitant negative symptoms. Dizziness and nausea in pregnancy are frequent companions of the manifestation of the onset of conception.
The deceptive sensation of the swirling of your body or objects around you in the first weeks after fertilization is primarily caused by changes that begin to occur in the female body immediately after conception.
In addition, many pregnant women have a decrease in blood pressure, which can not affect the deficiency of oxygen supply to brain cells, which leads to hypoxemia. This deviation often develops in a pregnant woman against the background of anemia - a decrease in the quantitative indicators of hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is found in red blood cells (red blood cells of blood). It is he who captures oxygen from the lungs and transports it through the systems and organs of the human body.
During the carrying of the baby, the load on the cardiovascular system increases. In this case, the dilution effect is observed when the number of red blood cells is less than the number of pumped blood volumes, which leads to hypoxemia.
It should be remembered that the development of hypoxemia may be the result of a disease or consequence of anemia.
The vestibular apparatus is also subject to imbalance. Therefore, if the pregnant woman has suddenly risen or bent, the nausea and swim of the surrounding picture can swiftly rush.
Gradually the fetus starts to increase in size, stretching the walls of the uterus. Accordingly, its parameters grow, and it begins to press on the nearby internal organs. The stomach is subjected to pressure, which causes nausea, and even attacks of vomiting.
At the same time, the uterus with the fetus can press on the large venous vessels. Especially the pressure increases if the pregnant woman is lying down. Transmitting blood flow leads to a decrease in blood volume, arriving at the heart, which also provokes a shortage of brain cells.
Reduction of atmospheric pressure can lead to such consequences. For example, the calm before the storm. This is especially true for meteozavisimyh people.
Severe vertigo in pregnancy
Here it should be noted that the level of intensity of pathology is of particular importance. If the pregnant woman has severe dizziness during pregnancy, this is an unambiguous indication to seek medical advice from a doctor.
The reason for this painful symptomatology, most quickly lies in the plane of pathological changes that affected the future mother's body. To joke with this should not be. After all, dizziness can be a symptom of a fairly serious disease affecting the brain or vertebral column of a pregnant woman. And, as everyone knows, timely access to a qualified specialist gives a chance with less losses and complications to get out of their situation. It should be remembered that in this case it is not only about the health of a woman, but, perhaps, about the life of her unborn child.
The only exception to the rules can be severe dizziness in the first weeks, due to the fact that the body has not yet been reorganized and has not adapted to the new situation. It is this imbalance that contributes to the appearance of such a symptomatology. Usually, by the approach of the twelfth week, everything will be settled, and the discomforting state no longer disturbs. But even in this case it is better to tell your doctor about this condition than to regret it later.
Weakness and dizziness in pregnancy
Pregnancy is not a disease, but, nevertheless, it is an increased burden that affects all the organs and systems of a future mother. In the first days after the fertilization of the cell, the woman still does not know about changing her status, continuing to live her usual life.
Stress at work and at home, the crazy rhythm of big cities, the lack of proper rest combined with a change in the hormonal background can cause weakness and dizziness in pregnancy.
Gradually, the woman's body begins to get used to the new level of work, but, nevertheless, a decrease in hemoglobin and a drop in blood pressure are not so rare in such a situation, which leads to weakness in the whole body and a feeling of the rotating universe.
But more severe cases are also known, when a lack of oxygen provoking weakness and dizziness in pregnancy led to increased oxygen starvation of the fetus, which adversely affects its development, and later can cause premature birth. Or worse - a miscarriage.
Therefore, women who have problems with pressure should especially closely monitor its performance and at the slightest deviation (especially if this situation begins to increase), immediately contact a specialized agency for advice.
It is worth noting that many modern women, being pregnant, try to keep track of their weight, being afraid to greatly recover and thus spoil the figure. Even when they are in an "interesting position" they try not to eat much, which invariably can not but affect her health. Lack of nutrition with increased loads and, as a result, a decrease in the general tone of the body, nausea (and even vomiting), rotation of the surrounding picture - signs of impending syncope.
The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the level of blood sugar is reduced - a store of energy that the body can receive immediately.
Dizziness during pregnancy in the first trimester
The first three months after conception, perhaps, the most responsible. They are the indicators of whether a pregnant woman can normally endure and give birth to a child. It is during this period that her body undergoes the greatest restructuring, which invariably entails some deviations in health and sensations.
One of such unpleasant manifestations may be a recurrent dizziness during pregnancy in the first trimester.
The first "blow" to yourself is the cardiovascular system. The woman's organism in the strengthened mode starts to develop blood cells, adding their quantity to the necessary volumes. But in this case, the number of red blood cells does not keep up with the "production" of blood cells, driving the whole system to a certain imbalance, and hence to oxygen starvation of tissues of organs, including the brain. This is what causes dizziness and other symptoms.
Therefore, if the moments when "the earth leaves from under the feet", causing the surrounding objects to rotate, do not manifest themselves very often and pass in a mild form, especially not to worry. This is a completely normal and physiologically explainable phenomenon that does not require medical intervention.
In the first trimester, this discomfort can be provoked:
- With stale air in a stuffy room.
- Presence of a large number of people in a confined space.
- Rapid change in the position of his body. For example, suddenly stood up or straightened, turned to the side.
- Change of weather, natural phenomena.
If the pregnant woman is experiencing discomfort, when you visit an obstetrician - gynecologist, you should definitely tell about it. This recommendation is due to the fact that in the first trimester, a drop in blood pressure is often found in pregnant women, which invariably entails a worsening of the blood flow. Reduction of the volume of circulating blood per unit of time leads to not reaching the organs of a woman, and, accordingly, the fetus, a sufficient number of nutrients.
A prolonged lack of oxygen can lead to disruptions in the development of the future little man, an increased risk of developing intrauterine pathology. A nutritional deficiency can also cause a miscarriage.
Therefore, do not be so careless about this symptom. By informing her doctor, a woman can protect herself further from many troubles.
When the body is rebuilt, at first in the blood of a pregnant woman the glucose content is reduced - a fast energy source, which naturally weakens the body.
Nutrition for women in this period is also important. She should not "eat for two," as some idle gossips claim. Its diet should be diverse, full, rich in minerals, trace elements and vitamins. Meals in small portions, but often, at least four to six times throughout the day. This will not overeat and at the same time get everything you need from the products.
Do not ignore the outdoors and leisure. A woman wearing a child under the heart should sleep about 10 hours at night and 1 - 2 hours in the afternoon.
If, against the background of the implementation of all the doctor's recommendations, seizures nevertheless appear, you should lie down on a sofa in a cool room, controlling that the heart and head are approximately at the same level. "The failed pressure" can be slightly raised by a piece of chocolate or strong sweet tea.
Dizziness during pregnancy in the second trimester
The first, the most dangerous trimester, when the organism of the future parturient is reconstructed, and the fetus forms all the organs, has passed. The hormonal background of the woman has somewhat stabilized, embryo development continues. In the second trimester during pregnancy, dizziness should leave the woman, not bringing her discomfort.
This fact refers only to the causes associated directly with the course of pregnancy itself, but there are still sources that are not entirely related to the event of interest. They remain the "threat", which provokes the onset of a dizziness during pregnancy in the second trimester.
Uterus and the entire female body continues its preparation for obstetric care. During this period, the reactions of the systems of the future mother can respond to external stimuli somewhat slowly, which leads to an imbalance.
The situation when everything swims and swirls before the heads, can be provoked:
- A prolonged stay of the body in a stationary state.
- Infringements affecting the blood flow.
- Oxygen starvation of brain cells that occurred for any reason.
- Being in a stuffy, unventilated room or in a large crowd of people.
- Hypotension - low blood pressure. Especially it is dangerous in the event of a sharp fall.
- Rapid change of body position.
Dizziness during pregnancy in the third trimester
At this stage of bearing, the responsibility for the child increases. Since 38 weeks, the uterus is practically ready for the process of delivery. At this time, the amount of blood flowing to this organ and the rest of the components that participate in childbirth increases. But at the same time, its shortage in other organs is created, including a shortage of blood, and, correspondingly, oxygen, begins to sense the brain.
This fact usually causes dizziness during pregnancy in the third trimester. If the attack does not last long and occurs infrequently, then you should not worry - it fits into the indicators of the norm. But it is worth remembering that dizziness and loss of coordination can lead to the fall of a pregnant woman, which is very dangerous in her position. Therefore, during this period, a woman should be very careful.
For many mothers, it remains inexplicable why, in the last weeks of bearing a baby, an attack could overtake her lying on the bed. But doctors explain it very simply. The bottom line is that in the supine position on the back, the uterus, already large and large, can transmit a hollow vein, leading to a disruption in the blood flow that feeds this life-giving fluid to the heart. The answer to this deficit is a sharp drop in blood pressure, which provokes dizziness, and even fainting.
To prevent the occurrence of such a situation, a pregnant woman should sleep or simply rest only lying on her side.
Dizziness and vomiting in pregnancy
As it was already stated earlier, many future mothers suffer from toxicosis early in life, which can be manifested by nausea, general weakness, dizziness, sudden release of cold sweat, and even vomiting. Usually, this symptomatology is manifested in the sixth to the eighth week, but it can occur even from the first days after conception.
Dizziness and vomiting during pregnancy are symptoms that often go hand in hand. But it should be remembered that the occurrence of a vomiting reflex causes dehydration. If such attacks increase, then not only the body of a woman suffers, a fertilized egg with a developing embryo also undergoes a negative impact.
Dehydration provokes a decrease in blood volume, which causes a deterioration in oxygen supply to brain cells and other systems.
By and large, nothing dangerous in the vomitive reflex is present. Thus, the body is cleared of the presence in it of dangerous compounds, toxins. One has only to make sure that such attacks are not frequent, and the water balance is restored.
Each woman is individual, therefore, in the light of the problem under consideration, some lucky women, having gone through the entire pregnancy, never once encounter symptoms of toxicosis, while some experience this discomfort throughout the gestation period. But most still face this in the first trimester, forgetting after 12 weeks.
After a fit of vomiting immediately drink a lot of fluid should not be - this will only provoke another spasm. You must first just rinse your mouth, and after 10 - 15 minutes to do one - two sips of clean water, but no more. After another 10 to 15 minutes, drink a little more liquid until the nausea is gone completely, and stomach spasm does not stop.
This situation is understandable, but to inform your doctor, it is still worth it. This is due to the fact that such a symptomatology can be caused by the presence in the anamnesis of the future mother of any disease: pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, consequences of stress, intoxication of the body and so on.
To prevent or at least partially quash the problem, you need to eat in small portions, four to six times throughout the day, not eating up before going to bed. In doing so, you should spend more time outdoors and sleep or be in a well-ventilated room.
Dizziness in the morning during pregnancy
In this article, a lot has been said about the causes provoking the unbalance of the vestibular apparatus in a pregnant woman and the appearance of a feeling of a spinning of surrounding objects.
Dizziness occurs often during pregnancy in the morning. If a more serious disease in women is not observed, explain this fact can be quite simple.
With a sharp change in its position (first lay and abruptly sat down), the floor begins to leave from under the feet. And it takes some time for everything to fall into place. In this situation, it is worth watching for smoothness in the movement, slowly rising from the bed.
Another source of the attack can become stuffy indoors, in which the future mother rests.
Vertigo in the first days of pregnancy
The first days after fertilization of the egg are perhaps one of the most dangerous. After all, a woman still does not suspect about changing her status, continuing to lead a habitual way of life. But the signs that appear can push her to a step - to conduct a pregnancy test, or vice versa, to consult a specialist with suspicion, for a disease.
From the very first minutes after fertilization, the body of the woman begins to rebuild at an accelerated pace, creating conditions for normal fetal bearing and trouble-free natural delivery. The first system, which undergoes a reorganization, is the circulatory system of the future woman in labor. There is an overgrowth of the system of blood vessels, which simply entangles the organs of the small pelvis and especially the uterus.
In this case, blood volumes are redistributed, and the uterus begins to receive it much more than in the usual state. If the "nonpregnant uterus" accounts for about two percent of the total blood volume, then after conception, it gets already twenty to thirty percent of this fluid.
To restore normal blood flow, the time and growth of the blood stream is necessary with an increase in blood flow. It is at the moment of inconsistency of the presence of blood and its needs that dizziness may arise in the first days of pregnancy. After all, to quickly stop the imbalance, the heart begins to work in a strengthened mode. In the first day the process under consideration has not yet reached perfection, and is not in a position to fully cope with the task set before it.
In connection with this, a temporary worsening of the blood flow is possible, entailing the development of hypoxia, that is, the deficiency of oxygen entering the brain cells. It is this scenario that can provoke a fit of dizziness or even fainting.
The restructuring of the hormonal background can cause a sensation of the circulation of one's own body or the surrounding image after the pregnant woman has spent some time in the heat of the room, in the dense ring of many people, or if she has been on her feet for a long time suddenly changed her position.
Diagnosis of dizziness in pregnancy
In order to establish a source that provokes the emergence of an uncomfortable condition, you need to seek help from a neuropathologist or a psychoneurologist. Diagnosis of dizziness during pregnancy consists in revealing by the doctor of a full picture of pathological manifestations, an anamnesis of a pregnant woman.
It is advisable for a woman to undergo a magnetic resonance imaging, which will help to get answers to many questions, confirming or refuting the existence of a disease. But this procedure should get permission from your obstetrician - a gynecologist who watches the course of pregnancy.
It will not be superfluous to have a picture of cervical vertebrae to exclude osteochondrosis of this site of the spine.
Mandatory urine analysis and biochemical blood test.
The main thing in this situation is to exclude or determine the presence of the disease, to establish its localization and the severity of the percolation phase. After all, there are diseases that are not only dangerous for the pregnant woman and her unborn baby, but even their treatment is undesirable, as it can also cause irreparable harm.
Who to contact?
Treatment of dizziness in pregnancy
If you exclude a complex pathology and draw your attention to the relief of the problem under consideration, then there are a number of techniques that allow you to take adequate preventive measures even at the stage of the preceding symptoms.
Quite often, before a fit of vertigo, there is a sound in your ears, a pregnant woman throws into a cold sweat, darkness appears before your eyes, the forces leave the body. Known cases of numbness of the upper and lower extremities, sometimes such an unpleasant sensation affects only the phalanx of the hands.
In this situation, the treatment of dizziness during pregnancy is that it is necessary to lie down as soon as possible, while making sure that the heart is approximately level with the head. In this case, in the room where the woman has laid down, it must be ventilated.
If harbingers found a pregnant woman in a crowd of people or a stuffy place, you must leave the crowd or go out from the stuffy building to the street, to fresh air.
If the cause of discomfort is a certain deviation in the state of health, then, with the permission of a gynecologist, it is possible to take certain medications or recipes of alternative medicine.
If the cause is in vegetative-vascular dystonia, then the sedative medicines may be appointed as a specialist: persen, valocordin, circulin, amizolum, deprim, new-passit, stressplant, dormiplant and others.
Novo-Passit is taken one tablet three times a day. To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, it is advisable to take the pill before the start of the meal.
If the desired result is not observed, the amount of the drug administered can be doubled, but only with the permission of the doctor. The time interval between doses should be four to six hours.
Contraindications to the use of this drug may be myasthenia gravis or an individual intolerance of the constituents of the drug.
In this situation, teas from such medicinal plants as valerian, mint, lemon balm, motherwort are also suitable.
If the analysis shows a lowered hemoglobin in the pregnant woman's blood, then, first of all, it is necessary to revise your diet by introducing as many products as possible, rich in iron. These include: artichoke, egg yolk, dried fruits, fish and seafood, red meat, whole wheat bread, various cereals and cereals, poultry, legumes, green leafy vegetables.
To adjust the glucose values, it is necessary to correct the diet: in small portions, but often, without allowing fasting or, conversely, overeating.
If the cause of an attack is low blood pressure, it is necessary to stimulate the body, which can hold, for example, tincture cooked on the basis of eleutherococcus or ginseng. Suitable as a radio pink or small amounts of black tea or coffee.
If dizziness occurs in conjunction with other symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, the doctor may prescribe a cerucal or any other anti-emetic.
Cerulek tablets are administered orally, and taken half an hour before meals, with plenty of water. Dose intake - one tablet three - four times a day.
The maximum allowable single dose of the drug is two tablets, the daily - no more than six.
Contraindication to the prescription of this medication can be: internal bleeding, perforation or obstruction of the intestine / stomach, a tendency to epileptic seizures, hepatic and / or renal dysfunction, as well as individual intolerance to one or more components of the formulation.
The experience of alternative medicine offers its advice on the solution of the problem:
- Tea from melissa or mint is useful. Freshly, it is taken several times a day, improving the general condition.
- At the first symptoms of a rolling attack, you can simply smell the plant itself or always carry a mint powder.
- If the cause of the attack is stuffiness, it's worth ventilating the room, and put a cold wet towel, a bottle of water or ice on your head. A cold water drink with added honey is also suitable.
- You can make a forehead and whiskey lotion, moistened with a napkin in vinegar, diluted with water.
- Just the temporal part can be rubbed with the balm "Asterisk", which is now sold in each pharmacy.
But in any case, it should be remembered that before resorting to the help of this or that drug, it is worthwhile to consult your doctor.
Preventing dizziness in pregnancy
To prevent unpleasant symptoms associated with the "interesting position" of the woman did not cause discomfort, prevention of dizziness during pregnancy recommends adherence to a number of fairly simple rules.
- It is necessary to revise your daily routine, balancing the load with sleep and rest.
- It takes more time to spend in the fresh air, walking and talking with nature and nice people.
- Regular ventilation of the premise where the pregnant woman lives and wet cleaning are required. It is necessary to avoid stuffy and full of people rooms.
- It is necessary to abandon the hot shower and bath. Water should be warm, but not hot.
- Avoid prolonged exposure to exposed sunlight.
- With the help of yoga or another set of exercises, specially designed for pregnant women, to maintain the flexibility and health of the spine.
- Do not allow a long stay in one position.
- Avoid stressful situations.
- Watch your food.
- Movements of women "in position" should be smooth, measured and cautious.
- If dizziness worries often enough, it is worth talking to your doctor, who, if necessary, will give directions to a more narrow-minded doctor.
- In the summer it is advisable to walk early in the morning or after sunset.
- To eat should be at least four to six times a day. In this case, the food must be chewed for a long time and carefully, it will not overeat and do not go hungry.
- In the second half of the period under consideration it is desirable to rest, lying on the left side.
- Effective contrast showers that stimulate the cardiovascular system, strengthening its walls.
- In severe toxicosis, doctors are recommended in the mornings, not getting up in bed, to eat a little. Only after a short time should you get out of bed carefully.
- It is necessary to visit your obstetrician-gynecologist on a regular basis, controlling your health.
- Physical loads should be moderate, not allowing overexertion.
- Regular heart rate and blood pressure should be measured regularly.
- If dizziness, nausea and vomiting do not go away, you should immediately call an ambulance. It is advisable to support the pregnant woman before the arrival of the doctors in the mind, not allowing a fainting condition.
Prognosis of dizziness in pregnancy
In many respects, the answer to this question depends on the source that provokes the seizures under consideration. In the event that the cause of dizziness and fainting is any disease, the forecast of dizziness in pregnancy directly depends on the severity of the pathology and the ability to effectively, while not harming the child, to quash the problem.
If the uncomfortable situation is a consequence of pregnancy toxicity, in this case the prognosis is very favorable. Most women forget about it after 12 weeks, and only a small percentage of pregnant women have to endure until the birth. But even in this case, after delivery, the problem is solved by itself.
Many women feel dizzy during pregnancy, but it is not a verdict, but an unfortunate discomfort that accompanies such a joyful situation. And enough minor efforts to reduce such attacks to a minimum, it is enough to adhere to simple recommendations given by the obstetrician-gynecologist, the leading pregnancy.