Daily habits and pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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What clothes and shoes to wear during pregnancy?
As your belly grows, your old clothes gradually become cramped. Do not rush to fully update your wardrobe. If you do not gain weight (which is exactly how you should behave during pregnancy to avoid problems), then in your daily clothes you can easily "reach" up to 5 months. If you have to give birth in the summer or early autumn, then you generally will not experience any problems. After all, in the hot season you can walk in light loose dressing gowns or sundresses, and on holidays wear a skirt that fits in size, and a blouse or top. If your clothes are not at all suitable and you have almost nothing to "go out into people", ask the girlfriends for the clothes that they went during pregnancy. However, if you are not constrained in the means, then you can buy yourself any things you like. The main thing is that clothes should be made of natural fabrics. This in some way will protect you from overheating, because during pregnancy, metabolism is increased.
The choice of underwear is very important. We already said, but it is better to supplement what has already been said: the bra should be made of natural fabric, should not squeeze the breast and raise it too high. Given that your breasts grow during pregnancy, you should change it in time to a larger one.
Particular attention must be paid to shoes. Shoes should not restrain the leg and should be on a low heel.
Since during pregnancy your center of gravity is shifted, and constantly, shoes with high heels are undesirable - you do not need to fall now. During pregnancy, legs can swell, so wearing boots with a narrow bootleg for a while will have to be set aside. Also, "retired" should send shoes or boots with laces and fasteners, which can worsen the venous outflow from the feet and shins. Therefore, look for shoes in your wardrobe with a low heel and not a very shy leg. And if you do not have one, then be sure to buy it.
Can I exercise and play sports during pregnancy?
Let's start with the sport. Sports, if they are engaged in moderation, is useful for a pregnant woman. You may ask: "What does it mean in moderation?" Is preparation for participation in the Olympic Games a moderate load? ". Of course, if you are pregnant for only about two or three hours, then you can participate in competitions of any level. But if you are determined to become a mother, then starting from the second month of pregnancy, training loads should be sharply reduced.
Let's consider those sports that are categorically contraindicated for pregnant women: horse riding, water skiing, jumping, mountain skiing, some types of gymnastic exercises. These sports are associated with falls, injuries (including the stomach) and shaking the whole body, which can lead to pregnancy disruption. Next group: running for long distances, sprinting, scuba diving (with and without scuba), cross-country skiing. These sports assume the body's work in conditions of oxygen starvation, and nothing so negatively affects the embryo (especially during the laying of organs), like hypoxia.
What kinds of sports are allowed or even useful for pregnant women?
It's jogging, tennis, yoga, swimming. These sports help to strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improve the aeration of tissues, strengthen the muscles.
Cycling and cross-country skiing are somewhat less useful. If you do not get too zealous and try to "show results," then, of course, you can do them. True, I need to make a reservation here: I wrote "cycling" and "ski racing", but I should write "cycling" and "ski walks", but there are no such sports, although I do cycling and skiing after it turned out that you are pregnant, you need it in this mode.
Therefore, if you can exercise, then the physical culture and even more so. But here it is necessary to specify what exercises are useful at different stages of pregnancy, whether they are dangerous for the fetus, how to dose the load, etc.
In the first trimester of pregnancy, you can do any exercise - tilting, swinging hands and feet, squats. You can afford stretching exercises, but without "fanaticism." Especially useful are breathing exercises and yoga, which improve the supply of oxygen to the body of a pregnant woman, and with it more oxygen is received by the future child.
In the second trimester of pregnancy, considering that the stomach has already changed your center of gravity and the load on the back has increased, it will be hard for you to do the exercises. Therefore, the back is better to unload and do exercises lying on his side, on his back, standing on all fours. Given the size of the uterus, doing exercises lying on your stomach is no longer worth it.
In the third trimester of pregnancy, your physical activity due to a significant increase in the stomach will become noticeably less. But you need to do the exercises anyway. There are exercises standing on all fours, sitting, lying on the left side. On the right side and on the back, do not lie down, as the uterus will squeeze the liver and a large lower vena cava, which can cause a drop in pressure, nausea and even loss of consciousness. Of course, you can and should continue breathing exercises. And do not neglect physical education classes that will offer you in a women's consultation.
Separately, it should be said about swimming and exercise in the pool. This is the so-called aqua training. Water has its own energy. A person who is in the water always resides in the energy interaction with it. In the water, you can never make a sharp or irrational movement, because its density will not allow you to do this.
Now about the benefits of aqua preparation: exercises in the water harmoniously develop and strengthen all muscles, deepen breathing, increase lung volume. Since there is almost no gravity in the water, your muscles responsible for balance are relaxed, but you can strain those muscles that you need to develop for future births. Exercises in the water contribute to relaxation, relieve fatigue, eliminate the manifestations of constant stress. Water has a beneficial effect on the skin, reducing the likelihood of stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs. Children of mothers engaged in aqua training do not feel fear for water and are better predisposed to swimming and diving.
Considering all of the above, it is probably worth looking for a section that deals with aqua preparation.
Can I have sex during pregnancy?
If your pregnancy is normal (there is no threat of pregnancy disruption, no bleeding, etc.), then there are no contraindications to the continuation of sexual activity. Moreover, if sex is the continuation and development of your relationship, the manifestation of love and affection for each other, then it is simply necessary. After all, an orgasm, experienced by a woman, causes her to burst into happiness and satisfaction, removes the phenomena of stress and nervousness. And what for a pregnant woman can be more important and better than a normal home environment!
Therefore, it is better to identify those situations where sex is not worth doing or not at all.
You can not have sex if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, because during orgasm, not only the muscles of the urogenital diaphragm contract, but also the uterus, and the contractions of the uterus lead to the ejection of the fetal egg; if you previously had repeated miscarriages, an increase in the tone of the uterus can lead to an abortion; if the ultrasound examination showed that the placenta is located at the exit from the uterus, that is, there is a placenta previa (in this case there is a risk of bleeding). One month before childbirth, it is better to abstain from sex, because there is a danger that as a result of an increase in the tone of the uterus during an orgasm, premature birth may begin.