Cyst of the placenta in pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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As experts note, the placenta cyst during pregnancy is a reaction of the body to inflammation (in the early stages of the formation of the placenta, such formations are considered the norm).
The placenta has many functions, but its main purpose is to provide fetal oxygen. In addition, the placenta supplies all the nutrients necessary for the future baby, generates hormones, protects the fetus from penetrating most unsafe substances and bacteria. A number of studies have shown that the placenta promotes the formation of immunity in a newborn.
The placenta plays an important role during pregnancy, so doctors pay attention not only to the health of the future mother and her baby, but also to check the placenta.
If the placenta cyst is diagnosed later, it indicates some inflammation in recent times. The cyst is limited from the remaining part of the placenta and is not supplied with blood, the larger it is in size, the more violated the blood flow. With a single cyst of a small size, there is virtually no harm to the baby, but if plastics are detected, the placental circulation is disturbed, in this case measures are taken to prevent placental insufficiency.
Causes of a placenta cyst during pregnancy
Cyst of the placenta during pregnancy develops because of the inflammatory process. Before the twentieth week of pregnancy, inflammation is a consequence of the adaptation of the body, during this period the placenta is intensively formed, which leads to minor inflammations in the uterus. The appearance of a cyst during the growth of the placenta serves as some protection against inflammation and its consequences.
The appearance of a cyst after the twentieth week speaks of pathology, since there should be no inflammatory processes at this time.
The cyst may also appear as a result of a transferred infection, trauma, cicatricial changes in the walls of the uterus after abortion, caesarean section, etc.
Symptoms of a placenta cyst during pregnancy
The placenta cyst during pregnancy usually does not manifest itself and develops without causing any symptoms. The cyst is found during an ultrasound examination.
With a single cyst of small size, no special treatment is required. In this case, the doctor observes the development of pathological education. The single cyst takes up little space on the placenta and, despite the fact that this area is cut off from the blood supply, it does not play a significant role for the child. If the cysts are multiple, they occupy a rather large area (or one very large cyst), the placental blood supply is disturbed, in this case the woman may notice that the baby's movements become less active, lethargic (however, the child's activity does not always indicate a cyst).
Diagnosis of the placenta cyst during pregnancy
Cyst of the placenta during pregnancy is detected with ultrasound.
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Treatment of cyst placenta in pregnancy
A single cyst of the placenta during pregnancy usually does not require treatment. If one small cyst is found, the doctor will most likely watch it. In the event that the cyst does not expand and new formations appear, it is left in peace until delivery (after the birth of the child the placenta exits and the cyst no longer disturbs the woman).
With multiple cysts, the prevention of placental insufficiency is usually prescribed. With the cyst, the blood supply is disrupted, but a small single cyst does not lead to serious complications, while multiple formations can lead to the child not receiving nutrients and oxygen in the required amount.
As a preventive measure of placental insufficiency, drugs that improve metabolism, blood flow and tissue regeneration are used:
Instenon is a combined remedy that improves the metabolism, cardiac activity and blood circulation of the brain in the fetus. The drug is used in complex treatment to eliminate the negative effects of oxygen shortage for the nervous system of the unborn child.
Instenon is usually prescribed 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, the course of treatment is determined individually by the attending physician.
It promotes placental-uterine blood circulation and vasodilation of Euphyllin. The drug is used in the form of tablets or injections. In each specific case, the dosage is selected individually, as a rule, 0.5-1 tablets are prescribed 3 times a day. The dose for intravenous administration of the drug is selected by the doctor, taking into account the rate of excretion in each individual case.
In gynecological practice Actovegin is widely used, which improves blood circulation between mother and fetus, promotes fetal growth. The drug is made from calf blood and has minimal side effects, in extremely rare cases, allergic reactions occur. Actovegin is used in the form of a solution for intravenous or intramuscular injection and tablets. At the first stages of treatment, a solution for injections is used, the dosage is determined individually, depending on the condition of the woman. Usually, 10-20 ml twice a day is prescribed, after 5-10 days, at the discretion of the attending physician, it is possible to switch to a tablet form of treatment.
Traditional treatment can be supplemented with effective alternative medicine that will help to eliminate oxygen starvation and lack of nutrients in the fetus. For these purposes tinctures or decoctions from leaves of plantain, birch, black currant, rowan fruits, linden flowers, hawthorn, and also birch sap are well suited.
Prevention of cyst placenta in pregnancy
The cyst of the placenta during pregnancy is a consequence of the inflammatory processes in it. The rule is the appearance of small cysts for up to 20 weeks, when the placenta is forming, in this case, no preventive measures should be taken. At later stages, the appearance of a cyst is considered a pathology and requires careful monitoring.
Inflammatory processes of the uterus can cause the appearance of cysts during pregnancy. To prevent this, it is necessary to treat diseases of the genital organs in a timely manner, and to observe personal hygiene.
Prognosis for cyst placenta in pregnancy
The placental cyst during pregnancy, in case it is single and small in size, in most cases has a favorable prognosis. Such a cyst does not lead to a significant violation of the blood supply and does not deprive the child in the womb of the mother necessary for the development of substances and oxygen.
Numerous formations on the placenta or large cyst can almost completely cut off the blood supply. In this case, the prognosis depends on timely and effective treatment. Usually used to improve metabolism and blood supply drugs show a good result and allow a woman to reach the end of the term and give birth to a healthy child.
The placenta cyst during pregnancy is the result of pathological processes, however, not always such formations pose a danger to the child and the mother. Small cysts do not threaten the health of the future baby and do not require treatment. As a rule, when one small cyst is detected, doctors prefer to monitor its development with ultrasound.
If the cyst does not expand, then it is left alone until delivery. In the event that the cyst intensively increases or all new formations appear, the doctor may decide to prevent placental insufficiency in order to increase the blood supply and the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.