
Tactics of management of pregnancy

The tactics of managing pregnancy depend on the kind of disease a woman suffers from being taken by a gynecologist to register for pregnancy. The tactics of pregnancy management in arterial hypertension or renal pathology is different from the tactics for heart problems or the presence of diseases such as diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, herpes, etc.

Doctors conduct systematic monitoring of the state of health of a pregnant woman and monitoring the development of the fetus, which must comply with physiological standards. If necessary, the tactics of pregnancy management is adjusted, which allows a woman to bear and give birth to a normal child.

Treatment of abortion while on the move

Abortion in the course is characterized by cramping pains in the lower abdomen, marked by bleeding. The fetal egg is in the cervical canal, its lower pole can protrude into the vagina. Abortion in transit may result in incomplete or complete abortion.

Treatment of abortion

With the onset of abortion, cramping pain and spotting are more pronounced than with menacing. The fetal egg exfoliates in a small area, so the size of the uterus corresponds to the period of pregnancy.

Treatment of threatening abortion

When threatening abortion, a feeling of heaviness or slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen and the sacrum area is noted, with late abortion there may be pains of a cramping character. Bloody discharge is slight or absent.

Treatment of ischemic-cervical insufficiency outside of pregnancy

If there is an ischemic-cervical insufficiency, the treatment should be etiological. Thus, with gross anatomical changes in the cervix due to old ruptures (if this is the only reason for miscarriage), surgical treatment outside of pregnancy (cervical plastic) is necessary.

Tactics of management with a defective luteal phase outside of pregnancy

According to the tests of functional diagnostics, an inferior luteal phase is revealed. Infection, as the cause of chronic endometritis, in which there may be an inferior luteal phase, is excluded. There are no intrauterine synechias, but there may be uterine hypoplasia, genital infantilism and malformations of the uterus without ischemic-cervical insufficiency.


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