Citrus fruits during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Citrus fruits are so tasty and useful that, it would seem, the more they eat, the better. This is especially true during pregnancy, because a woman expecting a child needs double portions and vitamins, and in general all useful than rich mandarins, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, limes, pomelo. Is it possible to use citrus fruits during pregnancy without any restrictions? Let's try to answer this question.
Can I eat citrus fruits during pregnancy?
The question of whether it is possible to eat citrus fruits during pregnancy is of interest not only for women, but also for their spouses, relatives, friends. To answer, it is necessary to understand the composition of citrus, their benefits and harm to the mother's organism and the future child.
The categorical ban on citrus use applies only to women who have a persistent allergy to these fruits. Hypersensitivity can be transmitted to the child. In all other respects, a variety of fruits bring only good to a healthy person.
First of all, yellow-orange fruits are rich in vitamin C, which increases immunity, and fiber, useful for the intestines. Essential oils of these fruits increase working capacity, relax, relieve psycho-emotional stress, tone up the body. Especially useful citrus fruit juice, diluted with water: with their help, women get rid of nausea in the first months of pregnancy.
- The most popular citrus fruits in pregnancy are lemon (lime), grapefruit, orange.
With a lemon, dieticians are advised to start the day by drinking an empty cup of warm water with fruit juice on an empty stomach. The drink will clear the digestive tract, regulate the acid-base balance, remove toxins from the body. Divorced water lemon juice relieves a pregnant woman from heartburn, relieves stools, anticipating constipation.
Grapefruit is a natural storehouse of vitamins and trace elements. It has a beneficial effect on the development of the teeth and skeleton of the fetus, on the renewal of the cells of the unborn child.
Orange is also rich in vitamins and trace elements, which strengthen the immune system and increase the resistance of the body, improve the functioning of the digestive organs. An important component is folic acid, which provides a normal course of pregnancy.
Juices of citrus fruit is useful to fill meat dishes and salads, instead of mayonnaise and fatty sour cream. Such a decrease in the caloric content of the diet prevents excess weight gain for the expectant mother.
There are, however, contraindications. So, citrus are not recommended for pregnant women, who have digestive and other organs diseases: peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, cystitis, hepatitis, acute and chronic liver pathologies, as well as diabetes mellitus.
Benefits and harm of citrus in pregnancy
Full nutrition in pregnancy is the most important factor for the well-being of the mother and the proper development of the fetus. The diet should contain enough natural proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, be balanced and diverse. This is not easy, given the changes in tastes that characterize this state, but it is still possible.
The main suppliers of vitamins, especially in winter, are the fruits of the citrus family. What is the benefit and harm of citrus in pregnancy?
- The advantage is that citrus fruits in pregnancy strengthen immunity, prevent thrombosis and obesity, have a laxative effect, lower blood pressure, improve mood and thus prevent depression.
Oranges and grapefruits are especially desirable during pregnancy, as they contain folic acid. This substance is useful both in the planning stage of the child and in its bearing, as it participates in the formation of the circulatory and immune systems, preventing flaws in the development of the fetus. Ingredients of the peel have also cosmetic qualities: essential orange oil is recognized as an excellent tool against cellulite.
- The harm of citrus is that they can provoke an allergy, and eaten in large quantities - cause heartburn. Especially dangerous in this sense are the mandarins. It should also be remembered that the sourish juice of all fruits contains citric acid and adversely affects the tooth enamel, so after them, rinse the mouth with clean water.
Grapefruits are contraindicated in cases of hepatitis and cystitis. The same type of citrus fruit is not combined with some medicines; this should be taken into account and when consulting certain diseases, consult a doctor. Citrus juice also increases the acidity of the stomach.
The most allergenic and least useful of all citrus fruits are mandarins. If they were allergic to the mother, then it is quite possible for the child. Although the benefits of the body, these fruits also bring: improve appetite and metabolism, increase immunity and mood, relieve swelling and prevent the development of colds. The microelements of mandarins strengthen the bone system and teeth, and the recently discovered anti-cancer agent resveratrol reduces the risk of cancer.
Unlike oranges, lemons contain significantly less glucose. Hence, a very sour taste, because of which these fruits are eaten very little, adding, for example, to tea. The special benefit of lemons is that they are rich in vitamin C, which successfully resists catarrhal diseases.
How much can you eat citrus in pregnancy
To ensure that fruit benefits and does not cause harmful consequences, it is necessary to observe the rate of their use. How much you can eat citrus in pregnancy - an individual question. But you can calculate and average rates.
So, it is known that one orange contains a daily dose of vitamin C. Based on this and other indicators, it is recommended to consume as much citrus in pregnancy:
- oranges - from five to 15 pieces per week;
- grapefruit - a fruit and a half a day;
- tangerines - one or two pcs. In a day.
For eating, succulent flesh, and orange peel, containing essential oils and vitamins, are also suitable. Even bones contain useful trace elements.
Lemons occupy a special place in the diet of a woman preparing for motherhood. They replace the pill for cold and flu, relieve heartburn, belching and constipation, reduce puffiness, prevent excess weight. Vitamin C takes a direct part in the formation of the child's bones.
Apply lemon and externally: rubbing a piece of sour fruit reduces the pigmentation of the skin.
If a woman has doubts about the allergy, it is easy to check the reaction of her body to this product, starting with the use of a small fetal lobule. If everything is in order, and there was no undesired reaction, then the portion is gradually increased to the recommended rate.
Fruits are used not only in the usual form, having cleared the flesh from the rind. For a change, they can be combined, prepare delicious and healthy desserts with other products, fresh juices and other beverages. For example, oranges combine with cottage cheese, honey, nuts, vanilla and cinnamon; A cold drink is made from oranges, grapefruits, lime, honey and water.
Citrus fruits in early pregnancy
Citrus fruits during pregnancy in early terms excellently save women from bothersome heartburn, nausea and vomiting. Ingredients from which the lemon consists, reduce acidity, so pregnant is useful to chew lemon in the morning on an empty stomach or add squeezed juice to boiled water at room temperature.
An unpleasant burp also eliminates lemon slices, with systematic use, and the juice diluted with water helps to cope with constipation (which occurs due to the squeezing of the digestive organs with an enlarged uterus).
Mandarins, which, to the taste of many women in the position, the body perceives differently. One woman - all for the good, others after a few fruits are covered with an itchy rash. But there is a general pattern: experts believe that this type of citrus is permissible to eat, in the absence of allergies, only in the first months of pregnancy.
Citrus fragrances, in particular orange, are associated with childhood, expectation of a holiday, so when using these fruits the body receives an additional charge of vivacity, energy that is resistant to stress and drowsiness. This is especially important in early pregnancy. It is the "Chinese apples", as they are also called these fruits, that effectively save many women from early toxicosis.
Citrus fruits during pregnancy in the second trimester
I want citrus in pregnancy almost all women, almost without exception. But not all citrus fruits are equally safe in pregnancy, since they can provoke allergic reactions.
If you put it on the list, then the lemon will be the safest. He is allowed to eat at any time during pregnancy, of course, without abusing quantity.
In second place - grapefruit, then - an orange, and the most dangerous citrus for allergen - mandarin.
The use of citrus in pregnancy in the second trimester has features. During this period, juicy sweet and sour fruit is also very useful, and usually it suits most future mothers. Fruits can be used for a specific purpose.
- For example, to remove puffiness, tea is prepared according to this recipe: two or three slices of lemon are poured with boiling water, it is insisted for several minutes and tea tea leaves are added to the liquid. The drink is drunk with warm, small sips.
Using lemon juice instead of fatty sauces, a woman reduces the calorie content of the menu and prevents unwanted weight gain.
Another caution for nutritionists concerns only mandarins: they are very dangerous to abuse in the second half of pregnancy, especially with the approach of childbirth.
Allergy to citrus fruits during pregnancy
Undoubtedly the benefits of citrus in pregnancy can, however, be leveled by some complications - for example, if a woman is prone to allergic reactions. They manifest a typical picture: itching, redness, puffiness on the skin. In severe cases, conjunctivitis and a runny nose are added, and the most severe form is manifested by general urticaria, Quinck's edema and anaphylactic shock. The reaction can be sudden and seriously threatening the health of the mother and fetus. This situation requires immediate hospitalization and medical intervention. Fortunately, this happens extremely rarely.
For such cases, there are specific recommendations: if the allergy to these fruits manifested itself before pregnancy constantly, then it is better for a woman to refuse them for the entire period of bearing and feeding the child.
If no negative reactions have been observed before, then, in order to avoid allergies to citrus fruits during pregnancy, they need to be introduced into the menu gradually and in small doses, several lobules or a small fetus per day.
At visible risk of an allergy oranges it is better to replace grapefruits: they are the richest from all family on vitamins, and at the same time less allergenic. Most allergenic substances are found in mandarins. Lemon and lime, on the contrary, are the safest citrus.
The mother's allergy does not affect the fetus: the protective barrier of the placenta is triggered. But the disease can backfire in the future and become a child's tendency to allergic manifestations.
Usually, after stopping the intake of fruits, the allergy passes without treatment. If the symptoms do not disappear, you need to see a doctor who will determine the source of the allergy and select the drugs to eliminate them. Self-medication is unacceptable, since it can bring more evil than the allergy itself.
Citrus fruits during pregnancy can bring both benefit and harm. It is important for a woman to listen to her body, but not to abuse any products, so as not to harm the nurtured fetus. Allergy sufferers with experience better to completely abandon the fruit, provoking allergies. And with any doubts, listen to the recommendations of a qualified nutritionist and obstetrician-gynecologist.