Child 1 month: development and care
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A child of 1 month is a long-awaited little miracle, which, besides joys, brings a lot of troubles and worries to newly-made parents. Mom is worried about literally everything - whether she is feeding the baby correctly, whether it is developing normally, whether enough milk and sleep for the child, what the regime should be and so on. In fact, a child 1 month compared to a six-month old is a child who eats and sleeps.
Many mothers of grown up children with humor remember those days when the child could be fed on time, and all the rest of the time he indulged in sleep. Invisibly flew a few months, and my mother will have something to do besides feeding and changing: the older the baby, the more active and curious, you need constant supervision and minute monitoring. A child of 1 month is, of course, an equally important period, but he fits into the observance of residual simple rules:
- Regular full-fledged feeding.
- A prolonged sleep.
- Hygienic procedures - bathing, processing the crust on the umbilical cord and parietal crust, reasonable ventilation of the room.
Child 1 month - sleep, wakefulness and feeding regimen
In order to adapt to an unfamiliar world, absolutely unlike a cozy and habitual intrauterine, the baby needs a lot of sleep. All the first week after the birthday, the child sleeps almost without a hitch. Mom should not be frightened of this phenomenon, such a long sleep is considered normal. The second week is marked by regular awakenings of the baby, however the dream remains long - from 18 to 20 hours a day. Modern pediatrics is becoming more democratic to babies in the sense of swaddling, in contrast to the rules of fifty years ago, when the baby was strapped to a tight bundle in diapers, today the baby is allowed to lie and sleep in such a pose as comfortable and convenient. As a rule, a child lays on the back for 1 month, his arms and legs are bent and spread out, his posture resembles a small frog. The baby's dream can be different in depth: if the child goes into a deep sleep, his breathing becomes equal, if the child is in a shallow sleep for 1 month, he can pull the handles, move his eyes under close eyelids, sneeze and yawn. Do not worry, this is a completely normal physiological adaptation manifestation. When the baby wakes up, he usually needs feeding. Often right at meal time, the child again falls into a drowsy condition. Usually at this age a healthy and full-bodied child is silent for 1 month, if he starts to cry or wiggles during the waking period, then something is bothering him. Mom needs to check the diaper, the skin condition of the baby, maybe it's irritated by irritation, intertrigo. Also in the first month, it is advisable to set the feeding regimen independently, to which the little man must get used. To date, pediatricians have not come to a consensus on the diet. Some are supporters of the method of feeding on demand, that is, without a certain time frame. Others, on the contrary, insist on observing a clear time regime, explaining it with the properties of the digestive tract. Perhaps, Mom will choose something in between bezremzhinnym feeding and observance of strict limits. Nevertheless, it is worth keeping at least the norm in the amount of food. It is one-fifth of the original weight of the baby, that is, a child of 1 month weighing 4 kg should drink about 750 ml of breast milk per day. The norm of one intake is also calculated simply: 750 ml is divided by the number of feedings. The baby during the feeding can swallow the air, because the sucking reflex he has since birth, and the skill of competent swallowing yet. That's why after each meal the baby should be given the opportunity to remove from the esophagus excess air, that is, regurgitate. This is done simply: the baby is kept upright after the feeding, with a "column". A typical sign of the formation of the digestive system of the baby is colic, flatulence. So the gastrointestinal system begins the process of forming its functions. To neutralize digestive discomfort, the baby is allowed to drink special dill water, prepared independently or purchased in a pharmacy. It will not be superfluous and delicate massage of the tummy, it should be easily stroked clockwise. Also in the first-aid kit, the mother should have a special tube for evacuation of gases. The parameters by which the food development of a month-old child is determined is a stool, that is, stool masses. By their number, the consistency can determine how healthy the baby is 1 month, how its gastrointestinal system develops. The first infantile feces - meconium is characterized by a greenish tinge, literally from the second day begins to appear feces of a different consistency of color - the transitional stool. The baby should be emptied about 5 times a day, any constipation or diarrhea is an occasion to call a doctor and find out the causes of defecation. Quite possibly, it is a matter of nutrition, the diet of the mother, which is worth changing, since everything that the mother eats passes with breast milk to the baby.
An approximate schedule of feeding, which should be adjusted taking into account the individual characteristics of a month-old baby.
Morning, 6.00 |
120 ml of breast milk or milk formula |
Morning, 6.30 - 9.30 |
Short wakefulness and sleep |
Morning, 9.30 am |
120 ml of milk or milk formula |
Morning, 10.00-13.00 |
Short wakefulness and sleep |
Day, 13.00 |
120 ml of breast milk or mixture |
Day, 13.30-16.30 |
Short wakefulness and sleep |
Day, 16.30 |
120 ml of breast milk or mixture |
Day, evening, 17.00-20.00 |
Short wakefulness and sleep |
Evening, 20.00 |
120 ml of breast milk or mixture |
Evening, 20.30 - 23.30 |
Short wakefulness and sleep |
The night, 23.30 |
120 ml of breast milk or mixture |
A child of 1 month is a baby who requires constant hygienic care. Regular gentle cleansing of the ear canals, washing the face and washing the fingers and toes, obligatory bathing in the evenings are procedures that should be performed daily without interruptions. It is also important to ensure comfortable conditions for sleeping a child. The child 1 month should sleep in a hotel bed, which is more convenient to put next to the place, the mother is sleeping more gently. In the crib of the baby there should not be a pillow, the baby does not need it yet. It is important to ventilate the room in order to ensure the flow of fresh air, of course, provided that there will be no drafts and street noise.
Child 1 month - physiological development
The first time the baby weighs at the time of his birth, then regular measurements of the child's anthropometric data make it possible to judge the positive dynamics in his development. Mom does not need to worry if she found out that the baby, after discharge from the maternity hospital, lost weight. The reduction in body weight, not exceeding 10% of the original weight, is physiologically justified. The child reacts so sharply to a sudden change in the environment, because he previously spent nine months in a completely different world. Starting from the second week of life, the child 1 month will gradually increase the body weight, by the second month the increase can be 550-600 grams. Also, the growth rates are also increasing, for the month the baby can grow by as much as three centimeters. All the indicators adopted for the norms are not universal, each kid develops according to his own personal plan. Standards are needed as benchmarks that help in time to identify deviations in the development of the newborn and allow them to adjust.
A child of 1 month is an unthinking baby, who begins to fix his sight on bright objects only by the third week. The first month is the period of visual adaptation of the child, who learns to see the world around him. For all its drowsiness, the child makes small movements with hands and feet, produces characteristic sounds. But the peak, we can say the triumph of the first month of the baby's life is his first smile. This is an unforgettable moment, which eclipses all anxieties, fears and sleepless nights. The first smile of the baby, albeit unconscious, is a real reward for happy parents.