
Bathing cats

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 20.11.2021

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If the cat's fur has become dirty and greasy, or if it has got into something sticky or foul-smelling, bathing will be good for it. Use a mild shampoo that is safe to bathe cats, and follow these simple steps:

  • First, carefully comb your pet to remove all dead hairs and knuckles.
  • In the bathroom or sink, put a rubber mat to ensure a stable position of the animal's legs.
  • Put the cat in the bathroom or the sink, which is filled with slightly warm water for 8 - 10 centimeters.
  • Using a hose for spraying, wet the animal thoroughly, and do not spray it directly into the ears, eyes and nose. If you do not have a hose for spraying, a large plastic jug or unbreakable cup will do.
  • Gently shampoo the shampoo from head to tail.
  • Rinse the shampoo thoroughly with a spray hose or jug, avoid ears, eyes and nose.
  • Wipe the animal with a large towel.

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