
Very dry hair: what to moisturize with?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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The condition of the hair on the head is mainly a concern for women, who often complain of very dry hair.

Excessive hair dryness is a sign of hair damage. What are its causes and how to restore very dry hair, read on.

Causes of the very dry hair

Generally, the most common causes of this widespread problem are attributed to:

  • with washing your hair too often, especially with hot water;
  • with the use of aggressive detergents containing alkalis, sulfates, cationic surfactants (surface-active agents), etc;
  • with the constant use of blow dryers and other heat styling appliances; [1]
  • with regular hair coloring.

In addition, increased hair dryness is caused by:

  • A decrease in the production of fatty secretion or sebum by the sebaceous glands of the scalp;
  • Nutrient deficiencies, including protein and omega-3 fatty acids; vitamins A, C, E, B7, B9, B12; and macronutrients (zinc, selenium, sulfur);
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • Hypothyroidism or hypoparathyroidism and related deficiency of thyroid or parathyroid hormones;
  • High levels of stress and anxiety, which increases the production of cortisol in the body, as well as decreased blood flow to the scalp, which worsens the trophicity of hair follicles.

Risk factors

Known risk factors for excessive dry hair are:

  • living in a dry, hot climate;
  • prolonged exposure to sunlight in summer and cold winds in winter;
  • chlorinated or salt water;
  • excessive indoor heating;
  • malnutrition or anorexia;
  • menopause;
  • hormonal contraception.


Since the main purpose of sebum is to protect the scalp and hair from moisture loss and unfavorable external influences, the pathogenesis of increased hair dryness is explained by the violation of this protection.

The sebaceous glands are located near the hair follicles and exit into the follicular duct; a lack of sebum secreted by them may be due to problems with the ovaries, testes or adrenal glands and the associated imbalance of sex steroids - testosterone and estrogen - that regulate the sebaceous glands.

Frequent washing, exposure to chemicals and high temperatures, as well as photo-oxidation caused by UF rays can deplete the natural ceramides in the hair that bind the scales surrounding the hair cortex to the cuticle. The cuticle loses its uniformity and loosens: its keratin horny scales no longer fit tightly together around the hair shaft. This causes the hair to lose moisture, i.e. It becomes very dry.

Also read - Hair Structure

Symptoms of the very dry hair

The first signs of excessive dryness of hair are manifested by the loss of its normal shine (it becomes dull).

Also, the symptoms of dry hair are manifested by changes in its texture, making it appear loose ("unruly", poorly combed), and very dry colored hair - discolored.

Discolored hair is very dry, causing it to lose its natural elasticity.

Complications and consequences

When hair is very dry, possible complications and consequences include hair breakage; the appearance of split ends; hair loss; dry scalp with the formation of dry keratinized scales (desquamation) in the form of dandruff.

Diagnostics of the very dry hair

A trichologist or a dermatologist deals with hair problems. Diagnosis for dry hair may consist of scalp examination and examination of the hair shaft under a microscope.

Tests such as a biochemical blood test and tests for hormone (sex and thyroid) and iron levels are required.

Differential diagnosis is performed to find out the true cause of the problem.

Who to contact?

Treatment of the very dry hair

What to do if your hair is very dry? Experts advise starting with a "reset" - a fresh haircut for very dry hair, which will remove the split ends of the hair shafts.

If there are health problems, the condition of the hair may improve after the underlying condition is treated.

You need to find the right hair and scalp care products, including shampoos, conditioners, conditioners, sprays for very dry hair, [2] which should include:

  • fatty acids (oleic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic, etc.);
  • alpha-hydroxy acids (lactic acid, malic acid);
  • natural oils - coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, castor (ricin) oil, safflower oil; avocado and macadamia oil, argan oil, grape seed oil;
  • essential oils - jojoba and sandalwood oil, thyme, lavender, rose, clary sage, ylang-ylang;
  • lanolin or glycerin (glycerol);
  • ceramides, hydrolyzed collagen, sodium hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid);
  • vitamins A and E.

For washing the head it is recommended to use shampoos for very dry hair with collagen, ceramides, hyaluronic acid or hydrolyzed silk proteins (extracted from raw silk fibroin and sericin); with extracts of medicinal plants (burdock root, licorice and comfrey, hop cones, black elderberry flowers, nettle leaves, peppermint, sage, horsetail grass).

It is also recommended to use moisturizing fillers with ceramides, which help restore shine and elasticity to the hair.

How are oils for very dry hair used? Essentially, they are nourishing masks for very dry hair based on vitamin E and antioxidant-rich olive, coconut, almond, ricin or corn oils, which help to strengthen the outer layer of the cuticle.

The simplest and most affordable home masks for very dry hair are made from a slightly heated oil (any of the previously mentioned) on a water bath, to which you can add a few drops of essential oil. The oil is gently rubbed into the hair for a few minutes. After that, cover the hair with a food film, on top - a terry towel and keep for 30-45 minutes. Wash the mask with shampoo, rinse the hair: you can use water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. This rinse "tightens" the cuticle and makes the hair smoother.

It is recommended to do such masks once or twice a week for very dry hair:

  • with olive or ricin oil and raw egg yolk;
  • with egg yolk and heavy cream;
  • sour cream hair mask;
  • with almond oil and gelatin (which is first poured with warm water to swell);
  • glycerin masks;
  • moisturizing masks with coconut oil and parsley root decoction, with natural yogurt and honey, with fresh avocado pulp and jojoba oil.

More information in the material - Dry Hair Care


To avoid the problem with increased dryness of hair should:

  • avoid frequent washing of the head and do not use too hot water;
  • blow dry and style your hair as little as possible;
  • protect your hair from sunlight - wear a hat;
  • Wear a swimming cap when visiting a pool with chlorinated water;
  • Do not pull your hair into a "ponytail" or use metal hair accessories;
  • Use mild shampoos and appropriate hair care products;
  • Drink enough water and add omega-3 fatty acids (found in salmon, mackerel, sardines) and vitamin E (by eating spinach, broccoli, avocados, nuts and seeds) to your diet;
  • regularly massage the scalp to stimulate blood circulation.


The care and maintenance of very dry hair - with the knowledgeable use of the right products - will, in most cases, help minimize hair damage and restore healthy hair.

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